(9) инста-история Tokio Hotel #2 (10) инста-история Tokio Hotel #3 (11) инстаграм Tokio Hotel #539: #Стокгольм ❣️ | #stockholm ❣️ www.instagram.com/p/ByivnbhhboJ/ * Георг и Густав лайкнули это фото (12) инста-история Билла #8 (13) инста-история Билла #9 (14) инста-история Густава #1: #Стокгольм, "Tak"! #melancholicparadisetour * видимо, Густав хотел написать "спасибо" на шведском, но оно пишется, как "tack" (15) инстаграм Билла #1947: прошлым вечером был ❣️#Стокгольм | last night was ❣️#stockholm www.instagram.com/p/BykFDf4hk8z/ * Георг лайкнул это фото (16) charmingliars IG: Печально, но наступил тот день, когда мы должны выехать из Tokio Hotel. Огромное спасибо группе и их замечательной команде за то, что приняли нас в свою семью! 📸 @domiwizzl www.instagram.com/p/BykU6zCAjkD/ (17) IG Tokio Hotel #540: Спасибо за изумительный разогрев Charming Liars. Парни, вы были изумительными, и мы будем очень по вам скучать! До встречи ❣️ | Thanks to our amazing support act @charmingliars You guys were amazing and we’ll miss you much! Till next time ❣️ www.instagram.com/p/BylSea0hdHY/
Сегодня концерт в Скандинавии, а именно в молодёжном центре Fryshuset в Стокгольме (Швеция). В этом молодёжном центре есть концертная площадка Arenan, максимальная вместимость которой - 3500 человек. Площадку можно уменьшить с помощью спадающего с потолка занавеса-стен до 1000 человек. Адрес: Fryshuset, Mårtensdalsgatan 2-8, 120 30 Stockholm, Швеция
* В Стокгольме группа была уже несколько раз:
- 12.06.2007 – автографсессия и фотосессия для промо альбома “Scream” - к сожалению, концерт 3 апреля 2008 года в Стокгольме в рамках тура "1000 Hotels European Tour" отменили из-за операции на голосовых связках у Билла; - 08.09.2009 – промо для альбома "Humanoid": a) (интервью для Starlounge, meet&greet) + фотосессия, b) интервью для radio NRJ и шведского MTV, c) веб-чат Estocolmo с фанатами на сайте: www.Aftonbladet.se d) интервью с Kenza - 04.03.2010 – концерт в the Globe в рамках тура "The Humanoid City Tour 2010" - 06.04.2017 - концерт в Fryshuset в рамках тура "Dream Machine"
Treehouse Ticketing TW: #MelancholicParadiseTour2019 Время регистрации ВИПов для Стокгольма: PRE HANG - 15:00, SOUND - 16:30, I WANT MORE - 16:30, POST CHILL - 18:00 в Fryshuset - twitter.com/treehouseticket/status/113782675951...
Unze: 1) Хотя Доминик отметил на видео, что этот мит был в Цюрихе, это отрывок с мита во Франкфурте за 26 мая 2019 2) Билл уже рассказывал эту историю со стюардессой
Билл: Однажды я забыл, что мы снова были в Германии. Георг: Это так хорошо показывает, что он за тип… Билл: А подобное часто происходит в моей жизни. У меня прямо талант забывать о том, что в комнате есть ещё кто-то, а я как раз громко говорю нечто такое, что может их обидеть. Георг: Сам скажешь, или мне сказать? Билл: Ну, мы разговаривали, и я чувствовал себя в полной безопасности, потому что мы всегда находимся в разных странах, и ты чувствуешь себя безопаснее, когда разговариваешь на немецком, так как никто вокруг тебя на нём не говорит и немецкий не понимает. И я тогда сказал: "Эта п**да может двигаться быстрее?" И тут эта девушка поворачивается ко мне -а это была стюардесса - и говорит: "Да, п**да может." (все смеются) И я такой: "Простите, я не хотел." И подобное происходит со мной часто. Это случилось ещё в школе. Мне было 12 лет, а я стоял с ребятами, которые курили, и мы сквернословили об учителях. Я сказал: "Эта старуха ничего не замечает." А она постучала мне в этот момент по плечу. Так что это типично для меня, хотя я очень редко говорю обидные вещи.
