читать дальше●1 - Tokio Hotel - IG/121: видео: www.instagram.com/p/CSlhOoxChDF/
● Tokio Hotel - IG-история/1: видео
16 years ago on this day we released “Durch den Monsun”. It’s insane how time flies! See you on TikTok 19:30 CET and on Discord right after to celebrate
Where did you hear “Monsun” for the first time, with whom? Share your #FirstTimeMonsun story in comments.
● Tokio Hotel - TW:
Someone please make a screenshot of this tweet and share it when we celebrate the 16th birthday of “Monsoon 2020” in 2036
● Tokio Hotel - TW:
Today we celebrate the 16th anniversary of “Durch den Monsun”. You’re invited: 19:30 CET on TikTok with afterparty on Discord
●2 - Tokio Hotel - TW:
No birthday without presents! Get yours here: tokio-hotel-tourshop.com
● Tokio Hotel - IG/122: www.instagram.com/p/CSl0blxChDH/
Sweet Sixteen “Monsun”! And there are presents! Enjoy 16% off in our tourshop, let’s celebrate! Link in stories.
● Tokio Hotel - IG-история/4
● Билл - IG-история/3
●3 - Tokio Hotel - IG-история/2: Share your #FirstTimeMonsun story in comments, we wanna know!
●4 - Tokio Hotel - IG-история/3: медиа: drive.google.com/file/d/1ORVxht64eDFXcSIPB2osym...
Георгу все еще не хватает подписчиков в ТикТоке. Подписывайтесь, если хотите увидеть его вечером в интернете!

читать дальше●1 - Густав - IG-история/2: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1m9O30P_eHTOOsGAU-Y9lOo...
●2 - Густав - IG-история/3: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1p938Y-0aiUitLL5jShbM_F...
●3 - Густав - IG-история/4: видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1bbH09kqnqGt-xOfN_l0K0x...

читать дальше●1 - Билл - IG-история/1: репост
●2 - Билл - IG-история/2: репост
видео: drive.google.com/file/d/1J39tVXxvQ7Zbum6KVBn4Lu...
●3 - Tokio Hotel - IG-история/5: репост
медиа: drive.google.com/file/u/2/d/1nxlWw1y6J73irP0_7k...

●1-4 - Билл - IG/2403: www.instagram.com/p/CSmuafEpa7t/
16 years!!!!! wtf.. this is so insane! feeling so grateful today! Now I’m gonna go get drunk and cheers to all of you! love you guys

● Tokio Hotel - IG-история/6: медиа: drive.google.com/file/d/1gS4iiiu930SYtiMBsNJN9O...
Присоединяйтесь к афтепати в Discord!
+ Tokio Hotel TikTok live 15/08/21- 16 years Durch Den Monsun
видео: youtu.be/TJifHqGTp4A
+ автоматические субтитры (англ.)
