translation by BKth4e/tha
Part 1
Speaker: Lilly and Alex are crazy about Tokio Hotel. For five years they are following their favourite band. Suddenly they are very close to their idols.
Alex: Bill, let's go drink some coffee?
Bill: Who goes drinking a coffee?
Alex: We both?
читать дальшеBill: We ?
Alex: Yes...tell me?
Speaker: Coffe break with Tokio Hotel. For this dream Alex and Lilly follow Tokio Hotel on their European-tour. Will the date with Bill and Tom come true?
Speaker: Ten times Platin, four number one hits...countless awards...The success Story of Tokio Hotel. Breakthrough in 2005...since then Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav are unstopable. From the members of a schoolband from Magdeburg they became to celebrated superstars in the last few years. They produce one hit after the other, filled worldwide concert-venues and rows and push girls into madness,
One of them is Lilly from Dresden. The eighteen is fan from day one and she doesn't miss any apperance of her favourites. Lilly wants to travel with her best friend Alex after the band through europe. Today the fans get ready for this in Berlin. In the cold they lie in wait in front of a 5 star Hotel, because it's all about
Lilly: Tokio Hotel...for who else?
Alex: Who have been in the smoking-area til 3.30 in the morning and for sure are still in bed...but at least we are already here...( laughs)
Lilly: Exactly...we are here since 6.30
Speaker: Have you already been here last night?
Lilly: evening...but
Alex: to 22.00
Lilly: As we gave up hope …. we saw the light in the we knew, they are in the hotel.
Alex: Exactly...
Lilly: and then we left
Speaker: Tokio Hotel are in the city because of an award-show. Lilly hopes to catch the boys, when they left the hotel. For an autograph or a picture she accepts the waiting for hours, because the band is like family for her.
Lilly: I grew up with Tokio Hotel. It belongs absolutly to my life. As they started, I felt completly understood. I saw them for the first time and i got the feeling to be home.
Speaker: The passion for the band connects the two friends. They got to know each could it be different...during an apperance of the band. Also Alex is Fan from day one.
Alex: I would call least a drug...some kind of adiction. Of course, if you have once such an expierence, you want to have it again. A day without Tokio Hotel doesn't exist.
Speaker: Lilly organizes regulary Fan-Meetings in Sachsen. She knows everything about Tokio Hotel. The prospective child care worker gave very often interviews at red carpets. As a „ Super Fan“ she is in the center of the attention. A feeling that she missed at home.
Lilly: The band became very important to me in the last four years. They have shaped my life completly. In the meantime they are nearly more important then my family...or they are a part of family in any case.
Speaker: And the Tokio Hotel-family is connected by a hymn
Lilly: Somehow the band got me more ..than my family, My parents often told me, that they would rather like to have a son than a daughter....and then my brother was born. Everything was about my brother. I sufferd a lot of this...for ten years i was the only child and then suddenly you take the back seat. And yes...i had a lot of trouble with my was the „rebellion phase“ and nobody understood me..i was always the black sheep..and every three minutes they's not ok what you cann't go out like this...and then Tokio Hotel appeared. Suddenly i felt understood. They were people around me, who understood me...the band expressed exactly the things that i always wanted to say. I never knew how to say ...this is my oppinion, this is my way, my life.
Speaker: To be as close as possible Lilly and Alex take a lot.
Lilly: Totaly in trouble with your family...twenty hours waiting by -17 Grad...standing in snow-rain...such things
Alex: The longest trip was by now the netherland.....but now we will top this with this tour
Lilly: Yes...we both want to fly to Genf, Madrid and concerts.
Alex: Well, the tour, that we are planing, will cost about 1000 to 1500 Euros
Lilly: In any case several thousand Euros
Alex: For sure
Lilly: We live for this band...we have not other hobbies..we allow ourself anything...i havn't been on vacations since years...everything is for Tokio Hotel
Speaker: Thereby Alex has only a 400 Euro job and Lilly earned nothing from her school-education. She has only156 euro per month child allowance.
