●5-9 - Густав - IG/427: www.instagram.com/p/CYrnp9zLyow/ Ein weiterer geiler LIVE Kochstream. Dieses Format macht mir unheinmlich Spaß. Danke an euch! ————————— #livestream #dinner #livekochen #gustavkocht by @robert_nowell_photography
●3 - Tokio Hotel - IG-история/3: медиа: drive.google.com/file/d/1pubScIewd59K1qhMOiYcsf... HI #ALIENS! IT'S TIME TO SHOW OUR SUPPORT TO THE BAND! We have to keep in mind that the guys, being a band, they work by producing music and the best thing for us to do as fandom, is to keep high the streaming. Talk about loving the band, is epic but not enough! Since the moment the release of BAD LOVE it's so colse, we have to organize everything in time! They're only asking to support them by doing the Pre-Save and then the listening of the song, preferably on Spotify Premium. More the streaming will be high, the greater will be the opportunity to have the band in our countries. Isn't that what we all want? • PRE-SAVE @ FORMS.SONYMUSICFANS.COM • DOWNLOAD SPOTIFY PREMIUM] AND DON'T FORGET TO JOIN DISCORD. ( TOKIOHOTEL official )
●1 - Bill Kaulitz - IG-история/1: Eure Lieblings Twins sind zurück nach einer gefühiten Ewigkeit, was sicher daran liegt, dass so einiges passiert ist, in den Kaulitz Hills. Bill sorgt sich, dass er zum Eigenbrötler verkommt und verrät sein geheimes Single Verhalten sowie bislang streng geheime Beauty Insights. Obwohl beide gerne Brot im Magdeburger Ghetto aus Mülltonnen naschen, wird vor allem Tom beim Weihnachtsfest zum Sternekoch und zaubert seiner gesamtem Familie ein himmlisches Weihnachtsschmaus.
Винзен (Аллер) - коммуна в Германии, в земле Нижняя Саксония. Входит в состав района Целле. Население составляет 12 895 человек (на 31 декабря 2010 года).
●7 - Густав - IG-история/13 ●8 - Густав - IG-история/14: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1eXWftC6HWtmUIiVnTbn_5Z... Еще раз спасибо за множество предложений рецептов! Я кое-что сохранил. Тогда я смогу постепенно готовить их
●1 - Tokio Hotel - IG/168: видео: www.instagram.com/p/CYjx2BKoI2e/ Wanna find out more about the creative process of our upcoming single Bad Love? Here‘s a brief wrap-up how we made it! Hope you like the song as much as we do full version out Jan 21st!!
●1 - Tokio Hotel - IG/167: видео: www.instagram.com/p/CYhDRClo9zS/ Do you guys miss live music as much as we do? Bill & Tom are talking about their favorite live moment EVER! Who else can remember this..? Hope to see you guys on tour in April!
●6 - Густав - IG/425: www.instagram.com/p/CYhIz6aK7nb/ Da haben wir den Udo aber die Grenzen seiner Ohren geführt. Link zum Video in meiner Story. Schönen Sonntag euch! ————————— #koerperwelten #metal #prank