Хайди Клум и Том Каулитц прибывают в отель Telegraphenamt в районе Берлин-Митте, Германия. Через 15 минут они снова выходят из отеля и идут в ресторан Grill Royal. После раннего ужина они возвращаются в отель. Альбом - new.fastpic.org/album/t85sBZHgco
●1 - Густав /1: drive.google.com/file/d/1Jegi8Wv1q4ECFvYnwucSQS... Доброе утро. Наша Людда сегодня в школе немного похожа на зомби. Это было не намного позже, чем обычно, но множество впечатлений и лазертаг также оставили на мне следы усталости.
Tokio Hotel gibt Konzert in Leipzig – Bill, Tom und Co. besuchen vorher die Polizei
читать дальшеWer die Social-Media-Accounts der Superstars verfolgt, kommt unweigerlich zu dem Schluss: Tokio Hotel und Heidi Klum sind in Leipzig – und zwar bei der Polizei. Am Mittwochabend spielt die Band im Haus Auensee.
Leipzig. Tokio Hotel spielen am Mittwoch in Leipzig. Der Stop im Haus Auensee ist Teil ihrer Beyond the World-Tour. Dabei hat die Band rund um die Kaulitz-Brüder prominente Begleitung von Heidi Klum – und scheinbar die Polizei in der Messestadt besucht.
Am Nachmittag posteten sowohl Klum als auch Bill Kaulitz Videos, in denen die Band teils mit Polizeiuniform und einer Beamtin und einem Beamten posierten. Dazu sagte Bill: „Ich bin jetzt schon Polizist.“ Und verwies auf die „lieben Ausbilder“ für den Tag namens Christian und Nadine.
Auch die sächsische Polizei postete auf ihrem Instagram-Kanal ein kurzes Video mit Tokio Hotel. Fazit: Die Band ist geeignet für den Dienst bei den Ordnungshütern. „Naturtalente“, wie die Kaulitz-Brüder selbst darin sagen.
Auch Heidi Klum mit Polizeimütze abgelichtet Was genau die Band auf dem Gelände der Polizeischule im Norden der Stadt machte, konnte die Pressestelle der Leipziger Polizei auf Anfrage zunächst nicht sagen. Möglicherweise geht das Ganze auf einen Brief zurück, den Bill von einem Polizeipärchen erhalten haben soll. Davon berichtete er im Podcast Kaulitz Hills, den er gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Tom macht. Demnach soll das Paar geschrieben haben: „Wenn du dich intensiver mit uns beschäftigen willst, dann ruf an!“
Auch Heidi Klum postete am Nachmittag ein Foto mit Polizeimütze und sächsischem Wappen. Das internationale Topmodel und Gesicht von „Germanys Next Topmodel“ ist seit 2019 mit dem Gitarristen der Band Tom Kaulitz verheiratet. Durch ihre Story bei Instagram konnte man bereits ab dem Mittwochmorgen verfolgen, wie die 49-Jährige erst in einem deutschen Flieger unterwegs war und schließlich mit dem Auto. Das legt nahe, dass Klum wie schon 2019 mit der Band auf Tour ist. Klums Management machte dazu auf Anfrage der LVZ bisher keine Angaben.
Kaulitz-Brüder sind in Leipzig geboren Tokio Hotel reisen derzeit mit ihrer „Beyond the World Tour“ durch Europa. Am Montag noch in Paris, spielt die Band mit den ostdeutschen Wurzeln am Mittwoch im Haus Auensee. Die Zwillingsbrüder Kaulitz reisen damit in die Stadt, in der sie geboren wurden. ... www.lvz.de/lokales/leipzig/tokio-hotel-und-heid...
Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz at Eden Roc hotel in Antibes, France during the 76th annual Cannes film festival on May 24, 2023. Фотоальбом - new.fastpic.org/album/HmKGwURg0U
● - Георг /435: This tour was everything Thanks to everyone joining us! We had the best time on stage every night! A special thank you goes out to our lovely crew and everyone involved in this tour Love you lots by @leonschlesselmann
●1-8 - Густав /540: Meine wundervolle Tochter, Ich habe in meinem Leben wirklich schon sehr viel erlebt aber die Liebe zu dir ist das wunderschönste, was ich je gespürt habe. Du bringst mich jeden Tag zum Lachen und zeigst mir die Welt auf eine wundervolle Weise. Ich liebe dich mehr als alles andere auf der ganzen Welt. Happy Birthday meine kleine Prinzessin ————————— #birthday #princess #love
Моя замечательная дочь, я действительно через многое прошел в своей жизни, но любовь к тебе — это самое прекрасное, что я когда-либо чувствовал. Ты каждый день смеешься и показываешь мне мир чудесным образом. Я люблю тебя больше всего на свете. С днем рождения, моя маленькая принцесса
Берлин (24.05.2023) ● - Tokio Hotel (TW) В переписке с фанами Бразилии, Мексики и Перу в твитере Tokio Hotel поблагодарили их и пообещали приехать с туром.
Pre Hang Cracow читать дальшеQ: how are guys feeling now that tour is about to end? Bill: excited for the last show. He said he felt sick that morning and was scared for his voice but took meds and he's feeling better. He pointed to the photographer saying ,I got it from him!" Q: how do you like Cracow? did you guys do any sightseeing? Bill: we didn't, we got here just this morning. Tom asked who's from Cracow - no one in our group was actually from here but someone named a couple of popular places and said that nightclubs are pretty good. Q: That led to the question about some after party after the show. Bill: we can't. Tom has some… public *looks at Tom and asks - can I say it?* Tom: no Bill: Tom has some public appearance to do. And me and my friends are going to a SPA, much deserved SPA.