Lilly: I have still no idea how we will make it..we rather make a mystery tour...we can't speak the language, we don't rudimentarily know where to sleep, we don't know how Genf looks, whether we will find the venue, what will happen there...the same with Barcelona...we somehow make a mystery tour..and hope we could manage it.
Speaker: Lilly have learned how to improvise, but nevertheless she doesn't know whether she will be succesful. Today the chance to catch the boys is minimal. The right sense is important.
Lilly: Alex is now at the underground carpark, because someone from MTV has just been going there and she is watching, whether they will left we have to part at the hotel
Speaker: For the girls it would be a catastropy to miss Tokio Hotel.
Alex: The girl said, that she just saw one dog from Bill and Tom But i see no dog anymore. But two big cars are just leaving and it could be definitly Tokio Hotel....and we are definitly not sure, whether they just left....and the way she is running....ok, i follow her
Speaker: Is the band secretly sneeking away?
Alex: In my eyes they just left.
Lilly: Shit
Alex. Out of the underground carpark
Lilly: Shit...boah...where...which way?
Alex: the marriot and then straight on
Lilly: Shit.
Alex: Three, hm two really big cars...sure...out of the underground the warm air...
Lilly: Nooo
Alex: Sure...and now?...The girl with the green ….she has been there too...shall i ask her?
Lilly: Do you speak german? Whom did you just saw?
Girl: Tokio Hotel
Lilly: Have they just left?
Girl: Yes
Lilly: with the cars?
Girl: Yes
Alex: Lilly...they left
Lilly: No...or?
Alex: Sure...they
Lilly: They didn't show up at the hotel?
Lilly: Of course..she has pictures
Alex: That realy sucks...for hours waiting and then the boys jerk around with us ( laughs)
Speaker: Wainting in vaine...and for this Lilly even skiped the school.
Lilly: I am really thinking for minute to skip school tomorrow and be at the Ritz once again.
Alex: Realy? You want to go to the Ritz tomorrow too?
Lilly: My parents will kill me for this. I can only get a sick-note for one day...the next day it would be unexcused...and that means realy trouble
Alex: It's your decision
Lilly: I will decide it tonight
Lilly: Eveytime it is something completly new, if you see the boys. You can't say, jus becauce you have got one autograph or one picture, you are done with it. Besides...i have now one autograph, then next you want a picture with the whole band, then you would love to talk to them for a minute and so on and want to be recognized...and that's what i want with Tokio Hotel, because they are suchlike important for me...yes...that's my goal.
Speaker: The goal of tonight is, to support Tokio Hotel during the EMA's in Berlin. The group is nominated in the category Best Band. Lilly and Alex have won tickets in the internet.
Lilly: It was awesome....awesome...they got the award..the award for best group in berlin...we have been in the second row in front of Tom during the apperance...and it was awesome, worth it
Alex: There is no other word for this then awesome...awesome...Wicked...
Lilly: They got it, they got it
Alex: It's's great
Lilly: i am happy....happy
Speaker: Lilly and Alex will follow Tokio Hotel to Genf, Barcelona and Madrid. They have already the tickets, but how close will there be to the boys?
Tokio Hotel are worldstars who rows and push millions of girls insane.
Part 2
The prospective educator enters today the journey of her life.
"I'm going for Tokio Hotel, to Geneva, Barcelona, and Madrid, for the concerts. And, yeah - I have a bit of a big suitcase here with me, because I want to be prepared for all situations."
The eighteen-year-old has been into Tokio Hotel since their first hit. Now her fandom reaches a new level. Lilli is traveling abroad for the band for the first time. Through Europe, with her friend Alex.
"What all have you schlepped along?!?!"
"The two posters are inside. Both."