читать дальшеmy hair has gotten so long
what's going on hi guys okay
we're just going to wait a little bit
and then we want to add georg
which i'm not so sure
how to do it
and like i don't even know i don't even
like where am i going to do this here
nope okay guys you need to help me
because i want to put georg on can
tell me how to do it
like how do i do that um here
nope no
that's like a q and a thing
oh zen an
no how do i add somebody
i don't know if you can't oh ho
ah okay
what's georg sam
sorry york
where can i look for someone here
like where do i find someone do i need
to follow him wonder yeah funny yeah you
need to follow him
oh no i can put a guest look
you guessed it i'm lasting video then
i don't know fine it's fine
i don't know
okay but i want like a co-host how do i
do that
you need to be friends with him
how do i befriend georg
jesus you guys are oh my god
i'm the worst guys just like follow him
be a friend with him but how do i do
that now because i'm not anyone no
because i'm life right now i don't know
how to
these are like the people that are like
watching right now how do i follow georg
do i like need to do that
maybe call george from your phone tom
and then one
and then i don't know he needs to figure
it out with us okay anyway monsoon is
16. isn't that crazy
oh my god what's going on what what's
that thing
it's such a new world for us sorry guys
um well we're glad you're hanging out
we're so happy we can celebrate monsoon
with you guys
and like i want to answer a few
questions and also maybe give
a few news to you guys yo
i have no idea how to do it gayak
i don't i think we can educate the
co-host but we need to be friends and
take those yeah that's what it is i can
add a co-host but like i don't know how
i think i need to like follow you but
like i need to end the life thing i
think to be able to follow you and then
i can go live again what's your tick
tock again
and one and just text
number one number one should i like end
would you like i mean should i should i
blessing zero would be much more
should i like end the live stream and
then try yeah let's do it i think it's i
think it wouldn't be as good because
this is like a planned event and
i'm not sure if it's good for tick-tock
in general but but how are we gonna or
because also there's this thing where it
asks me guest
uh gear live with anfan and sushant so
maybe you can just
i looked at it if i can send in requests
but there's no no attack let's just try
and i'm guessing
allow me yeah yeah okay yeah but i know
i need to stop the video to go back to
tick tock okay yeah but wait okay we we
just said where am i gonna see oh yeah
see and then you can send us a request
yeah maybe now you can
yeah okay
oh my god are you guys laughing at us
are we like so [ __ ] i feel like
we're like the i mean
we've never done tick-tock live before
but it's a shame because all you guys do
is being on social media and
while i'm working and doing the music
for the band i thought at least you guys
can figure this out is this oh he's
there here yes yes
oh my goodness jesus
it's forbidden
three two
that's a disappointment forbidden it's
still connecting
the trench
what's going on
we try again
maybe we're like oh
there he is hello wow
we made it we made it chicken george
happy yes
happy birthday happy birthday happy
anniversary oh yeah anniversary sweet
16. birthday 2 and merry christmas and
uh happy easter no yeah
how loud is your week
on here are we gonna get banned or
something i i think people are doing way
worse things here on tik tok to be
honest really do you want like strip for
us or something
it's nice can you believe it's it's been
ever since we put out monsoon i mean it
kind of feels like
to me it kind of feeds like
short in a way when i feel like 16 years
doesn't even sound that crazy
but if you think about it it's like
pretty it's like half of our lives
i mean i'm 25 so it's even more than
half of you know
well how long are you 25 now whatever
and ever ever
but it's so crazy we we just had the
conversation in the studio uh with a
different producer and he asked us uh
what's the song that that still is like
or like what's what feels best to
perform live like what song is like the
most amazing song to perform let's take
it from there because we talked about it
too it's gonna start again and finally
ben's gonna be back on the road and and
you gotta think about what's
what's good you know
to play live or like what's the most fun
to play live and like write songs in
that sense too and guys i'm thinking
should we
should we put like a swipe up on
instagram did we do that
i think we did yeah i think we did a
timer on instagram oh okay good goku
i'm sure that everyone's like knows that
we're here
and not on instagram i don't want people
to be upset and be like oh my god they
