(1) magdeburglosangeles #48: В четверг, 14-го ноября, в 20 часов (время по Москве) вы сможете заполучить наш | Thursday November 14th, at 6 PM CET you’ll be able to get your hands on our handmade WHITE ACID DYE DENIM JACKET. It’s No. 05 of the one of a kind custom made #showpieces by @billkaulitz. First come, first serve! 🚨 Link in Bio.www.instagram.com/p/B4xi7s7qKyH/
(2) magdeburglosangeles #47: Tomorrow November 13th, at 6 PM CET you’ll be able to get your hands on our handmade ACID DYE T-SHIRT. It’s No. 04 of the one of a kind custom made #showpieces by @billkaulitz. First come, first serve! 🚨 Link in Bio. www.instagram.com/p/B4xiyxoq-h_/
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