понедельник, 08 мая 2023
воскресенье, 07 мая 2023

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@@: angela.hoefler, josy_haensel, saskia_toma27

@@: __almostalice__, angela.hoefler

Bill looks absolutely stunning in
@driesvannoten jacket with sequins 2950€
@gucci neon GG-jacquard skinny track pants 700€

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●1 - Tokio Hotel /5: видео: yadi.sk/i/mg8glxt46MCJ4A

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●1 - Tokio Hotel /2: видео: yadi.sk/i/sLcWygu1V-r3Kg

● - thgns

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@@: BruinsMartine, sirenissime

●1 - Tokio Hotel /4-5: видео:
●2 - Tokio Hotel /6: видео: yadi.sk/i/yTRFL5zjo-fWxQ
●3 - Густав /5-6: видео:
●4 - jwgijsbers

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@@: MelancholicElis
World Behind My Wall - youtu.be/2T7RIUQTeAw
Spring Nicht - youtu.be/mgpX6JaF5hk
White Lies - youtu.be/eSgQQD2jl8Q
Fahr Mit Mir - youtu.be/QMe0uRCZdVw

@@: creabealounge, elisebrechaus_

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●1 - Билл /4: видео: yadi.sk/i/n18nlc5NefsJgA
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@lalaberlin jacket juka 559€
@lalaberlin pants peva 459€

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Аккаунты: dreamxmachinex, kurraiko_yuro, mrsanna97, sha_tine

Аккаунты: dreamxmachinex, tbtokiohotel

Fahr mit mir - youtu.be/7MJHZ32AH9g
Love who loves you back - youtu.be/4jbkh1T2hIU
Run Run Run - youtu.be/rlMqWtFvBUc
Spring nicht - youtu.be/No4Ln6v1JKc
The world behind my wall - youtu.be/N_W4C6yBNJQ
The Heart get not Sleep - youtu.be/rv61RN6U6UA
Durch den Monsun - youtu.be/TvzSsY7Ogik
пятница, 05 мая 2023

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● - Билл /2625: www.instagram.com/p/Cr3tiPXIV68/
Frankfurt last night Next stop #arnhem #beyondtheworldtour #tokiohotel by @leonschlesselmann

● - Tokio Hotel /293: www.instagram.com/p/Cr3rdddr4cY/
Thank you Frankfurt @leonschlesselmann

● - Tokio Hotel /294: www.instagram.com/p/Cr3rmSNrCt4/
FFM @leonschlesselmann
+ видео:

●1-2 - leonschlesselmann
●3 - Tokio Hotel /:
Thank you Frankfurt #automatic @leonschlesselmann
Инста-истории Билла - yadi.sk/d/YpXHTMxKSyeqKg

●1 - Bill Kaulitz :


●1 - Tokio Hotel /8: видео: yadi.sk/i/Ks5qV6H-KKqcWw

Аккаунты: jennybas, moon_walker_x, mrsanna97, vanitas483

Аккаунты: __almostalice, _marija_cvj_, nastassja_kl, steffieundjaquies_diary, thgns, tocuremyheart

четверг, 04 мая 2023

In ihrem Podcast "Kaulitz Hills" haben sich die Brüder über die Serie "The Crown" und die Königsfamilie ausgetauscht. Ihnen scheint das Konzept sehr zu gefallen.
Aktuell sind Bill und Tom Kaulitz (beide 33) mit ihrer Band Tokio Hotel wieder in verschiedenen europäischen Städten unterwegs. Kein Wunder, dass sie in ihrem Podcast "Kaulitz Hills" ausführlich von dieser Rückkehr zum Tour-Leben schwärmen. Vor kurzem hat eines ihrer Konzerte die Brüder auch nach London verschlagen, wo in wenigen Tagen bekanntermaßen die Krönung von König Charles III. (74) stattfindet. Seinen Palast in der englischen Hauptstadt hat Bill Kaulitz im Rahmen des tourbedingten Aufenthalts erstmals gesehen und nutzte den Anlass, um gemeinsam mit Bruder Tom über das Leben der Royals zu schwärmen.
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@lalaberlin pants polli in lime green 429€
@chanelofficial cruise pearly white necklace 1460€
@palomospain mini Castellana Pink 450€
@gucci sunglasses GG0443S 212€
среда, 03 мая 2023

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● - Билл /2623: www.instagram.com/p/Cry5SemIbLQ/
living my best life on stage with my boys every night @tokiohotel
pics by @leonschlesselmann #tour #beyondtheworld

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jacobtheegoist, mavishots
Tokio Hotel - White Lies - Brussels 2023 (Beyond The World Tour) youtu.be/9LoW7syYNo8

●1 - Tokio Hotel /13: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1EOsX_yFA07YXt5NHvsVdOX...
●2 - Tokio Hotel /15: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/11Yx5bi-I9bCE9rvNdADyxm...

