Style Battle: Who Wears A Spiked Jacket The Best? Jason Derulo, Adam Lambert Or Bill Kaulitz?
Was there some kind of crazy fire sale on shoulder-spiked jackets that we weren't aware of? Because there's one particular blazer that seems to be making the rounds.
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Сразу предупреждаю, что ТН в видео нет. Но меня заинтересовало помещение, где проходит мит
Практически туалет )))

Раз, два, три, четыре, пять, мы идем тебя искать!
Ищем фанов Tokio Hotel !
Если ты - фан ТХ и обитаешь на дайри,
то молнией метнись на ~th-fundom, поставь отметку, что ты существуешь и оставь смайлик в комментах.
Ищем фанов Tokio Hotel !
Если ты - фан ТХ и обитаешь на дайри,
то молнией метнись на ~th-fundom, поставь отметку, что ты существуешь и оставь смайлик в комментах.
пятница, 14 мая 2010

«World Behind My Wall» в верхней части чартов самых крупных радиостанций в Малайзии и Сингапуре. Запланированную автограф-сессию в Малайзии пришлось прервать из-за не контролируемой истерии фанов. На Тайване последний альбом «Humanoid» получил Золотой статус. Всего в мире на сегодняшний день продано более 7 миллионов дисков. Даже в таких странах, как Франция, Италия, Испания, Португалия, Швеция, Россия, Израиль группа весьма успешна.
Foreign record companies decided that the video-premiere of "Darkside of the Sun" was postponed to June.
Премьера отложена до июня.
Премьера отложена до июня.

Tom Kaulitz - vIAGRAtarian !

Tom Kaulitz - vIAGRAtarian !
It is THE celebrity-headline of the day. Tom Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel is supposed to have had a Viagra-accident. The band is currently in Asia, and to party properly with a couple of girls in the evening, Tom supposedly took several of the blue pills. What the point of that was and how Tom is now, our reporters know more about it:
What did he just think when he was doing that? It doesn’t surprise us that Tom is the type of guy for lout-headlines, but taking Viagra as a 20-years-old for fun?! At a night market in Taiwan somebody imposed the pills on him, Tom said. "I even asked the Seller: Do I look like as if I'm not getting the flag up anymore? He meant 'no' – but I should try it though. Then I took one." A dangerous recklessness, since Viagra is anything but a funny party drug.
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What did he just think when he was doing that? It doesn’t surprise us that Tom is the type of guy for lout-headlines, but taking Viagra as a 20-years-old for fun?! At a night market in Taiwan somebody imposed the pills on him, Tom said. "I even asked the Seller: Do I look like as if I'm not getting the flag up anymore? He meant 'no' – but I should try it though. Then I took one." A dangerous recklessness, since Viagra is anything but a funny party drug.
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Do you guys know “Domino Day” on German RTL?!
Here comes "Staples-Day", or is it Manhattan in 3D again, I can’t really tell?!
Here comes "Staples-Day", or is it Manhattan in 3D again, I can’t really tell?!

The party was a complete flop…
Tom Kaulitz (20) from „Tokio Hotel“ partied in Taiwan with a few girls. At the same time he took a overdose of viagra.
The effect lasted for almost two days. He also had a headache and a impaired vision.
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