PICTURE EXCLUSIVE: Heidi Klum, 48, and husband Tom Kaulitz, 31, pack on the PDA as they share a steamy kiss while on a family outing with her four children in Rome www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-9815525/H...
Клумцы и Каулитцы посетили город Бонифачо - самый шикарный и колоритный город Корсики. Бонифачо расположен в самой южной точке Корсики, с городской набережной можно увидеть остров Сардиния.
●5 - Густав - IG/386: www.instagram.com/p/CTKKt20C_eZ/ Hach…..was war das gestern für ein toller Tag?! Ihr wisst ja alle, dass ich ein echtes Camperherz habe. Mein @fendtcaravan und ich sind echt ein Dreamteam, welches ich nicht mehr missen möchte. Es war so toll gestern die neusten Modelle erkunden zu dürfen. Danke @fendtcaravan für die Einladung und dieses tolle Erlebnis. #fendtastisch #fendtcaravan #werbungwegenmarkennennung
●1 - Билл - IG-история/7: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1tIpyRdIQDybAHiwt7HQNZy... репост из vizemusicofficial ●2 - Густав - IG-история/8: NACH GEFüHLTEN HUNDERT JAHREN MAL WIEDER HOTELBAR. ES WAR TOLL HEUTE.
РЕКЛАМА @FENDTCARAVAN ●1 - Густав - IG-история/1: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1Phm4OODotkL6xwXsTMTyqw... GUTEN MORGEN. EIN NEUER TAG IM RUHRGEBIET. BIN HEUTE AUF DER CARAVAN MESSE IN DÜSSELDORF. Guten Morgen, ein neuer Tag im Ruhrgebiet und ich bin jetzt in Düsseldorf und bin ja das kannst du machen, ich bin auf der Caravan Messe Eingang.
Unsere BAYERN 3 Ferien-Frühaufdreher Jacqueline und Jerry sind große Kaulitz-Fans - das ist kein Geheimnis. Deswegen haben sie in dieser Woche Bill und Tom über ihren neuen Podcast "Kaulitz Hills – Senf aus Hollywood" ausgequetscht. Der startet am 1. September bei Spotify.
Das wird ein sehr lustiger Podcast. Ein Brüder-Podcast mit einer ganz besonderen Energie, die man wohl nur als Zwillingspaar hat. Wir laden den Hörer ein, sozusagen der dritte Zwilling zu sein. Also sind wir dann quasi Drillinge". Einmal in der Woche wollen sich die beiden zukünftig treffen und über die vergangenen Tage reden, wie bei einem Date. Die Folgen werden immer aktuell produziert - ungefiltert. Abgesprochen oder gescripted wird nichts. Eine Stunde Brüderzeit, versprechen Bill und Tom Kaulitz.
"Die ganz wenigen Tabus, die wir noch haben, die fallen dann mit den Getränken, die wir während der Sendung trinken. Von daher: Es wird sehr offen!" In dem Spotify-Podcast, der an ihrem Geburtstag ("es gibt keinen Geburtstag, den wir nicht zusammen gefeiert haben") am 1. September Premiere feiert, reden sie über ihren Alltag in Los Angeles und zerpflücken Gerüchte über sie - zum Beispiel von dem allwissenden "Hollywood-Insider, der jetzt ausgepackt hat."
"Wir würden die ja auch so gerne mal sehen, diese Hollywood-Insider. Aber die gibt's ja gar nicht. Da sitzen Autoren. Die haben ein Bild. Die denken sich dazu eine Geschichte aus. Und überlegen: Wie können wir das jetzt noch seriöser aussehen lassen? Und dann kommt der 'Insider'. Aber das ist nur der kleine Mann im Kopf." Warum Bill in Zukunft Angela Merkel vermisst, aber dafür schon jetzt mehr One-Night-Stands hat, hört ihr im Gespräch von Jerry und Jacqueline mit den Kaulitz-Brüdern. Und Tom verrät, was er macht, wenn Heidi nicht da ist und er übers Wochenende sturmfreie Bude hat.
