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@темы: Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель

Because they simply can ;-]

@темы: Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель

Tokio Hotel presenting "Star of the stars" Comet 2010 (вид сзади)

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@темы: video, видео, Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель

stay gold
Detlef D! Soost: „Oberhausen, what’s up? Okay, I’ll keep it short: Nominated for a Comet Award in the category ... you can already imagine ... „Best Liveact“ are...“
Tom: „The important things are the live concerts, being together with the fans and just rocking.“ Detlef D! Soost: „Well... I am relaxed, you are excited... The Best Liveact in 2010 and with that the owner of the Comet Award are... TOKIO HOTEL!“
Moderator: „Yeah, it was clear that it’s gonna loud in the venue now. What a story of success! 6 million sold records, 12 Comet Awards (inclusive the hungarian Comet!), in 2008 they won record-breaking 4 Comet Awards on only 1 evening, furthermore 3 Echos, international MTV Awards. Here in Oberhausen they got their first prize ever, it was a Comet as well. Congrats to the 4 boys from Magdeburg, to Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav!”
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@темы: Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель

Name: 10-05-21 - Comet 2010 - Tokio Hotel best liveact.avi
Size: 51.65MB

Name: 10-05-21 - Comet 2010 - Tokio Hotel Laudatio Stars der Stars.avi
Size: 19.30MB
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@темы: video, видео, Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель

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Unbelievable! Tokio Hotel did it again!
Absolutely amazing - Tokio Hotel won another comet awards at this year's ceremony in Oberhausen, Germany. Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg received the prestigious trophy in the category "LIVE". Thanks to everyone for the gigantic support - YOU ROCK!

@темы: Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель

stay gold