+ (26.11.2021) читать дальше ● MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/181: www.instagram.com/p/CWvs8fSqmKx/ Happy FRIDAY Currently you can save 30% OFF on our new drop! Tag someone who shouldn't miss our BIG SALE Photography by @teresa.horstmann Model @markstrikes Art Direction and Concept by @andybrawl Styling by @deadlyinjection Hair & Make-up by @dieburmeisterin Project Manager @aennykin
+ IG-истории: magdeburglosangeles, Bill Kaulitz
+ (27.11.2021) читать дальше ● MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/182: www.instagram.com/p/CWxuqIZAXOm/ You better not miss our BLACK SALE on @aboutyoude which is starting now Save 30% on our second drop Photography by @teresa.horstmann Model @kayla_shyx Art Direction and Concept by @andybrawl Styling by @deadlyinjection Hair & Make-up by @dieburmeisterin Project Manager @aennykin
читать дальше+ (28.11.2021) ●1 - MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/183: www.instagram.com/p/CW0TmLXgvu_/ Our BLACK WEEK SALE is still ongoing Save 30% on our second drop, for example on our NEW 'CORD PINK' Cap Until tomorrow you have the chance to save 50% OFF on our first drop & 30% OFF on our NEW second drop - so hurry up and shop your favorite #mdla item for less Photography by @teresa.horstmann Model @charlotte_kaiser Art Direction and Concept by @andybrawl Styling by @deadlyinjection Hair & Make-up by @dieburmeisterin Project Manager @aennykin
+ IG-истории: magdeburglosangeles
+ (29.11.2021) ●2 - MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/184: www.instagram.com/p/CW3bmaYqVNy/ Happy Monday Starting into the new week with our 'MDLA STAR' Shirt Tag someone who needs this shirt
Photography by @teresa.horstmann Model @charlotte_kaiser Art Direction and Concept by @andybrawl Styling by @deadlyinjection Hair & Make-up by @dieburmeisterin Project Manager @aennykin
+ (30.11.2021) ●3 - MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/185: www.instagram.com/p/CW6E-WhqBs2/ How do you like our second drop? Let us know your favorite piece of our new collection in the comments ▽ Photography by @teresa.horstmann Models @kayla_shyx @charlotte_kaiser @markstrikes Art Direction and Concept by @andybrawl Styling by @deadlyinjection Hair & Make-up by @dieburmeisterin Project Manager @aennykin
+ (01.12.2021) ●4 - MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/186: www.instagram.com/p/CW9DBGSLvon/ Your inner truth is pure and simple Photography by @teresa.horstmann Model @markstrikes Art Direction and Concept by @andybrawl Styling by @deadlyinjection Hair & Make-up by @dieburmeisterin Project Manager @aennykin
+ (02.12.2021) ●5 - MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/187: www.instagram.com/p/CW_ZC1Yq8Wb/ Tag a sweater lover who definitely NEEDS our brand new 'EMBLEM' Sweatshirt Photography by @teresa.horstmann Model @charlotte_kaiser Art Direction and Concept by @andybrawl Styling by @deadlyinjection Hair & Make-up by @dieburmeisterin Project Manager @aennykin
читать дальше+ (02.12.2021) ●1 - MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/188: www.instagram.com/p/CXBsuo9qDKm/ "I own too much shirts" - said NO ONE ever! How do you like our #croppedshirt 'LET GO LIGHTLY' ? Photography by @teresa.horstmann Model @kayla_shyx Art Direction and Concept by @andybrawl Styling by @deadlyinjection Hair & Make-up by @dieburmeisterin Project Manager @aennykin
+ (04.12.2021) ●2 - MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/189: www.instagram.com/p/CXDw7S2Ai3r/ @kayla_shyx in one of our favorite pieces! Who of you already has this #mdla shirt? Photography by @teresa.horstmann Model @kayla_shyx Art Direction and Concept by @andybrawl Styling by @deadlyinjection Hair & Make-up by @dieburmeisterin Project Manager @aennykin
+ (05.12.2021) ●3 - MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/190: www.instagram.com/p/CXGhisOAzNK/ In a world full of trends, I will remain a classic Photography by @teresa.horstmann Model @markstrikes Art Direction and Concept by @andybrawl Styling by @deadlyinjection Hair & Make-up by @dieburmeisterin Project Manager @aennykin
+ (06.12.2021) ●4 - MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/191: www.instagram.com/p/CXJnaLWqUna/ Let's go lightly in our #mdla cropped shirt! Which one is your favorite piece of our 'BOXING DROP'?