Если вы вдруг пропустили последний эпизод, вот небольшой обзор...
концертная площадка Batschkapp. Адрес: Gwinnerstraße 5, Франкфурт-на-Майне, Германия
_julianneville IG: Последние штрихи в дороге: монтирую музыкальный видеоклип для Tokio Hotel. Режиссёр Baris Aladag. Уникальный проект о любви..оставайтесь на связи 💓 #ontheroad #editorslife #мобильная_студия www.instagram.com/p/Byd9B7AI0hJ/
- похоже, что речь идёт о видео на трек "Chateau", которое снимали 9 марта 2019 года в Applewood Suites в Studio City. + Baris Aladag был режиссёром видео "Boy Don't Cry"
(5) инста-история Густава #1: #выходной в #Стокгольме - парни стоят на мосту Юргордсброн (Djurgårdsbron). Это мост в центральной части Стокгольма, который образует южное продолжение бульвара Нарваваген, соединяя таким образом материк Остермальм с островом Юргорден (Djurgården), куда парни и отправились кататься на самокатах. (6) инста-история Георга #4: репост инста-истории Густава (7) инста-история Билла #4 (репост истории Георга) (8) инста-история Густава #2: Привет - видео: twitter.com/dicke_muschi/status/113775247395380... (9) инста-история Георга #3: Густав - видео: twitter.com/tokiohotelcz/status/113776228278256... twitter.com/dicke_muschi/status/113776834892474...
Билл: Можете себе представить, что вчера мы отыграли наше 28 шоу. Так что тур почти подошёл к концу. С ума сойти! У нас осталось.. сколько? Ещё пять концертов, и нам придётся попрощаться с нашим тур-автобусом. Мы вчера немного потусили, поэтому я с похмелья… но это неважно. Что с бровью? Неважно. Да, осталось не так-то и много дат, и нам придётся оставить наш тур-автобус после семи или восьми недель, которые мы прожили там. Просто безумие какое-то. Да, осталось всего несколько шоу, народ.
- группа остановилась в отеле Radisson Collection Hotel, Strand Stockholm. Адрес: Nybrokajen 9, 103 27 Stockholm, Швеция
- На концертной площадке пахло, как в спортивном зале. Билл состроил рожицу, а Том спросил: "Кто сегодня не принял душ?" - Кто-то научил Тома ругательству во время общего фото на саундчеке. "Раз - два - три - FAEN" - Билл замёрз во время саундчека, и фанатам пришлось ждать, пока Биллу принесут куртку. - В последнее время Билл слушает в душе песню "Too Lost in you" от Sugababes, и эта песня поднимает ему настроение.
читать дальшеБилл: ... или когда город говно (shitty). Бывают такие города, когда не надо никуда выходить и не надо ничего осматривать. Или когда у нас недостаточно свободного времени, то тогда мы остаемся в отеле. Или как однажды я так разболелся, что я весь день пытался лечится. У меня был всего лишь один свободный день, чтобы как-то выздороветь. И я начал пить чаи, глотать горстями всевозможные известные в этом мире витамины, пытаясь поправиться за сутки. Вот. Иногда я даже не выхожу из своего номера. Вот так. Фанатка: Да, очень важно отдыхать. Билл: Да, очень важно отдыхать, точно. И дело ещё в том, что мы очень много разговариваем, каждый день встречаем очень много людей, и на выходных мы просто пытаемся, ну, расслабиться и... Георг: ...заткнуться. (фанаты: Да!) Билл: ...и ни с кем не разговаривать, никого не развлекать. Мы просто пытаемся расслабиться и отдохнуть, поваляться в кровати и посмотреть "Игру престолов" или что-нибудь ещё.