Alex's room could also work as a Tokio Hotel museum. For five years she has collected everything that has to do with the band. On their European tour, she wants to get to know the guys personally. Both girls live for this dream. And in case of that circumstance, they must appear their best.
"I'm packing another ... (something?)."
"Those to a concert?"
"Yeah, they're comfortable." (holds up sky-high heels xDD) (she talks about the centimeter measurement)
(someone else needs to give a more exact translation if people care about this part - they talk about other shoes, I think ballerina flats, heeled boots, flat boots... not sure. She's packing shoes. Irrelevant.)
"Naturally I want, I mean, as a Tokio Hotel fan (she's speaking too fast, not sure). The problem is that they have masses of fans, and to stand out, one needs something really special. And it's grown very difficult."
20 kilogram-luggage for exactly 5 days. The girls will later regret that. But, who wants to be beautiful, must suffer.
"You have a marker, yeah?"
"Of course I have a marker. Hold that for a sec while I do this."
"You're pulling that out now, you'll have to get it back in?"
"No, we still have to fill it in."
"Alex and Lilli: greetings from Leipzig."
"Two times."
At any price, the girls want to stay in the memory of the band. From the poster, the fans hope to cause a recognition effect.
"We wanted to show them somehow, that we have come from Germany, from the birth city of Bill and Tom, in order to see them. And maybe to make them proud, that there are fans who really travel behind them. One hopes naturally that they get that, and that they find it good, and that maybe something reoccurs to them, and they smile or something, sure."
"We're hoping that we see the guys somewhere, outside of the hall. I think everyone wishes that. In order to really for once say, "Hi! I'm here again... you guys also..." It'd be nice, yeah."
Already last year Alex had tried to take up contact with the band. On the red carpet she had flirted freshly with singer Bill.
"Can we go and get coffee sometime?"
"Who goes coffee drinking?"
"The two of us?"
"Can we do that sometime?"
"I'll see!"
"Thank you! We'll see each other in Geneva, Barcelona and Madrid!"
"My dream with the band would be, in any case, to have a real conversation. One knows really only interviews, or when you're on the red carpet and ask, "How are you," but he can't say "It's going totally shitty." He won't do that, because there are always cameras and press around. And therefore a conversation that was really, unforced, with nobody there - that would be a total dream."
On their European tour, the friends want to catch the band at their hotels. Where the guys will check in, they still don't know. Their parents (don't care for the mania?).
"My mother, she bought me the things (poster paper?), I said "it's for school."
"For the school, naturally, it's for the schoooollll."
"Yeah, we need pink posters for school."
(something about telling a cool story) "And what, you never do that properly. As students and so, (need help with this part).... they find it totally senseless and idiotic. They're not at all pleased with how much money I spend for the band, how much time I invest in the band... I always drew that [the poster?] when my parents were in bed, because if my mom came in and saw that on her "school posters" "Alex und Lilli" was written, I would have needed to explain."
"I think she (her mother) doesn't understand my world, what I find good, for what I live... she doesn't understand that. Because it's totally nothing like what she's experienced.
At home Lilli pushes away the lack of understanding. For Tokio Hotel hangers-on, all fans value the actions towards recognition. Therefore, Lilli and Alex are making a tour diary. They film interviews, which they then post on the Internet.
"Beautiful day (to you), we are currently at my place, and soon it'll be off with the great concert-trip! To.... Geneva, Barcelona, and also Madrid. We'll update you on the big concerts, and we're excited for it! Bye!"
The whole community must know that Alex and Lilli will travel after their favorite band. Therefore Alex posts the link in all the networks. Here the twenty-year-old Eilenburg girl is not known by her real name, she calls herself, Tom's Duschgel. (Tom's shower gel, lolol xD)
"There are so many in my list with Bill's (??), Bill's underwear, Bill's T-shirt, whatever... so I thought to myself, I'll name myself something of Tom's. One comes to the imagining of Tom, naked in the shower, with shower gel in the hand..."
"Yeah, definitely."