celebrated munson without us and what
what do you think like i think monsoon
and love loves you back it's kind of
like the songs that are live
the best no
like you mean from from from the
audience reaction or yeah or like in
general what feels best to perform live
like what song is like you know when you
go on stage like what's the song where
you think like that's a banger you know
you love to play that live it's always
good it's always a good connection with
the audience you know and i feel like i
mean the hits you know obviously it's
monsoon i mean we played that song
for 16 years now every ever i wonder how
often we played that
i don't think there there has been a
performance without monsoon no
i mean performances yes but not a live
show you know
um but maybe we can share the news with
all of you guys that um
we went back in the studio with the guys
from rock mafia
i'm sure you all remember love loves you
back and louder than love
uh and we wrote these songs together
with uh rock mafia
and it was like
six years ago maybe and that's the last
time we hung out and we wrote these
songs and then tom and i were like oh my
god like we should like reconnect and
you know these were such amazing songs
so we wanted to like to go back and like
reconnect with them and you know be
and we wrote amazing new songs so um
that's exciting it is kind of i can't
wait to hear them yeah i just thought
i'm gonna give this away and then
yeah this week has been so busy
what is gustav texting right now
i thought he said
he forgot his um login right
i don't think he said the tone is
the the tone is going off
what tone oh wow
yeah or tick tock
i think that's just his internet like
that's just his connection
yeah no one is complaining yeah can you
guys hear us like if you can't hear what
we're saying just like
you know
that's too many comments that they're
already that we hear you yeah
yes that can get confusing because
they're commenting that anyway
yeah we hear you yeah no i think it's
we want to get good stuff in but i don't
think we can do that right like can we
add it i think he forgot his login oh he
forgot his login because can we add
another one yeah looks like it
yeah i think we can yeah but but you
should push
into oh and
can't like he can't come online
what do you mean he's like true
i thought
tock king he doesn't have his ins his uh
tick tock
no he doesn't have his login isn't he
making tick tocks all the time i mean
not all the time not used to right
which song i always like to perform with
black though
anyways are we getting a private show
i'm gonna give a little bit of like a um
update of what's been happening
so tom and i came back from vacation and
we've been like super super busy so we
in the studio with rock mafia and then
also um we were
shooting the campaign for our podcast
with brett alderman um
there was so much fun so we shot like
the cover
artwork and like billboards and stuff
for our podcast which is starting on
first of september
i always have to think like what news i
can share and what's still a secret
um then i shot another
campaign that's gonna come out next week
that's exciting too
for um that's gonna come out on
instagram is it just you that's just me
that's not exciting so what else
what else um
if it's just you if i'm not involved no
one cares what else did we do oh um
yeah we gonna
wait i can't share this no no
i think i know what you wanted to say
that's the thing like we have so many
things so many secrets so many secrets
like so many things are like cooking
right now that we can't share just yet
i'm telling you this week has been super
busy and there's so much going on and so
much to look forward to
and um can you guys believe that the new
monsoon version is a year old
that's crazy isn't that crazy it it's
not already a year old yes it is
yeah we put it out last last year at the
anniversary of the anniversary
wasn't that like i thought it was like
months later or something maybe
like october
but like almost a year
almost a year yeah
by the way gustav just texted he has his
login and he's
here with us and or also send a request
oh he did let me see
we have nine so scroll through a mine
i can't see it
[ __ ] send another request i can't see
send another one gustaf because i've
sent another one oh people are like
still joining that's so fun
we can't give away anything about next
week no no
the week after that
what is next a week
i don't even know in like 14 days
there's something
i mean there's so much i don't even know
what you're what what you're like
referring to but like
there's a live performance that's coming
that's what i talked about
what i thought about you
yeah there's a live performance coming
up guys we're gonna um perform
a couple of songs for you
in cologne it's still
only nine people yeah we don't get the
also guys i'm working on a new tv
