●1 - Tokio Hotel - IG/142: www.instagram.com/p/CW_SgwUMMF1/
Whoop Whoop Thank you guys for all the love
2021 was a good one!! Can’t wait to share with you all what we have in store for the next year!! You know..Album and all
Jeeze… 21 years and still going strong
Thanks for your loyalty. Love you guys
@spotifyde @spotify
●2 - Tokio Hotel - IG/143: видео: www.instagram.com/p/CW_fOWTDmxU/
The second door is here!
What’s insiiiiide?
●3 - Tokio Hotel - TikTok: видео: www.tiktok.com/@tokiohotel/video/70371873023716...
What #ChristmasCover should we do?