+ (07.12.2021) ●5 - MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/192: www.instagram.com/p/CXMAUq9KYGm/ Inner peace is the new success. Photography by @teresa.horstmann Model @markstrikes Art Direction and Concept by @andybrawl Styling by @deadlyinjection Hair & Make-up by @dieburmeisterin Project Manager @aennykin
читать дальше+ (08.12.2021) ●1-2 - MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/193: www.instagram.com/p/CXOlmfyq9P1/ Do you like our tone in tone logo printing? Let us know in the comment section! #mdla
+ (09.12.2021) ●3 - MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/194: www.instagram.com/p/CXRYB1SqVaK/ The gorgeous @kayla_shyx in our @magdeburglosangeles 'EMBLEM' longsleeve! Who of you has this shirt? Photography by @teresa.horstmann Model @kayla_shyx Art Direction and Concept by @andybrawl Styling by @deadlyinjection Hair & Make-up by @dieburmeisterin Project Manager @aennykin
+ (10.12.2021) ●4-5 - MagdeburgLosAngeles - IG/195: www.instagram.com/p/CXTwAn2qp9L/ @charlotte_kaiser wearing the 'PATTERN' shirt from our 'BOXING DROP' Discover all pieces on @aboutyoude Photography by @teresa.horstmann Model @charlotte_kaiser Art Direction and Concept by @andybrawl Styling by @deadlyinjection Hair & Make-up by @dieburmeisterin Project Manager @aennykin
●1 - Tokio Hotel - IG-история/1: видео ● - Tokio Hotel - IG/151: видео: www.instagram.com/p/CXTbsK-jpD-/ December 10 means secret sale Band merch 40% off + every order gets a free autograph All items will be discounted at check out. Happy shopping, link in stories
●1 - Tokio Hotel - IG/150: видео: www.instagram.com/p/CXQOvhuDXXe/ Going live on instagram! Tonight, 7pm, let’s talk about Christmas Submit your questions via Discord, we will answer as many as possible
------------- * Густав в гостях у Knossi в Promi PokerNacht. В числе гостей Johannes Vimalavong - участник VIZE 08.12.2021 um 20 Uhr смотреть - m.twitch.tv/therealknossi
●1 - Tokio Hotel - IG/149: видео: www.instagram.com/p/CXOD5qcD1JA/ All right aliens, this is something special Basically a virtual meet & greet with Georg on Discord tonight! Can you believe it? 7pm CET, sign up link in stories.
●1 - Tokio Hotel - IG/148: видео: www.instagram.com/p/CXLPUX6jXqx/ Tom’s Tour Tunes today Head to our stories (or even better directly to reels) and tell us, how many of these songs you know by heart!
●1 - Билл - IG/2452: www.instagram.com/p/CXJuoUCPcL9/ „like superheroes we catch the stars and moon“. @mitchellmccormack for @lofficielliechtenstein
●2 - Билл - IG-история/1: In dieser Stunde rücken Toms Kochkünste in den Mittelpunkt des illustren Zwillingstalks und Bill erzählt von seinem ungeduldigen Online-Bestellhabitus. Auf der Suche nach neuem Interior für die jeweiligen Traumhäuser werden wiederum Parallelen und die doch auch unterschiedlichen Geschmäcker der beiden deutlich.
●1 - Tokio Hotel - IG/147: видео: www.instagram.com/p/CXIq_a9DpEB/ It’s December 6, wow! Unique edtion of @billkaulitz’s book #careersuicide AND merch-merch-merch Leave all worries behind and leave a comment here, why you want to have it all
The winner will be notified via DM from this account. #tokiohotelxmas
---------- ● Tokio Hotel - IG-история/4: You are more than 1000… crazyyy))) Show us proof Add Yours I found the bed linen from @tokiohotel Do you have one?
Ich habe heute mein absolutes Lieblingsweihnachtsgericht gekocht. Meine Festtagsente! Die Füllung besteht aus Äpfeln, Orangen, Thymian und dem leckeren Zuckerrübensaft, Grafschafter Goldsaft. Aber nicht nur bei der Füllung nutze ich den Zuckerrübensirup. Die Ente wird damit auch glasiert und auch in der Sauce ist er ein fester Bestandteil. Ich liebe es einfach wie vielseitig der @grafschafter.goldsaft ist. Was gibt es bei euch an den Weihnachtsfeiertagen zu Essen? #Gewinnspiel Wenn auch ihr eines von 3 Genusspaketen von Grafschafter Goldsaft gewinnen wollt, müsst ihr folgendes tun: 1. folgt @grafschafter.goldsaft 2. Liked und 3. Kommentiert den Post. Ich wünsche euch viel Glück. Die Gewinner werden am 12.12.2021 von ausgelost und von uns benachrichtigt. Hinweis: Der Erwerb von Produkten und Dienstleistungen beeinflusst dieses Gewinnspiel nicht. Die Preise dürfen nicht getauscht oder übertragen werden. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen. Das Gewinnspiel steht in keiner Verbindung mit Instagram und wird in keiner Weise von Instagram gesponsert, unterstützt oder organisiert. #adventszeitmitgoldsaft #wirliebengoldsaft