project that i'm uh
and i'm
oh you're the host i thought you were
kind of a judge or something i'm
everything i'm the host and the judge
it's like
my show uh-huh and the security and the
waitress the security
chef and the yeah i'm everything no yeah
like everything i do the whole show and
i'm gonna decide who's gonna win as well
so it's a competition show i can give
that away
um and it's gonna be
on tv in october
i'm already shooting it um
and yeah it's gonna come out in october
so that's something to look forward to
sounds cool um
so it's pretty boring but yeah yeah
sounds pretty boring yeah
no but it's like that's uh
that's fun and like
i can't wait for what like forgotten
where can we what is that thing do you
see that gear when like this hard thing
is coming up what is that yeah i think i
think they people are sending us
presents or something like that and what
am i gonna do with it can i like trade
it for a diamond or something um i i
think they have to pay money to be
honest to to do that but guys just just
send in the diamonds it's that's amazing
keep it keep it coming oh there's
another one look at it what what am i
gonna do with it oh my god you guys i'm
sure they're all laughing at us because
we're like
grandpa's on instagram and we don't even
know what's going on i'm not oh
wait maybe good stuff send it with us oh
you know we have 12 requests yeah yeah
how do you see it
i don't know i see it oh you see this
there's still no good stuff
first up maybe restart your app and join
us again and then send another
request i can't believe i'm drinking a
beer at like what is it 10 in the
i never
it's like a big exception today
i usually have like
super healthy juice
let's be nostalgic it's been 16 years
what was your favorite monsoon
performance of all time
yeah yeah i thought the same but except
of that
we played one soon uh under the eiffel
tower as well i think paris yeah i think
it would be person for me
under the eiffel tower that's crazy like
i don't i don't remember every gig i
have to be honest no me neither like i'm
sure we had something amazing in
portugal and we had something amazing in
spain and like i mean i remember we
played these rock and rio festivals for
a while these were pretty amazing too
yeah but do you i i also always love to
remember those italian mtv gigs where we
played on those big places like
where it was always super crazy with the
super small stage and you have to drive
through it and then i thought about and
then i thought about uh
do you guys remember
what i think it was yes
one of the biggest it's still existing
but we didn't play monsoon there we
played the
world behind my wall and like really yes
i remember that i had the worst sound
like i couldn't hear myself and i was
like live and i was freaking out and
there was an orchestra playing with us
yeah it's wild it was fun
i still can't see yourself let's answer
a few more questions
gustav said gustaf just texted me uh
yeah maybe you tell him how uh how it's
done because yeah how did you do it
i mean i i just pressed this
one there's a there's a rose in the
button and like a little present and
left on the left side of this oh here
look no
i don't know what are these things like
i want to know what that is what are we
going to do with it like
explain explain to him how you how you
did it
there's like the there's an endless
and then people are sending us things
but i don't know what that means
it says
don't tell it to to me like i don't want
to know he like tells the gustav
oh you think he's yeah but he's watching
guys can somebody explain to me what
like these roses are like what is that
you just send somebody like
uh just like something nice so you see
it you can exchange it for what
somebody's saying something you can
exchange it
you can exchange it for money somebody
there's another diamond oh there's the
diamond money money no
oh there he is oh my god yeah yes
okay how do we get him
you're not 18 yet
no i'm not
not today
what's up what's in what's happening in
um so far nothing um we had a great
breakfast today and then we were out for
ice and um then i was in the garden
breakfast there was um my monsoon
birthday not like
like 10
years ago having a big party and alcohol
don't pretend i know you have like you
are like like four drinks in you're
already tipsy
oh oh my god was there an animal outside
did you see it no oh
i'm here
experience today people are sending us
like these cute gifts and
i don't know what they are but like they
look pretty where did you go
to the to the fun ghost there's another
one look there's like a box with like
stuff coming out a bit like there's a
box with money i want to have it
if you tap it really hard it's going to
come out of your screen
can i like send you guys that stuff too
that's so cute yeah you could i can yeah