"Because he's extremely good-looking, but it's not like I'd be at the hotel and be like, "Ahh, Tom, take me with!" And I've have no chance, ey."
Lilli doesn't dream about Tom's shower gel, she's more (into?) Bill's body jewelry/enhancements. At the end of the tour she wants to get done the singer's tattoo.
(they fuss over the miniscule details of the tattoo printouts)
"I definitely wanted something that would bind me to the band, and just with this expression, "Wir hören nie auf zu schreien, wir kehren zum Ursprung zurück," (we never stop screaming, we return to the origin), it's like - yeah. It embodies that exactly for me. When my parents find out that I've gotten tattoed, there'll be war at home, completely... my mother already wasn't thrilled with the piercing, didn't talk to me... and I think, she has to simply learn to accept, that it's my body and I can do with it what I want... but it'll be difficult."
Also Alex's mother is not a Tokio Hotel fan. She wishes that Alex would focus on her professional future. Finally last summer she completed her Abitur (high school diploma).
"This is the discussion we always have. Professional training stands in the foreground, and Tokio Hotel as a hobby."
"Well, I find it great, when someone has a passion for something. But... one has to be also able to focus on other things, not just on that... but it would be lovely, when you would turn a glance on something else."
"Yeah, Mama..." (awww they're so cute, lol, they look like sisters)
"When we have this discussion, yeah, she's calm, and I'm relieved, and then when we discuss it two days later (not sure, I think she's saying her mom is worked up again)."
Alex took an entire year's time off for the band. Only occasionally she worked (somewhere?) to earn money for the fan traveling.
"My mom has now and again said things like, You're the next (not sure what the reference is??) Generation.... (need help with this part)... but I only took a year free, not my entire life."
Five days, three concerts, three great chances. Without a personal meeting with the guys, Alex and Lilli don't want to come home.
"Just to see the guys onstage, when you're thousands of kilometers distant (pshhhhh whatever)....... it's not good in the concert, I think. Actually pretty shit."
Part 1
Speaker: Lilly and Alex are crazy about Tokio Hotel. For five years they are following their favourite band. Suddenly they are very close to their idols.
Alex: Bill, let's go drink some coffee?
Bill: Who goes drinking a coffee?
Alex: We both?
читать дальшеBill: We ?
Alex: Yes...tell me?
Speaker: Coffe break with Tokio Hotel. For this dream Alex and Lilly follow Tokio Hotel on their European-tour. Will the date with Bill and Tom come true?
Speaker: Ten times Platin, four number one hits...countless awards...The success Story of Tokio Hotel. Breakthrough in 2005...since then Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav are unstopable. From the members of a schoolband from Magdeburg they became to celebrated superstars in the last few years. They produce one hit after the other, filled worldwide concert-venues and rows and push girls into madness,
One of them is Lilly from Dresden. The eighteen is fan from day one and she doesn't miss any apperance of her favourites. Lilly wants to travel with her best friend Alex after the band through europe. Today the fans get ready for this in Berlin. In the cold they lie in wait in front of a 5 star Hotel, because it's all about
Lilly: Tokio Hotel...for who else?
Alex: Who have been in the smoking-area til 3.30 in the morning and for sure are still in bed...but at least we are already here...( laughs)
Lilly: Exactly...we are here since 6.30
Speaker: Have you already been here last night?
Lilly: evening...but
Alex: to 22.00
Lilly: As we gave up hope …. we saw the light in the we knew, they are in the hotel.
Alex: Exactly...
Lilly: and then we left
Speaker: Tokio Hotel are in the city because of an award-show. Lilly hopes to catch the boys, when they left the hotel. For an autograph or a picture she accepts the waiting for hours, because the band is like family for her.
Lilly: I grew up with Tokio Hotel. It belongs absolutly to my life. As they started, I felt completly understood. I saw them for the first time and i got the feeling to be home.