+ Перевод на английский. Большое спасибо @aislaend
читать дальшеI: Let's get started Tom: We've had a little interview marathon today already. I: When did the interviews start today? Bill: At 8:45 I: Wow. (laughs) I2: And now you're doing one with us. Bill: But it's okay, we just had a little break, Just drank some coffee and now it's all fine again I: Let's start then. Kaulitz Hills - [not literally] two cents from Hollywood. What can we look forward to? Bill: It will be a very funny, a podcast from brothers, I think we do have a special kind of energy which you probably only have when you're twins and our idea had been to suck in the listener so that he feels like he's the third twin. The podcast is about our life, we'll give..our two cents to every possible topic that is important but unimportant, too. We'll just gabble. Tom and me don't live together any longer, we'll meet at my house at the studio and will update each other about our week. Tom: Exactly. We'll not talk much about what to say beforehand, it'll just be like- Bill: We'll drink together Tom: There'll be no taboos - we'll drink together so if we had any taboos, there'll be none after the drinks. It'll be very open and.. ..you can just look forward to the best podcast there is in the world. I: I'm sure of that. Set the bar high, guys! Is there a topic that will definitively NOT be mentioned? Bill: Actually not. We're talking about everything a bit in the first episode already. ..we mention sex, drugs and rock n roll already. Tom: The next episodes will kinda focus the view on specific topics. Yesterday I thought about doing an episode about the question whether we fight, because that's what people ask us so often. We do, but quite rarely, but when we ..do, then it's pretty intense. I thought about really fighting in our podcast and show the people how it really looks like. Bill: Yes, we can talk about whom to invite to our birthday party and then we'll definitively fight. Tom: (laughs) I: Can you give us an insight into how a fight between you two looks like? Bill: Oftentimes people who are with us in the same room just look at each other and are like "Oh God, I gotta get out of here." If we fight, it gets really intense. Tom: We know each other's weak spots Tom: as you can see we also finish each other's sentences so we know how to tease somebody the right way. I: I was able to listen to the first episode already and what I thought is crazy is that you two often had the same dream? Bill: Yes. Back then our mother thought it's crazy nd that's how we realized that it's not normal. Cause to Tom and me it was. When we had to get ready for school, we usually sat together for breakfast and talked about our dream and we had the same dream. Our mother turned around and was like: "I think I need to take you to the psychologist." To us it was very normal to dream about the same thing, so our mom called attention that this is smth special. I2: Amazing. I: You said that you'll comment about articles the yellow press publishes about you. I think that's gonna be funny. I guess there've been many crazy articles about you already, right? How many children you have, your partners. Tom: [...] The most shocking thing is to realize how many "news" outlets there are and they publish in great numbers. Actually these people are authors who just take a pic and invent a story to it. I think people will be interested in to hear about it. Bill: There are headlines that draw attention like "They are dropping the bombshell in their new podcast!" and i catch myself doing the same thing where I'm like "OMG, I have to read that article, what is it about?" I: Like "What did I say again??" (laughs) Tom: "family war at the Kaulitz'" Bill: "family drama" Tom: "brother trouble" Bill: "family drama - the dog wasn't allowed to accompany them to their vacation" I2: How many children would you already have with Heidi, Tom if it was up to the press? Tom: Many many kids. Bill: A child every week. I2: What I love are those "insiders" who revealed it all. Do you know these infamous insiders? Bill: I would love to see those famous insiders, too! Tom: Oh they're just made up people by authors - I can't call them journalists - who think like "Wait, how can I make this story look more credible?", so it goes like "one insider told us.." I think that insider doesn't exist Bill: They also often invite some people and introduce them as the "Hollywood insider", but no one actually knows why and- Tom: - she's friends with every celebrity there is. I: Exactly, there are people who just sit at such shows and just repeat what was said in these mags. Bill: I guess you'll become a celebrity expert when you studied the yellow press. I2: After five