●1 - Густав /1: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1Nr1wzN7S0Vg3JrbEOeFUTP...
●2 - Густав /2: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/13RsU3HMAcHaAeV2aiqyS_L...

Здесь сцена
●3 - Билл /2: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1hrU7QFlLkjKcwRRK8oaXgp...

●1 - Tokio Hotel /1
●2 - Tokio Hotel /276:
You guys asked for Tokio Hotel TV? Here you’ll have a little preview! We finally played the living room concert for our lucky winner of the „2001“- golden ticket and thought we take you with us! Full TH-TV episode coming soon, stay tuned!