Speaker: The passion for the band connects the two friends. They got to know each could it be different...during an apperance of the band. Also Alex is Fan from day one.
Alex: I would call least a drug...some kind of adiction. Of course, if you have once such an expierence, you want to have it again. A day without Tokio Hotel doesn't exist.
Speaker: Lilly organizes regulary Fan-Meetings in Sachsen. She knows everything about Tokio Hotel. The prospective child care worker gave very often interviews at red carpets. As a „ Super Fan“ she is in the center of the attention. A feeling that she missed at home.
Lilly: The band became very important to me in the last four years. They have shaped my life completly. In the meantime they are nearly more important then my family...or they are a part of family in any case.
Speaker: And the Tokio Hotel-family is connected by a hymn
Lilly: Somehow the band got me more ..than my family, My parents often told me, that they would rather like to have a son than a daughter....and then my brother was born. Everything was about my brother. I sufferd a lot of this...for ten years i was the only child and then suddenly you take the back seat. And yes...i had a lot of trouble with my was the „rebellion phase“ and nobody understood me..i was always the black sheep..and every three minutes they's not ok what you cann't go out like this...and then Tokio Hotel appeared. Suddenly i felt understood. They were people around me, who understood me...the band expressed exactly the things that i always wanted to say. I never knew how to say ...this is my oppinion, this is my way, my life.
Speaker: To be as close as possible Lilly and Alex take a lot.
Lilly: Totaly in trouble with your family...twenty hours waiting by -17 Grad...standing in snow-rain...such things
Alex: The longest trip was by now the netherland.....but now we will top this with this tour
Lilly: Yes...we both want to fly to Genf, Madrid and concerts.
Alex: Well, the tour, that we are planing, will cost about 1000 to 1500 Euros
Lilly: In any case several thousand Euros
Alex: For sure
Lilly: We live for this band...we have not other hobbies..we allow ourself anything...i havn't been on vacations since years...everything is for Tokio Hotel
Speaker: Thereby Alex has only a 400 Euro job and Lilly earned nothing from her school-education. She has only156 euro per month child allowance.
Lilly: I have still no idea how we will make it..we rather make a mystery tour...we can't speak the language, we don't rudimentarily know where to sleep, we don't know how Genf looks, whether we will find the venue, what will happen there...the same with Barcelona...we somehow make a mystery tour..and hope we could manage it.
Speaker: Lilly have learned how to improvise, but nevertheless she doesn't know whether she will be succesful. Today the chance to catch the boys is minimal. The right sense is important.
Lilly: Alex is now at the underground carpark, because someone from MTV has just been going there and she is watching, whether they will left we have to part at the hotel
Speaker: For the girls it would be a catastropy to miss Tokio Hotel.
Alex: The girl said, that she just saw one dog from Bill and Tom But i see no dog anymore. But two big cars are just leaving and it could be definitly Tokio Hotel....and we are definitly not sure, whether they just left....and the way she is running....ok, i follow her
Speaker: Is the band secretly sneeking away?
Alex: In my eyes they just left.
Lilly: Shit
Alex. Out of the underground carpark
Lilly: Shit...boah...where...which way?
Alex: the marriot and then straight on
Lilly: Shit.
Alex: Three, hm two really big cars...sure...out of the underground the warm air...
Lilly: Nooo
Alex: Sure...and now?...The girl with the green ….she has been there too...shall i ask her?
Lilly: Do you speak german? Whom did you just saw?
Girl: Tokio Hotel
Lilly: Have they just left?
Girl: Yes
Lilly: with the cars?
Girl: Yes
Alex: Lilly...they left
Lilly: No...or?
Alex: Sure...they
Lilly: They didn't show up at the hotel?
Lilly: Of course..she has pictures
Alex: That realy sucks...for hours waiting and then the boys jerk around with us ( laughs)
Speaker: Wainting in vaine...and for this Lilly even skiped the school.
Lilly: I am really thinking for minute to skip school tomorrow and be at the Ritz once again.
