(1) инстаграм Tokio Hotel: “I believe "Château" was the first track we wrote for the new album and it was one of the songs that happened pretty fast and easy. It’s about a love against all odds and inspired by the story of tom and his wife. We wrote the song shortly after they met for the first time in 2018 at the Chateau Marmont in West Hollywood.” The video was shot back in March this year in Los Angeles. Bill: “I wanted it to be a short movie almost! different, raw and real rather than just another music video. I asked a few of my friends to be in it and we interviewed all of them in a super intimate setting. Everyone got the same questions and the result is an unusual honest piece that will make you happy and break your heart. At least that’s what it’s done it for me”.
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инстаграм Билла #2070: #Chateau в пятницу в 9 часов утра 🎬 фото от @christophkoestlin | #Chateau Friday 7am 🎬 pic by @christophkoestlin - www.instagram.com/p/B5GT2CQh9uF/
- фото сделано 9 марта 2019 года во время съёмок видео "Chateau" в Studio City.
+ (21.11.2019)
IG-история Tokio Hotel: видео:
+ инста-история Билла: я искренно верю, что мы здесь ради любви - видео: twitter.com/dicke_muschi/status/119761887910899...
+ IG Tokio Hotel #587: Завтра в 9 утра (время по Москве) видео Chateau @mmaattcchh @barisaladag | TOMORROW 7am CET - Chateau @mmaattcchh @barisaladag - видео: www.instagram.com/p/B5IwoCxBUTV/
Билл: Я искренно верю, что мы здесь ради любви