somebody just just said uh we are
getting money for this but
guys keep your keep your money youtube
but um
anyway so you guys can like ask away
just put your question in the can we add
another person i'm not sure maybe we can
maybe we can like i think it's a maximum
of three maybe we can like add a fan or
i think i think you no i think you can't
should i try
yeah of course try it why not
this guy is like waiting
wow what's happening
is that no it's not it's not it's not i
can't click it so
yeah it's a maximum of three usually you
can only have two yeah
sorry guys like
but uh yeah you guys can like ask away
and like put your questions in like the
comments and we can
try and answer they're asking what kind
of beer i'm drinking i'm drinking a
do you guys have that in germany or no
yeah but it's not common
i'm drinking no beer
unless they they pay me
i'm open to every brand
i don't drink so i don't know i just had
this discussion that all three of you
guys are pretty addicted to all kinds of
there's another box ah
you guys
i'm at work
oh my god what's up now the question for
you what was your favorite monsoon
of all time
eiffel tower
eiffel tower
we said the same yeah
did you guys post something on instagram
i didn't even post anything yet i wanted
to post something no i mean i i didn't
opened my instagram for weeks now since
i'm back home from from what do you
really didn't open it you're
waiting you're never checking your
direct messages every day
you don't like going don't push it
there's days
are you serious
yeah i hope so i mean i hope that's for
everyone i don't even know how that's
possible like that's the first thing i
do in the morning and the last thing i
do before i go to bed it's like
like what do you guys like what are you
looking at your phone like on youtube
you are on youtube
i'm not on youtube on my phone never
what's on youtube you're watching like
uh so when you go to bed like what do
you do like you you're on you're when i
go to bed i usually sleep no i'm saying
like look really good are you what
you're watching tv and you don't have
your phone in your hand and you don't
look at stuff on your phone like you're
not on tinder
most of the times i'm watching twitch or
raya or he's watching twitch
oh yeah see that's not for me
i don't even know i don't even know what
that is really
it's like youtube but for gamers oh my
god because i'm smoking a cigarette i
want one you are smoking good stuff oh
that's disgusting did you both stop
smoking that's such a bad influence oh
my god no i know no i didn't i didn't
quit i have to though
non-smoking platform
okay then see you later guys
uh tom can you please play a bit of
dream machine
gear what do you watch on twitch
oh i watch several different channels
there's no
no one particular channel so someone is
asking what we would like to re-record
like what is the song that you guys
would like to like re record by the way
it's a good uh before we answer that
question what would uh what is it with
this video do we delete it afterwards or
is it going to be around forever i don't
no it's going to be around for a couple
of days but it's going to be oh so it's
not like instagram where you just delete
it oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
why would you do that
yeah because
because you got to be here for the
moment and when it's over it's [ __ ]
yeah but some people work oh
love balloons they weren't for me
oh yeah if you guys like what song would
you guys uh re record from like the old
tokyo tower
i would love to re-record a couple of
songs you know that guys i would love to
do an unplugged
that's playing live that's not
re-recording york yeah but you record
the unplugged version of the songs and
put out an unplugged album jesus such a
i don't know
i don't know but it's obviously honest
like to be completely honest like i
would love to you know play a couple old
songs like we always do
but like for me to like re-record
something that's old like i think there
was so much fun with monsoon because
it's such an important song for us and
it was like
such a challenge and was like you know
interesting for us
as an you know to like touch that song
again and like give it you know a new
life and like
try out something different but like i
like to move forward and like write new
songs and make new stuff like i'm not
really into
re-recording all songs i know oh my god
what's up wow what's that
oh my god that was pretty
reminded me of arielle i was like
i could watch arielle i haven't seen
arielle in so long i wanted to say i
wanted to just say that i i wasn't i i
you would no i knew you were gonna say
that yeah i knew you were going to say
like cute i would love to watch i'm sure
you watched ariel
see that's good i'm so jealous because
with your daughter you get to see like
all the cute disney movies i'm sure yeah
