●1 - Tokio Hotel - IG-история/1
+ инстаграм badchieff - www.instagram.com/p/CSzVdtpiIOJ/
SORRY NOT SORRY FT. TOKIO HOTEL @tokiohotel 27.08.21
+ ● Билл - IG-история/1
+ Сегодня live!!!

●1 - Tokio Hotel - IG-история/1: медиа: drive.google.com/file/d/1k06kWDU2D_ES1SBuSrmfZn...
●2 - Tokio Hotel - IG-история/2: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/13tAshDN6l78FiMnB8lKyHI...
●3 - badchieff - IG-история: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1VDwhEgVYz6GvSYHMdpCRtV...
Краткое содержание разговора (по версии @lxvewholxvesyouback):

Live 21.08.2021
* Bill & Tom are currently doing promo for their upcoming podcast in Berlin
* The first feedback they received on their podcast is that they need to stop talking over each other. Bill said they have this twin-energy that's why they never let the other
one finish his sentence and keep interrupting each other but they are working on it
* The first part of the Sorry Not Sorry music video was shot today (without TH)
* Bill (and the others?) will be shooting the other parts next week
* TH & badchieff are going to perform together at the Spielesause event (27/08/2021)