I guess I have to start practicing for this in my bathtub....
I guess I have to start practicing for this in my bathtub....

понедельник, 12 июля 2010

483 Random Tokio Hotel Facts
By Max Dean
Ebook, PDF Format
Download immediately
One listen to Tokio Hotel’s unique-sound is enough to get anybody hooked on this German supergroup! Written by music journalist Max Dean, the best-selling author of 'Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Justin Bieber', this unauthorized book is the largest collection of Tokio Hotel facts ever compiled in one place. Covering their complete story - from their troubled early years to their current status as world-dominating rock Gods - '483 Random Tokio Hotel Facts' explores, both the light side and dark side of their journey to the top. In this Special 2010 Edition, there are over 200 bonus facts on top of the original 483. Includes a section dedicated exclusively to each band member, discography, tour info, award list and a more detailed accounts of key events. Get your hands on THE Tokio Hotel book.
А если вы посмотрите видео прямо на сайте MTV, вы увеличите количество просмотров и MTV Taiwan будет знать, сколько человек смотрит видео TH на MTV !
At the presence of Bill and Tom in Catania on July 16, Universal Music Italy and MTV are glad to announce the episode of Friday will be devoted totally to Tokio Hotel!
Twins will be guests during the whole TRL episode: they will be interviewed and they will present the new CD/DVD released on July 20. During the broadcast they will show in worldwide premiere some sneak peaks from Humanoid City Live filmed in Milano!
Stay tuned for updates and more news .
Twins will be guests during the whole TRL episode: they will be interviewed and they will present the new CD/DVD released on July 20. During the broadcast they will show in worldwide premiere some sneak peaks from Humanoid City Live filmed in Milano!
Stay tuned for updates and more news .
воскресенье, 11 июля 2010
Звучит World Behind My Wall