yeah that's true i love ariel does she
love arielle
um yes but in the morning we watched um
what is uh
frozen frozen
frozen is it the second part already out
or the third part i think that's the
second one part number i have no idea
yeah the second part is out now for one
of you no okay can we talk about how
excited we all are about the sex and the
show that's going to come out like i
think next year but like the reboot they
do of the saxon city oh my god like i
can't even like if i think about it i
can't even sleep i'm
i i think it's a little sad that it's
not all four of them
i mean
if it would be like i wish i could write
the show because what i would do
is like i wish the show would start with
like the three of them wearing amazing
couture like
dior hats all black and they're like
mourning the death of samantha
oh we got a car
you know
i think samantha should die in the very
first sequence like that should be the
first thing on the show and they all
haven't gonna ignore the fact that she's
not in the show anymore so they need to
let her die and it actually makes sense
because she had cancer on the show
before so i think the cancer should just
come back
she's dead they all have amazing outfits
on and then we just get it out of the
way and then the show can like
sound so wrong no but that's how they
should write it like that's how they
should do it
so if they're watching right now you
guys should like hire me and i can like
ride um the show for you guys
i hope you do it like right after you
finished our area
pick a couple more questions guys yeah
let's pick some questions
how do you
like the new bayern munich train at all
i think i love your face i think to be
it's complicated i have to watch the
game again
to analyze what was really happening but
i think we had
we had lots of problems
especially in the back
yeah really
yeah so i'm i'm i'm concerned and i saw
the bayern before uh the dortmund
performance i was really surprised by it
that was really what are we talking
for uh soccer
oh so i'm concerned like dortmund is at
a good place and what they have like a
new they're gonna see next tuesday right
are they already playing against
dortmund next week
see you next tuesday for super cup yeah
oh super camp okay
well that's not i mean i i think we're
not there yet we need time
who has a new trainer the german the
german soccer team
yeah that too we got hanzi flick now now
we're going to be world champions again
so that's a good part do you do did you
know that uh the nuggets one is younger
than me
yeah he's young he's like 33 no he's
super young
but enough of a boring football talk
sorry for that so people were asking
like what's the new song that's coming
out right i already shared these news um
when did you do that i did on instagram
so the new song is coming out on 27th of
august and um
it's not a tokyo tower song i mean it is
it's it's a feature it's a feature
i wasn't i'm not sure if we could if we
were allowed to give it away but yeah
it's a collaboration
basically we are featured on a song from
a different artist a different artist so
somebody why don't we play that in
that's the exact same date
i guess we could yeah
because so
the it's a guy and he's it's his song
and we are um featured on it so
we wrote on that song together in berlin
and it's coming out on the 27th that's
actually a good question we could ask um
what other song we should play we play
probably we play white light we play uh
your eyes behind blue eyes
and maybe we get to pick a third one
what do you guys think we should perform
the new one
the new one but the new one isn't out
then yet oh is it
it is
and we also have to make sure that he is
gonna i mean that that could be nice
yeah yeah if he's available right he's
available like we could totally do that
why did we not think of that
i have no idea i think i mean our record
good idea actually yeah totally if that
song comes out that day we should we
should play that song
okay what else
do i still look 10 or is that gone it's
it's gone right it's gone yeah i don't
but i think it's gone because of your
ring light i don't look ten anymore
you look a little reddish
i mean
i'm gonna they have filters on tick tock
no they don't right why because my skin
is so flawless it's no filter gear it's
just well i was just asking in general i
can i can share my skincare routine with
you very soon
can you but like um
no no i just wake up like this
i'm still 10. oh my skin's perfect thank
you guys another good question gustaf do
you already have your discord account
oh my god people are sending us stuff no
another heart are we going to be a
discord today as well yeah
the after party of the livestream there
like right after this guys we got to go
on discord and we're going to like chat
a little bit with you
which is so fun