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● - Tokio Hotel /284: www.instagram.com/p/CrtOxrCMEsM/
● - Tokio Hotel /283: www.instagram.com/p/CrtNsTDsPC0/
London @leonschlesselmann

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● - @amydorkingphotography

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● - Билл /2620: www.instagram.com/p/Crtj9ncoTy-/
London that was just #beyondtheworld @tokiohotel pics by @leonschlesselmann

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Tokio Hotel - Schwarz - London 2023 youtu.be/b7nwS0Qw1ME
Tokio Hotel Just a Moment London 2023 youtu.be/hCHm7OXSIPo
Tokio Hotel - Spring Nicht live in London 30 04 2023 HD youtu.be/VZSaRKeEyfU
вторник, 02 мая 2023

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● - Bill Kaulitz /1-7, 10-11: репосты - drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Xfcf7Qar0GDQlsN...

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●1 - Heidi Klum /1
●2 - Heidi Klum /2: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1k9aqwk2GY8VoklVwpP9qo2...

For promo before the show @billkaulitz wore a longsleeved version of the Black Polo Jumpsuit from @palomospain.
For promo before the show @billkaulitz wore the @converse Chuck Taylor high-top white canvas sneakers.
For promo before the show @billkaulitz wore the @louisvuitton Cyclone sunglasses, with logo on the sides and crystal Monogram Flower on the front.

Tokio Hotel Make Grand Return To London With First Show On New ‘Beyond The World’ European Tour
It’s been a long time between tours for UK fans of Tokio Hotel. The German quartet haven’t made it to our shores since 2019, performing at London’s O2 Forum, Kentish Town, on April 29 that year. Of course, they had intended to come sooner; like everyone else in the world they’ve had to put things on hold due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, and their ‘Beyond The World’ tour, which had been planned for Autumn 2021, had to be postponed. Finally however, almost 4 years to the day, they returned, with an incredible show on April 30 at London’s O2 Indigo, and the first date of their European tour.
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понедельник, 01 мая 2023

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●1 - Билл /3: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1vkkIWFlbeIwdB9V88DM0w5...
●2-3 - Билл /4,10

●1 - Лаки /1: медиа: drive.google.com/file/d/1RliMIXEVEsJ4aL6Fukdq-4...

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●1 - Tokio Hotel /: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/12yFpkIbwslaxGjqZe4hcce...
●2 - alexpace.music
●3 - Tokio Hotel /: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1AVCs1Nh7gRHIWZKIfZSVz3...
●4 - Густав /6: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1lTXiQaB7LpcseJPvDhCUIe...

●5 - Tokio Hotel :
Us & 1M of You

#tokiohotel #tomkaulitz #support #billkaulitz #viral #edit #fyp

+ видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1E8WUfppm_S5A8E1kRCCIRv...
Post-chill: Bill said when him and Georg was out yesterday, he got a sudden feeling of happiness, because they are still doing this, touring together as a band
Also he just recently understood how important old songs are to us fans, and how much they mean to us all, for him its just songs he wrote and recorded when he was 17. He’s really happy they are playing world behind my wall as well
the next tour they will do WILL be Latin America. They are planning it right now, but it’s difficult as lots of different rules, and they don’t have many contacts there. But yeah, LATAM fans, start saving
Источник: Tokio Hotel Denmark twitter.com/tokiohoteldk
+ (02.05.2023)

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воскресенье, 30 апреля 2023

●1 - alexpace.music : видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1PaznacWi8-KubteUNCe8XY...
●2 - alexpace.music : видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1FTVwbwDMSY3Qb0I7BYL5h6...
Фото и видео: drive.google.com/drive/folders/1H7je8KY6rcfuFUJ...
видео на youtube - www.youtube.com/@CuraDeiCapelli/videos
Фото и видео (дополнение 1): drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aqgSeHvaLr43MnT...

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