Here we go!

As promised, here are the release dates for our brand LIVE album and our LIVE DVD. There have already been some dates floating around the fan forums but now it’s official:
Release in Germany, Austria, Switzerland & Belgium: Friday, July 16, 2010
...the rest of the world will follow on the Monday / Tuesday after. Btw: Next week you’ll get to experience the first DVD Trailer on

As promised, here are the release dates for our brand LIVE album and our LIVE DVD. There have already been some dates floating around the fan forums but now it’s official:
Release in Germany, Austria, Switzerland & Belgium: Friday, July 16, 2010
...the rest of the world will follow on the Monday / Tuesday after. Btw: Next week you’ll get to experience the first DVD Trailer on
четверг, 17 июня 2010

Мы с большим удовольствием объявляем, чтобы помочь Music Award Билл Каулитц из Tokio Hotel выставил на аукцион свою любимую цепочку, которую он носил в течение длительного времени и которая принесла ему столько счастья.
Гораздо мудрее образумить человека словом и улыбкой, чем бить его по морде.
Премьера клипа Darkside of the Sun состоится 24 июня, вместо ранее указанного 18.
Информация из блога Тома.
On Thursday next week [June 24th] you’ll get to experience here on the world premiere of our new DVD LIVE video featuring
DARKSIDE OF THE SUN. Also, the official LIVE DVD and LIVE album release
dates will be announced tomorrow.
Информация из блога Тома.
Finally the time has come!!!
On Thursday next week [June 24th] you’ll get to experience here on the world premiere of our new DVD LIVE video featuring
DARKSIDE OF THE SUN. Also, the official LIVE DVD and LIVE album release
dates will be announced tomorrow.
среда, 16 июня 2010
by MaryKai
Download HQ:
- Amadeus Awards 2006
- Düsseldorf Backstage 09.02.2006
- Radio Regenbogen Awards 31.03.2006
- Holland Backstage 2006
- TV Total Stock Car Challenge 07.10.06
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Download HQ:
- Amadeus Awards 2006
- Düsseldorf Backstage 09.02.2006
- Radio Regenbogen Awards 31.03.2006
- Holland Backstage 2006
- TV Total Stock Car Challenge 07.10.06
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BG fans & Tokio Hotel
876 days hard work, over 3000 photos, one fan conffesion in love with size 27,43 m.
“We want to thank to BRAVO, Universal Music Bulgaria and all fans” – said Moni and Vesi.
The idea about the board poster made as one a thousand fans of Tokio Hotel. In past few days the letters for BRAVO didn’t stop to “rain”: “Please do something for a last time. Publish the information for this in your magazine. Let another fans know about our campaign.”
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