i'm trying to like find more questions
yeah like if someone is asking about the
cologne event if it's public it's not
public it's a private private event like
oh there's no idea but without audience
oh i didn't know that okay
at least that's what i heard
yeah but you can everyone can watch it
is it on uh everybody can watch it live
yeah is it on youtube we can say what it
is right we are performing at the uh
what's it called game do you know the do
you know the name game
huh i think i think but i think the real
name is games or something
i thought it's a game i know
is also
i thought it's like gamescom or
something no yeah it's on the gamescom
but the event is called different
so yeah that's where we're gonna perform
i love how prepared you are
i love that gustaf probably hears that
for the first time this was like what
where when when what are we no i know
it's after my drums barbecue
i'm hungry i'm sorry all right your
drums are barbecues next week as well
oh wait do you even have time to perform
there were sunglasses did you see that
yeah how did that happen
i don't even know guys this is such a
new world i don't even
i'm hungry tom i would love to barbecue
are you barbecuing right now this is
what we talked about
no he has his drum and barbecue oh next
week yeah so i might need to go there to
like get some food i'm like maybe
starving you can do that
i'm hungry too actually
oh we should order some food
okay let's do a couple more questions
and then we're gonna head over to uh
discord right
yes but why don't uh why oh i can stop
why don't you post on tick tock anymore
good question oh there's sunglasses oh
they're gone um
good question guys i'm just being i'm
just too busy i don't know like i had so
much fun like i love tik tok and it's so
much fun and then i have like a million
things i want to do
and then i just always like i don't know
like it takes so much you have to
explain me how to do those tik tok
videos because i tried it like on i
downloaded it for for the holidays and
recorded videos but i don't get it i
mean i don't get how to do a video there
what a tick tock yeah i don't get it
what do you mean like you just do it in
the app
yeah but i don't get it
right i tell you like
it's not that controversial but also you
can also just upload anything yeah like
you can also just record stuff on your
camera raw and then upload it as well
but i always like do it in
the app but you don't know how to like
use the the sounds and stuff you mean
yeah like the sounds the cuts is like
all this yeah i mean there's people that
are like crazy good at it like for
example i can show you
but yeah we should all do a dance
together if you like you know
i would love that yeah like on our on on
this uh yeah but like i should i should
be back on on on tick tock actually like
i looked at it like the last thing i
posted yeah your videos were funny yeah
my last video was with uh stitch in
march it's like forever ago i should
like when you smell him everywhere yeah
where i smell him yeah that was a hard
one to do like who did it
tom did
see you are the tick-tock pro then i
told you
i told you
no everyone's asking about my skincare i
just put water
i know i wake up and it's just a line
nobody has b has every product there is
on the market that's so not true i'm
like i'm i get ready at like for two
minutes not getting wrinkles not getting
old some cream for the eyes some cream
for the lips some cream for this hey
guys let me like tell you something so
we tom and i went to a birthday party of
a friend and there were like people that
never saw us before so we met like some
new friends and then they said um
wait a minute you guys are identical
twins what the [ __ ] and we're like yeah
you can't see that they're like no and
then they pointed at me saying you are
like 25 and he's like in his 40s
and i'm like
and i'm like oh my god thank you so much
there was a guy hitting on blue of
course he said that i mean i thought
that was very very honest and cute like
i love that
no i know like i need to get my id out
all the time i looked you know like
you're such a liar uh hello to friends
uh oh my god this bike it
is kind of hard in a band that you're in
a boy bench
well we are banned for 19 years and um
in magdebrook there wasn't just there
was no
bass playing bass playing no amazing
females so that's why we picked york
we thought close enough close enough
well i don't get that question i'm
trying to like read
i'm squinting i think my notes i think
it's because of the light because people
think like my eyes are getting bad but
like i'm just squinting because it's
it's so bright
oh now gustav got sunglasses
we have the year
21 right
and we met
2 000 or 2001
2000 i i always say 2 000 but i'm not
so we are banned for 21 years now i
thought it's i oh actually
i thought we made it in 2001.