Фанатка: Это правда, что у тебя есть татуировка на члене? Билл и Том: На пенисе? Фанатка: Да. Том: Да. Фанатка: Потому что у меня тоже... (Том её перебивает) Том: Нет-нет-нет. У меня нет татуировки на члене. Я бы никогда не стал делать татуировку там, если честно. Это наверняка очень больно. Фанатка: Да. Георг: А что ты сказала вот только что? У тебя тоже... Явно не на твоём члене... читать дальшеФанатка: У меня татуировка там внизу. Парни начали переспрашивать: На твоей Schneck (нем. слэнг для обозначения женского полового органа)? Том: Там внизу? Георг: Ух ты! Фанатка: А что такое "Schneck"? Том: У тебя правда там тату? Георг: Schneck - это киска (pussy - груб. сленг для обозначения женского полового органа, но не такой грубый, как cunt). Фанатка (не понимая): Да? Как ещё раз? Другая фанатка: Schneck. Билл (показывает рукой): На твоей Schneck, это значит, что тату над ней (показывает на лобок) или прямо на ней? Фанатка: На ней. Билл: На ней? Фанатка: Да. Другая фанатка: Серьёзно?! Билл: Ух ты! Том: Ну, круто. Билл: А я уже почти чуть было не сказал: Покажи! (смех) Мы сможем это сделать в тур-автобусе позже, и ещё выпьем. Ха-ха! Было больно? Как это было? Фанатка: Да. Том: Ужас какой только подумать. Фанатка: Это серьёзнее, чем кесарево сечение. У меня было два кесарева... Билл: Ага. И делать тату было больнее? Фанатка: ...так это больнее. Билл: Или что было хуже? Фанатка: Да, конечно. Том: Господи. Билл: Тату-мастеру повезло! Георг: Это была девушка или парень? Фанатка: Парень. Мой бывший парень. Георг и Том: Бывший? Билл: Оу! Том: А что, нормально. Георг: То есть, вы уже расстались, когда он делал тебе тату? Фанатка: На самом деле... Билл: На самом дел, у меня есть машинка для набивания тату, так что я мог бы понабивать татушки в летнем лагере. Поэтому, кто хочет тату на Schneck, обращайтесь! Георг: Только приносите большие иглы. Том: Следующий вопрос! Билл (указывает на фанатку): А она уже задумалась: что бы ей такого набить! Том: ...что бы мне набить! Георг: Бабочку или... (парни смеются) Фанатка: У меня там бабочка. Том: Бабочка? О, вот что у тебя там. Бабочка. Билл: У тебя там бабочка? Вау! Георг: Вау! Том: И бабочка прямо на... (показывает) Фанатка: Не совсем. Она у меня... (показывает) Георг (повторяет): Обожаю, как она показывает! Билл: Она такая (повторяет движение девушки)
+ Парни подписывают мерч, приобретённый фанатами. ВИП для этого не нужен:
(15) инстаграм Билла #1943: Let‘s make LOVE all night [строчка из песни] - www.instagram.com/p/ByfGu03BQuN/ * Георг лайкнул это фото (16) инста-история Билла #1 (17) инстаграм Tokio Hotel #537: Вчера мы отыграли наше 28-ое шоу 🏋🏼♂️ | We played our 28th show yesterday 🏋🏼♂️ www.instagram.com/p/ByfFqb3hmh4/ - Георг и Билл лайкнули это фото (18) инста-история Билла #2
Второй концерт в Скандинавии, и на этот раз в Осло, Норвегии. Концертная площадка Sentrum Scene, вместимостью 1750 человек, находится по адресу: Arbeidersamfunnets plass 1, 0181 Oslo, Норвегия
- Интересно, что ровно 9 лет назад в этот же день (7 апреля 2008 года) концерт в рамках тура "1000 Hotels European Tour" отменили из-за операции на голосовых связках у Билла; - группа потом выступала в Осло в 3 марта 2010 года на концертной площадке Valhall в рамках тура "Welcome to the Humanoid City Tour". - 7 апреля 2017 года группа выступила в Sentrum Scene в рамках тура "DReam Machine"
thread though. Backstage, before the song, the band asked if we had any questions. I had one for Tom, and asked if he could please put the Automatic remix on spotify, the one they played last few tours. I told him I know you have it recorded As Domi has been using it for THTV a few times. Bill had no clue what remix that was, but Tom knew exactly what I meant. He said "I know what you mean, I made it myself..." then he did a "bam! bam!" while fistpumping, to mimick the part of the song. You could just feel how much loved the remix himself. Georg then said "we should put that on spotify..." (always thinking about revenue haha <3), but Tom said when MP has 2 million plays and WIRIP has 1 million plays on spotify, he will put the Automatic Remix on spotify.. This is the exact same numbers he told a girl in Sweden, when she asked for his solo from the tour, he wanted the same numbers for MP and WIRIP if we wanted it. But then he actually said "nah, i dont think ill release it", but more about this when I talk about #MPStockholm Еще Backstage in Denmark, a german girl asked Bill in german, what the signs on this hoodie means. Bill replied it is "2019" but with "shift" letters. So 2 = " and 0 = = and 1 = ! and 9 = ) #MPCopenhagen Bill also asked how many of us were going to Summer camp. Only 2-3 were going, so he asked the rest of us "Why noooot?" and we told him "$$$$", to which Georg replied "Well what are you doing here then? I'd rather be at summer camp!" Before the drinking/guitar game, I asked Tom for a favor. I tried explaining to him how a certain part in Totgeliebt is my ABSOLUTE favorite TH "sound"/song. He didn't remember Totgeliebt AT ALL, and was struggling to remember it. So sadly he couldn't do it. He didn't even remember how it started. Georg and Bill loved how I was able to "sing" the melody though Then when the M&G backstage was over, we had brought a traditional Danish cake called "Drømmekage", that we bought at a bakery. When we gave it to Steffen, Tom was looking at us, asking what it was. We explained what it was, and Steffen smiled at us and asked "Not Amsterdam dream cake, right?" And we all laughed, including Tom, and said "Nooo, just danish normal cake". Tom grabbed it, and said thanks a lot! We absolutely forgot to ask them later, if they liked it Backstage: While waiting, we talked a bit with the little puppy, that Bill had posted on his IG story about earlier. Super cute <3 Then the guys came, and since it was so small, Georg sat down RIGHT next to us. Again, the whole atmosphere was crazy relaxed. Everyone down to earth Again the guys asked if we had any questions, and no one really said anything, but this is actually where I asked the automatic question (sorry, did say it would be blurry ). Then before the picture time, we asked the guys, since we came from the danish fanclub, if they were up for us making a small video with them saying danish words/phrases. Bill said "yeaah sure!!" and so we did it. Gustav had already started talking with a fan, so he wasn't able to participate. We have a video coming out with this later, but we had Bill saying rød grød med fløde! plus Georg said Bæskubber haha. They were really good sports about it. Then it was photo/selfie time. Gustav was all alone, so we went to him first. First I took a picture of him with our polaroid camera, for my tourbook. He was like "of just me??" at first, but then gave me a really good picture, and 2 fuck fingers he said "now you have something special then!", then I took selfies with him, and @JeanetteJewel got polaroid selfie + normal selfies. We then saw Bill was standing ALL by himself, and we walked over to him. @JeanetteJewel told him "We saw you were standing over here all by yourself??" and he went "yeah im all by myself" haha. We did the same things again, except she got a hug from him, and he wrote in my tour book <3. He wrote "Wir sterben niemals aus, ihr tragt uns bis in alle zeit", something that means a lot to me <3 I took a selfie with him too, a "one and done" as I called it later. Basically the fastest selfie ever, and only one then it was time for Tom. And omg, Tooom <3 So right of the bat, I told him "For 13 years I've been a fan now, and never asked before now, but can I hug you?" and he went "Yes of course!" and opened his arms. Jesus christ. I instantly became 18 again, and was massive fangirl I went in for the hug, and while I had prepared in my mind what to say, my mouth betrayed me, and splurted out "Btw. Happy birthda... y I was about to say!" as I leaned back out from the hug (his hair is so soooooft), we were both laughing and my failed attempt at saving face was still going... "but I mean congrats with the engagement! I hope you are super happy, and don't ever listen to all the haters!" he laughed and said "I am happy, and I don't". Then we took a lot of selfies with him and his silly opened mouth
- Билл спел песни Бритни Спирс для фанатов в гримёрке... ему очень понравилась концертная площадка. Он сказал, что их дом в Лос-Анджелесе построен примерно в том же стиле. Если бы ему пришлось строить концертную площадку рядом с домом, то она выглядела бы именно так. Билл спросил Тома, и тот согласился. - смешные факты: Билл побрил подмышки; Густав переобулся во время шоу; Том был в очень хорошем настроении. - С Каппером всё в порядке. Он со Стичем сейчас у мамы близнецов в Германии. - Когда Тому было 6-7 лет, у него была подружка из Дании, которая любила облизывать его пальцы. Это был его первый "сексуальный опыт". - Пани видели фан-акцию, и им она понравилась. Густав не видел, потому что был без очков. Во время исполнения "When It Pours, It Rains" фанаты подняли листы бумаги, на которых было написано "Добро пожаловать с возвращением" (Welcome Back).
