Билл Каулитц в программе "Beste Gäste" ("Лучшие гости") с ведущей Claudia Kamieth! Слушайте на радио RBB Fritz в воскресенье в 20 часов (время по Москве)!
+ (13.11.2021) This is the end. The last day of Fräulein Fritz. Our @fritz_offiziell studio in Berlin Kreuzberg. Was fun while it lasted. Lots of great memories. Far too many to name them all. So I picked a few to swipe through.
читать дальшеWill never forget @foals being our first guests on February 22 back in 2016. Two days later we had an opening party with @shawnstein to showcase our new studio. It was the start of something beautiful. Lots of great guests came through.
@annemarie performed an acoustic version of „Rockabye“ and told us that wearing your winter jacket backwards will be en vogue soon. @macklemore stopped by when he was recording parts of „Gemini“ just around the corner. We did a two-hour special with him without his label even knowing. Forever thankful that @honolulusoy made that happen. @sam_fender played a little session when his debut album had yet to be released. Loved it!
@fixxundfoxxy @tuamusik and @swayclarke sharing the studio and spreading some exclusive @seeed.de news was another night to remember. Same goes for @marteria and @xocasperxo who showed up to promote their collaborate album „1982“. Fun times. The biggest surprise was without a doubt @billkaulitz of @tokiohotel fame who talked about all kinds of things he never talked about before.
My favourite moments though were of course the ones with @iamhalsey who did visit twice. The first time was March 3rd 2016 just before her sold out gig @huxleysberlin . She did a full band session on our tiny little studio stage. Never seen that thing more crowded. But @sheppard_iv made it work. The second time around we did a very intimate Fritz session @musikundfrieden the club right beneath our studio. Only a few people were in attendance. That night was nothing less than amazing.
Wanna thank each and every artist who showed up. Also thank you to all the Fritz crew people who made this place such a fun work space. It’s been a tough ride seeing everything go down the drains over the course of the last couple of months. @baumhausbarberlin is long gone. @musikundfrieden has been closed down. And now it’s our time to say goodbye.
●1 - Билл - IG-история/2: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1QCbYRJLQLWlhIY-hOdYUnv... I'm so excited. I'm doing a cover. Photo shoot today. I'm not sure if I can tell you guys, for what magazine. It is bad. It's going to be at pick and it's going to come out in December.
●1-2 - Билл - IG-история/13-14: репосты из аккаунта Kris Moyes (съемки видео Monsoon 2020)
Пост Kris Moyes с фото и видео: www.instagram.com/p/CWGjMoyvAdk/ I am so excited to share some special never before seen test shots with the infinitely talented @billkaulitz making some movie magic together with the most amazing team for the Monsoon 2020 anniversary #tokiohotel #billkaulitz #monsoon
●1-2 - MTV Germany - IG: видео: www.instagram.com/p/CWDq82iAw1D/ Nominiert für den Best German Act sind @tokiohotel Bis morgen könnt ihr noch Voten #mtvema Video von @philipp_gladsome #tokiohotel #billkaulitz #tomkaulitz #gustavschäfer #georglisting