subscribers, you're a celebrity expert. Bill: Exactly. That's how you qualify. I2: The podcast is going to be released on your birthday, September 1st. Was it meant as a birthday present for you? Bill: Absolutely. We thought about it as a "me time", where we sit together for like one hour, have some drinks and just talk without any boundaries. ..Tom and me can't do otherwise, anyway. We grew up sleeping in bunk beds, talking the whole time, we're each other's daily dialogue partner, and since we don't live together anymore, there's much to keep up with so we just thought about starting this podcast so that we can talk to each other for one more hour. I: Do you celebrate your birthday together? Bill: I think there's never been a birthday we didn't celebrate together. Tom: I can't imagine doing that, it'd be sad somehow. I: What are your plans? Bill: We'll just have a little party because of corona. Because otherwise we'd have a wild party that would even go for like 36 hours. Tom: That was a while ago, though. Bill: It wasn't! It was for our 27th birthday! Tom: Yeah but after you hit 30, you can't do such things anymore. yesterday, we had a little drink and are still hungover. I: Once you hit 30, you need 4 days to regenerate after one drink. Tom: or you never stop and just keep going. That's what Bill is doing. (Bill laughs) I: Just to feed the insiders, is it possible that Heidi will look by? Tom: To be honest, we didn't even talk about the podcast yet. We just did the first episode and it depends on the week and of the topic, like what has happened, and where will it fit in ..I mean I have the common touch with her, you know, I could just ask her through unofficial channels (Bill laughs) Bill: I would send a request though. Tom: It's not fixed but it would be her first podcast. I: Yes, but we know she can talk! Bill: We have nothing fixed yet, like whether to invite someone to our podcast or whether we call someone. That would be funny cause we have a couple of funny phone numbers and it'd be funny if- well I won't tell that. you'll hear about it! I: Say, will you elect, too at the next elections here in Germany? Or aren't you allowed cause you're Americans now..? Tom: We will elect via postal ballots! I2: Very good. What do you think about our political situation atm? Bill: I must say that I'm a huge fan of Merkel. It's difficult for me. I'm very sad, I must admit. I'm not 1000% sure yet. Tom: The campaign is going on pretty intensly right now. We're following it.
@TokioHotel mixing cocktails for Gronkh, Papaplatte & Trymacs who have to guess the ingredients - “Spielesause”, Gamescom, Cologne, 27/08/2021 видео: www.instagram.com/p/CTGpwRKIpff/
Zwischen Megaerfolg und Todesangst - das Leben der Kaulitz-Zwillinge - in der neuen Folge vom@rtl_exclusiv Podcast mit @bella_lesnik
Exclusiv-Reporter @davidmodjarad kommt frisch von einem Interviewtermin mit @billkaulitz und @tomkaulitz in Berlin. Er kennt die beiden schon seitdem sie Teenies waren, deshalb ist er auch unser „Kaulitz-Flüsterer“. Am 1. September werden die Zwillinge 32 Jahre alt, er hat ihre schönsten aber auch ihre schlimmsten Momente vor und hinter der Kamera miterlebt. Welche News David Bella mitgebracht hat, warum er eine kleine Fahne hat und welche Rolle Heidi-Klum im Kaulitz-Kosmos spielt, das hört ihr in Folge 8!
●1 - wonderlandcapri - IG: www.instagram.com/p/CTFidrXiD-M/ That white and green bag tho! @heidiklum @billkaulitz @tomkaulitz @tokiohotel @leniklum Thanks for shopping with us guys. Can't wait to see you again in #capri ️ #familythatshopstogetherstaystogether
●1-2 - diffusmagazin - www.instagram.com/p/CTCrp-1nyG3/ Morgen erscheint unsere neue Titelstory mit @drangsal und @billkaulitz! #interview #indie #pop #drangsal #tokiohotel: @benschieck + репост в сторис/4 Билла + репост в сторис/4 Tokio Hotel
------- Фото сделано 23.08.2021
+ (27.08.2021)
Drangsal trifft Bill Kaulitz: Anderssein, Mode & Musik | DIFFUS TITELSTORY
Hi Guys, What’s up?! We’re so EXCITED to announce we will be playing LIVE at gamescom tomorrow We’ll start around 9.45 PM CEST and are performing 3 songs including a new one Don’t miss out! Be sure to catch the performance on one of these Twitch streams: Papaplatte GRONKH Trymacs Lots of love to all of you, Bill, Tom, Georg, Gustav.
● Tokio Hotel - IG/124: www.instagram.com/p/CTFhFgvieiB/ We are playing live at @gamescom tonight Tune in at 21:45 CET, you can find the streaming link in stories #gamescom2021 + репост в сторис/6 Билла
●1 - Tokio Hotel - IG/123: www.instagram.com/p/CTEg_F5CzcW/ + видео “We’re not what people say Don't care how much it takes Don't tell us what to do I'm sorry, I'm not sorry”
Our new single with @badchieff is OUT NOW Link in bio and stories.