Q: were there any unexpected moments during the tour? like backstage or during the show? Bill: there probably were but we forget - Tom agreed. Tom: there were some stuff you guys don't realize that don't go as planned during the show but as long as you guys have a good time and a show to remember - that the most important thing to us. Something definitely unexpected was singing Alien and Ich bin nicht ich. But that will not happen again! Q:One girl told the guys how she's been listening to them since she was 4, she asked Bill if he could write her something for a tattoo, he agreed. They also loved the tattoo she already had.
Before the guys came me and others were talking about the support and I couldn't remember the support bands name from the previous tour - I was so frustrated that I couldn't remember that led to a question: Q: to test your guys' memory - what was the support bands name from last tour? They said Charming Liars. I was like OMFG of course it was! And Bill or Tom asked: do you guys remember blog 27? (Blog27 were two polish girls who were their support in 2006) and they started singing a little part of their song and doing a little dance with their hands I was shook that they still remember! Tom asked if they are still around, I said that they split, had little solo careers but we haven't heard about them for years now. Tom asked who's the biggest artist in Poland? The silence that fell there
Q: which songs do you guys find the most difficult to play live? Georg: for me its Runaway Bill: vocals for When it rains it pours are challenging with all the changing notes. Tom talked about how he likes the fact that songs are challenging to play cuz you don't get , bored" playing them, that you don't play them automatically but you have to think while playing. Then somehow Bill mentioned reading somewhere: she said the mood goes down after like six songs. He said he didn't like that. He didn't say who it was or where he read it but from the conversation it seemed like some journalist? But again, he didn't say anything about who it was. Then he said: ,,she's a bitch Gustav went: in polish its kurwa someone said that its also dziwka so Bill went ,,she's a dziwka
Q: I have my little one (15 months old iirc) outside with the father, lyrics wanted to bring the baby here but it wasn't allowed so could I maybe get something for her, like the pick or drum stick? They said of course but they have anything on them but they will figure something out. Bill: or Tom you could give her one of your rings or bracelet. The rings look cheap anyway Q: what's next? any music goals, dreams to achieve? Bill mentioned that they are doing a lot of tv now and in the near future. Tom: I wanna collab with some people (writing and producing), definitely receive a grammy.
Q: something about the next tour, where do you wanna play and will you come back to Poland during the next tour? Bill: definitely! I love the tradition of ending tours in Poland. Tom: we've done that? We were nodding and saying ,yeah". Bill: yeah, we ended the last tour here as well. Tom: really? We're still nodding saying ,yeah" Bill: it's a nice little tradition that we start in London and end in Poland. Then girls from Moscow (I think) said that they had 2 shows in Moscow after the one in Poland. Then the guys started lightly arguing about which tour has ended in Poland, to the point they switched to german while arguing Tom: I love how you guys are all agreeing saying yes not even knowing it that actually happened Georg: but we also like to switch it up a bit, like for this tour we didn't go to Austria and Switzerland (iirc) so you never know!
Q: if there were venues that didn't agree to have you guys play the show there in the past - how does it feels to go there now after years and play there? Bill: like they didn't believe in us and didn't let us play? It feels great. Having success is the best reward and you can have a little fuck you moment. Although I preferred kill them with kindness approach more but a little fuck you moment is nice. Q: do you guys wanna do summer camp again? Bill: for sure! I enjoyed it a lot. We wanna go back to the studio, write new music, they have some tv to do but maybe in a year or two they could do the summer camp. Q: will there be season two of That's my jam? Tom: depends on how much you guys stream it. So stream it!
читать дальше●1 - Билл /1: yadi.sk/i/aFISf8TmnffLeQ ●2 - Билл /2: Bill und Tom fühlen sich diese Woche etwas ,,under the weather". Liegt das am Schlafmangel im Tourbus, der wenigen Privatsphäre oder dem hohen Stressfaktor? WIE FÜHLT IHR EUCH? Under the weather. Alles okay!
●1 - Билл /5: yadi.sk/i/IzXj24Oqu_Dh8g ●2 - Билл /6: Wann gibts die Wolters vs die Kaulitz ? am 26. mai sind wir zu gast bei THATS MY JAM! der neuen show von @billkaulitz und tom. das wird spananend könnt ihr auf rtl+ gucken!
●1 - Tokio Hotel /9: yadi.sk/i/h1BH_JV711BZ8A We can't believe the tour we worked on for so long ended tonight. Thanks to each and every one of you for coming out and making this tour as special as it was. In case you didn't have the chance to come, we're looking forward to see you at our headline show @zfr bochum or another festival set. We love you guys and we can't wait to see you again! Thank you!
Мы не можем поверить, что тур, над которым мы так долго работали, закончился сегодня вечером. Спасибо каждому из вас за то, что пришли и сделали этот тур таким особенным, каким он был. Если у вас не было возможности прийти, мы с нетерпением ждем встречи с вами на нашем хедлайнерском шоу @zfr bochum или на другом фестивале. Мы любим вас, ребята, и нам не терпится увидеть вас снова! Спасибо!