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Instagram Live Stream | Tokio Hotel | 24/03/2022
* HIM release on April 8: song & music video
* HIM stands for whoever HIM is to you.
It can be something or someone you fall in love with or a guilty pleasure.
The song is about having commitment issues and is inspired by the movie HER
* the band will be celebrating the release with us on YouTube in the night from April 7 to 8
* a new album is coming this winter it's NOT called Bad Love
* a new German song comes out in May it's a collab with a German artist
* TH wrote two other German songs but those are not ready to be released yet
* Bill has many TV shows planned for towards the end of 2022. Bill & Tom are also working together on one project

●1 - Билл - IG/2: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1hT9BvFsGmSyZcIk0iv69F1...
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●2 - Билл - IG/4: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1BK7Lk0yApLpVwV3f7e8OQr...
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