среда, 19 мая 2010
вторник, 18 мая 2010
Фаны подметили, что Том часто употребляет "You Know" and "LikeLike"
6 знаменитостей, которым следовало бы иметь собственных кукол Барби
1.) Hayley Williams
2.) Tyson Ritter
3.) Katy Perry & Russell Brand
4.) Justin Bieber
5.) Ke$ha

6.) Bill Kaulitz: The Tokio Hotel frontman is so beautiful, we're worried that Barbie might be threatened by his looks. She's been super-insecure since that behatch Bella Swan Barbie hit the scene and started flirting with Edward Cullen Ken.
*кукла Билла стала бы заигрывать с Кеном
1.) Hayley Williams
2.) Tyson Ritter
3.) Katy Perry & Russell Brand
4.) Justin Bieber
5.) Ke$ha

6.) Bill Kaulitz: The Tokio Hotel frontman is so beautiful, we're worried that Barbie might be threatened by his looks. She's been super-insecure since that behatch Bella Swan Barbie hit the scene and started flirting with Edward Cullen Ken.
*кукла Билла стала бы заигрывать с Кеном

by Universal Music Malaysia
понедельник, 17 мая 2010

Friday, 21.05.2010, live from 20.00 Clock
Saturday, 22.05.2010, 14.00 Clock – 16.00 Clock (Wh.)
Sunday, 23.05.2010, 17.00 Clock – 19.00 Clock (Wh.)
Monday, 24.05.2010, 13.00 Clock – 15.00 Clock (Wh.)
Wednesday, 26.05.2010, 22.30 Clock – 0.30 Clock (Wh.)
Thursday, 27.05.2010, 16.00 Clock – 18.00 (Wh.)
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