Alex: Realy? You want to go to the Ritz tomorrow too?
Lilly: My parents will kill me for this. I can only get a sick-note for one day...the next day it would be unexcused...and that means realy trouble
Alex: It's your decision
Lilly: I will decide it tonight
Lilly: Eveytime it is something completly new, if you see the boys. You can't say, jus becauce you have got one autograph or one picture, you are done with it. Besides...i have now one autograph, then next you want a picture with the whole band, then you would love to talk to them for a minute and so on and want to be recognized...and that's what i want with Tokio Hotel, because they are suchlike important for me...yes...that's my goal.
Speaker: The goal of tonight is, to support Tokio Hotel during the EMA's in Berlin. The group is nominated in the category Best Band. Lilly and Alex have won tickets in the internet.
Lilly: It was awesome....awesome...they got the award..the award for best group in berlin...we have been in the second row in front of Tom during the apperance...and it was awesome, worth it
Alex: There is no other word for this then awesome...awesome...Wicked...
Lilly: They got it, they got it
Alex: It's's great
Lilly: i am happy....happy
Speaker: Lilly and Alex will follow Tokio Hotel to Genf, Barcelona and Madrid. They have already the tickets, but how close will there be to the boys?
Tokio Hotel are worldstars who rows and push millions of girls insane.
Part 2
The prospective educator enters today the journey of her life.
"I'm going for Tokio Hotel, to Geneva, Barcelona, and Madrid, for the concerts. And, yeah - I have a bit of a big suitcase here with me, because I want to be prepared for all situations."
The eighteen-year-old has been into Tokio Hotel since their first hit. Now her fandom reaches a new level. Lilli is traveling abroad for the band for the first time. Through Europe, with her friend Alex.
"What all have you schlepped along?!?!"
"The two posters are inside. Both."
Alex's room could also work as a Tokio Hotel museum. For five years she has collected everything that has to do with the band. On their European tour, she wants to get to know the guys personally. Both girls live for this dream. And in case of that circumstance, they must appear their best.
"I'm packing another ... (something?)."
"Those to a concert?"
"Yeah, they're comfortable." (holds up sky-high heels xDD) (she talks about the centimeter measurement)
(someone else needs to give a more exact translation if people care about this part - they talk about other shoes, I think ballerina flats, heeled boots, flat boots... not sure. She's packing shoes. Irrelevant.)
"Naturally I want, I mean, as a Tokio Hotel fan (she's speaking too fast, not sure). The problem is that they have masses of fans, and to stand out, one needs something really special. And it's grown very difficult."
20 kilogram-luggage for exactly 5 days. The girls will later regret that. But, who wants to be beautiful, must suffer.
"You have a marker, yeah?"
"Of course I have a marker. Hold that for a sec while I do this."
"You're pulling that out now, you'll have to get it back in?"
"No, we still have to fill it in."
"Alex and Lilli: greetings from Leipzig."
"Two times."
At any price, the girls want to stay in the memory of the band. From the poster, the fans hope to cause a recognition effect.
"We wanted to show them somehow, that we have come from Germany, from the birth city of Bill and Tom, in order to see them. And maybe to make them proud, that there are fans who really travel behind them. One hopes naturally that they get that, and that they find it good, and that maybe something reoccurs to them, and they smile or something, sure."
"We're hoping that we see the guys somewhere, outside of the hall. I think everyone wishes that. In order to really for once say, "Hi! I'm here again... you guys also..." It'd be nice, yeah."
Already last year Alex had tried to take up contact with the band. On the red carpet she had flirted freshly with singer Bill.
"Can we go and get coffee sometime?"
"Who goes coffee drinking?"
"The two of us?"
"Can we do that sometime?"
"I'll see!"
"Thank you! We'll see each other in Geneva, Barcelona and Madrid!"