who knows
who knows it's more than 19. yeah for
sure but we we don't have such a date we
don't have like a date where we're like
celebrating like no we don't have the
day where we had the first dinner
oh that was a good dinner
oh yeah yeah it's not around anymore
right it's the last time when we went
there yeah i don't know it's not there
anymore it's like a noodle house or
something now
oh doctor dustin
this is dynamite oh i still have pasta
from last night we should like warm it
up like fresh cooked pasta are you
hungry yeah but if you guys made it i
don't know if i want to eat it
what do you mean
you guys who guys no i had i had someone
making it for me because i never cook
it's the first time that someone cooked
in my kitchen
you cook sometimes you're making like
boiling egg or
i would boil an egg yeah
yeah i thought you got i thought you
started cooking in your kitchen no not
yeah but like we are on my phone i can't
check it right now um we check before we
go to this tom and i we order in like
three times a day sometimes it's
it is horrible
that that's really bad yeah oh you guys
doing it you're not cooking
i mean gooseberries i'm live monday is
it i'm eating breakfast and then i
eat dinner
like like but we cook of course we cook
but what do you mean with cooking you
make a salad like we we had no we had
quesadillas today hot water
quesadillas okay let's do like two more
questions and then we're gonna head over
to discord and like keep on chatting
with you guys on discord
how can people join discord just so
everyone knows like yeah maybe somebody
in the chat can post a link here really
quick well just go and just go on the
platform discord how about you post the
yeah i can't ah great and someone else
can okay i know some of you guys are so
good with you know figuring stuff out
you should post the link to our discord
after party so people can join
yeah and i think it's on our uh on our
instagram there's the discord link as
yeah let's do like two more questions
and then we're gonna head out and by the
way you are all allowed to like have a
boozy sunday and like celebrate monsoon
um i think it's also a good time to like
say thank you for like everyone that's
with us for all these years and you know
we are
so happy and like
blessed to have you guys and um we
appreciate all of you guys and we're
like we can't wait to go back on tour
next year in april
and play live for you guys and see all
of you there's so much
coming up with the band news songs album
and i think it's it's songs that
everyone's gonna enjoy yeah i mean it's
really cool stuff so yeah thank you so
much for like sticking with us and like
sharing the music and the love and we
love you guys so much you're amazing so
um i'm very excited to go back on tour
like i see like live photos all the time
i'm like oh my god like i missed that
it's not so long i mean we still got
some time until april i guess yeah yeah
but i'm already working on my outfits so
that's the most important oh i thought
on your body
and you may yeah i think you should
start oh no body is fine everybody is
already fine i'm just now is in shape
why not
why don't you show us your belly like
let's see
yeah let us be the judge i'm gonna show
it on stage live i'm gonna is it like a
six-pack belly or it's like such a
um outfit i'm gonna wear oh my god it's
gonna show everything really
okay let's do like
how's your i think to end this tom
tom should play a song and then we had
really is my god
does that be off
that's it first
you guys are the worst
created diets
bleeding off my diet learn english
yeah the bad land of my english
oh by the way i'm watching a big
documentation of angela merkel on
yeah i heard about it yeah is it good
it's good yeah you have to watch it i
want to watch it yeah people told me
about it i want to watch it i'm such a
fan of hers and i'm so sad she's gonna
yeah oh yeah what i really want to see
ah [ __ ] i lost that question that's
something fun
we have additional questions
well you know we speak english so
everyone can understand yeah right so we
don't only have german people on here so
that's why we speak english it's
actually it's so funny when i talk
english with you guys my my english gets
so german
right yeah that's why people are coming
and they're like oh my god your accent
is horrible yeah because you guys are
yeah it's funny because like whenever
when when germans talk english it's way
you know german sounding yeah when you
talk with you know people from l.a or
whatever so
it's funny okay let's head over to
discord should should we
yeah play a song for us to end this
dream tom
thank you guys so much for hanging out
it was fun
thanks for like celebrating more soon
i almost finished my beer
okay let's do
one more be on discord
yeah one will be on discord see you
there guys okay bye bye
how do i end this thing
i think
+ Основные новости
TikTok Live Discord After Party 5.08.2021
* Bill & Tom worked on new music with RockMafia
* Gustavjoined Discord today
* The campaign for the "Kaulitz Hills" podcast was shot this week
* An instagram campaign with Bill comes out next week
* There's a live performance happening at the "Spielesause" event (GamesCom) on August 27th in Cologne. 1. Twitch & Youtube live streams will be available
* About Bill's TV project:
It's a German competition show in which he's gonna be the host / judge. It airs in October'21
* The new song is a collab with a male German artist. Bill sings the hook.
Release date: August 27th.
Спасибо lxvewholxvesyouback
@темы: livestream, video, видео, photo, фото, Tom Kaulitz, Том Каулитц, Georg Listing, Георг Листинг, Gustav Schafer, Густав Шефер, Bill Kaulitz, Билл Каулитц, Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель, TH-video, ТХ-видео, TH-internet, TH-интернет, IG/Instagram