Foreign record companies decided that the video-premiere of "Darkside of the Sun" was postponed to June. Премьера отложена до июня.
It is THE celebrity-headline of the day. Tom Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel is supposed to have had a Viagra-accident. The band is currently in Asia, and to party properly with a couple of girls in the evening, Tom supposedly took several of the blue pills. What the point of that was and how Tom is now, our reporters know more about it:
What did he just think when he was doing that? It doesn’t surprise us that Tom is the type of guy for lout-headlines, but taking Viagra as a 20-years-old for fun?! At a night market in Taiwan somebody imposed the pills on him, Tom said. "I even asked the Seller: Do I look like as if I'm not getting the flag up anymore? He meant 'no' – but I should try it though. Then I took one." A dangerous recklessness, since Viagra is anything but a funny party drug. читать дальше Doctor: “The side effects of those medicaments are headaches, extreme headaches, feelings of dizziness, color vision, it can lead – if you take it with the corresponding amount of alcohol – to circulatory collapse.”
Conspicuously is how careless Tom takes this situation. In the hotel, where he was body contacting with some girls, he was supposed to even take more of the pills.
"Then I took a few more pills. Probably too many. At the next morning my head was hurting and in front of my eyes everything was in a blur."
And even his stability was very painful. Quite cool and not all that embarrassed, Tom talked about the dangerous abuse. And because of that there are doubts if it really happened. Especially since the band is currently fighting against a slow season and many of the concerts aren’t sold out anymore.
Jo Groebel: “Obviously you have to get a move on, because in all seriousness, that’s a stunt, which wouldn’t have got to the press, if it wasn’t put out by Tokio Hotel themselves or the management. No, that’s a wanted headline.”
So far, Tom has been boasting about not missing anything out on girls.
Tom: “I actually had good sex worldwide.”
The more surprising is, that the 20-years-old is supposed to need Viagra. But if it’s staged or not – the abuse of those blue pills is anything but funny, because in the worst case it can even lead to death.
Tom Kaulitz (20) from „Tokio Hotel“ partied in Taiwan with a few girls. At the same time he took a overdose of viagra.
The effect lasted for almost two days. He also had a headache and a impaired vision. читать дальше VIAGRA-ACCIDENT!
“Tokio Hotel” is for the first time in Asia. Screaming masses of fans, great concerts, number 1 in the charts.
But why Tom was doing such a rubbish?
“In Taiwan someone sold me the pills at the market”, he said to BILD. “I even asked the Seller: Do I look like as if I’m not getting the flag up anymore? He meant ,no’ – and that I should try it though. Then I took one.”
Unbelievable! Doctors warned to not use viagra like a party drug.
Back in hotel, Tom moved closer with a few girls.
“Then I took a few more pills. Probably too many. At the next morning my head was hurting and in front of my eyes everything was in a blur. “
Also Toms constancy lasted for many painful hours.
Brother Bill (20) to BILD: “Why he took such shit! He always is horny from one second to the other.”
читать дальшеHot Magazine nº 06/10 (Malaysia) Bravo (Россия) KP (Швеция) #7/2010 Why is Germany guilty of the biggest hole in the ozone layer? Answer: Bill Kaulitz live there (need some hair spray to his hair style)
На MTV RTL Италии Tokio Hotel были номинированы в категории "Лучшая группа" и, как показывало голосование, значительно опережали Muse. Однако, победителями были названы Muse. Почему? Фаны отправили письмо на электронную почту RTL с просьбой объяснить ситуацию. Редакция пояснила, что в этой категории присуждается специальный приз от MTV и победитель был выбран жюри MTV, а не голосами поклонников.