"My dream with the band would be, in any case, to have a real conversation. One knows really only interviews, or when you're on the red carpet and ask, "How are you," but he can't say "It's going totally shitty." He won't do that, because there are always cameras and press around. And therefore a conversation that was really, unforced, with nobody there - that would be a total dream."
On their European tour, the friends want to catch the band at their hotels. Where the guys will check in, they still don't know. Their parents (don't care for the mania?).
"My mother, she bought me the things (poster paper?), I said "it's for school."
"For the school, naturally, it's for the schoooollll."
"Yeah, we need pink posters for school."
(something about telling a cool story) "And what, you never do that properly. As students and so, (need help with this part).... they find it totally senseless and idiotic. They're not at all pleased with how much money I spend for the band, how much time I invest in the band... I always drew that [the poster?] when my parents were in bed, because if my mom came in and saw that on her "school posters" "Alex und Lilli" was written, I would have needed to explain."
"I think she (her mother) doesn't understand my world, what I find good, for what I live... she doesn't understand that. Because it's totally nothing like what she's experienced.
At home Lilli pushes away the lack of understanding. For Tokio Hotel hangers-on, all fans value the actions towards recognition. Therefore, Lilli and Alex are making a tour diary. They film interviews, which they then post on the Internet.
"Beautiful day (to you), we are currently at my place, and soon it'll be off with the great concert-trip! To.... Geneva, Barcelona, and also Madrid. We'll update you on the big concerts, and we're excited for it! Bye!"
The whole community must know that Alex and Lilli will travel after their favorite band. Therefore Alex posts the link in all the networks. Here the twenty-year-old Eilenburg girl is not known by her real name, she calls herself, Tom's Duschgel. (Tom's shower gel, lolol xD)
"There are so many in my list with Bill's (??), Bill's underwear, Bill's T-shirt, whatever... so I thought to myself, I'll name myself something of Tom's. One comes to the imagining of Tom, naked in the shower, with shower gel in the hand..."
"Yeah, definitely."
"Because he's extremely good-looking, but it's not like I'd be at the hotel and be like, "Ahh, Tom, take me with!" And I've have no chance, ey."
Lilli doesn't dream about Tom's shower gel, she's more (into?) Bill's body jewelry/enhancements. At the end of the tour she wants to get done the singer's tattoo.
(they fuss over the miniscule details of the tattoo printouts)
"I definitely wanted something that would bind me to the band, and just with this expression, "Wir hören nie auf zu schreien, wir kehren zum Ursprung zurück," (we never stop screaming, we return to the origin), it's like - yeah. It embodies that exactly for me. When my parents find out that I've gotten tattoed, there'll be war at home, completely... my mother already wasn't thrilled with the piercing, didn't talk to me... and I think, she has to simply learn to accept, that it's my body and I can do with it what I want... but it'll be difficult."
Also Alex's mother is not a Tokio Hotel fan. She wishes that Alex would focus on her professional future. Finally last summer she completed her Abitur (high school diploma).
"This is the discussion we always have. Professional training stands in the foreground, and Tokio Hotel as a hobby."
"Well, I find it great, when someone has a passion for something. But... one has to be also able to focus on other things, not just on that... but it would be lovely, when you would turn a glance on something else."
"Yeah, Mama..." (awww they're so cute, lol, they look like sisters)
"When we have this discussion, yeah, she's calm, and I'm relieved, and then when we discuss it two days later (not sure, I think she's saying her mom is worked up again)."
Alex took an entire year's time off for the band. Only occasionally she worked (somewhere?) to earn money for the fan traveling.
"My mom has now and again said things like, You're the next (not sure what the reference is??) Generation.... (need help with this part)... but I only took a year free, not my entire life."
Five days, three concerts, three great chances. Without a personal meeting with the guys, Alex and Lilli don't want to come home.
"Just to see the guys onstage, when you're thousands of kilometers distant (pshhhhh whatever)....... it's not good in the concert, I think. Actually pretty shit."