The concert was amazing - the lightsabers on stage took the show to the next level, but kinda ruined the experience cause it was hard to see their faces behind them #MPCopenhagen Bill said it was a beautiful venue and city and someone (one of the IWM) had told them it had been 9 years since they last played - “Fucking rude” he said During the first song we held up “Welcome Back” signs, and they were super happy to see them The M&G was a little chaotic at first, but then Mike came to save the day - he fucking knew what was up and how to do the whole q&a, pics and the signing While the IWM were backstage with the band and we were waiting Mike came to tell us how things were going to play out - super professional and so fucking nice! A crazy b**** asked him when she could go smoke and Mike said there wasnmt time, she conplained and said she smoked a fucking lot, Mike said that if it was a problem she might have to go to AA meetings - we ALL laughed, but somehow she had targeted me She turned around and asked me not to laugh at her, I said sorry, but she kept going on and on about how fucking rude I was and disrespectful and stuff - Mike stepped in and told her that listen, she’s sorry, so calm down and case closed. One of the roadies came to talk to us читать дальшеFirst q - Does Bill train Stitch himself. Yes, but it’s difficult cause he’s so energetic and doesn’t really wanna learn. Gustav spent a long time the day before on training, but as Tom said “in the moment, he does it, but after, he just forgets everything Then they talked about how Pumba was an angel and Capper was crazy as a pup - he has separation anxiety and one time he had locked himself in their parent’s garage and freaked out, scratched the car so it had to be trashed In one of their houses, Capper had destroyed everything cause he had been left alone. Tom mentioned there needs to be at least another dog if they leave him Then they went on to how Stitch had shit all over the bus - in Bill’s bed so the matress had to be dumped, and in his bag. Bill had the bag on his shoulder and Tom saw he was brown and was like “wtf did you get a tan?!” But no - Stitch’s shit Then they had aired out the bus, but the driver had backed up and the window hit smth and the entire thing came out. As Bill said “My room was a fucking mess” I asked about why Bill decided on getting Pumba tattooed - what made him that much more special than their other dogs. Bill said that Pumba was an angel and he followed him around and was so well behaved and calmAnd he said that he thinks Pumba knew his time on Earth was limited, but that he knew Bill was taking care of him and made sure he had the best possible life Then Bill was like “AAAAAH” and laughed, so I think he was a little emotional What would be their theme song in life Georg: Champagne superstar (Supernova??) Tom: We are the champions (“Very fitting for me!”) Bill: Annie Lenox - Little Bird or Britney Spears Someone mentioned Sex Bomb by Tom Jones and Bill said “No! That’s not him!” And went on to google it but found out it was true and pouted a bit toward Gustav The craziest that has happened on tour - they talked about Paris and how they were late cause of a lot of problems, then said there will be a 3 part doc about it with backstage videos of them freaking out about it Bill also mentioned during his first costume change at one point there was a spider crawling to his outfit and his make up lady (who helps him get changed during the show) is terrified of spiders and went “OMFG A SPIDER AAAAAH NOOO!” And Bill was kinda freaking out My friend asked if they had to cover a Disney song, what would it be and why, Tom mentioned Phil Collins and Tarzan but changed it to Lion King as his favorite Bill said they had watched it as kids and had cried and their mom had been like “WTF DID I DO?!” They were asked if they would ever adopt a cat. Bill immediately looked so disgusted and said no, cause he was a dog person. Tom said you don’t know where you have cats, at first you’re cuddling, the next moment they scratch you. So a definite no At one point they talked about how Capper was such a sweetheart - He’s 11 now, but he still acts like a puppy sometimes, vut he wants to cuddle and everything So then we went on to the pics and stuff - us who had bought merch had been told to be the last in line, holding our merch. Mike would take it and give it to the other side when it was our turn for photos and then we had to go back in the queue When everyone had their picture taken, they went over to some bar tables where Mike helped us spread out our merch, one by one - Gustav had an entire table while Geo, Tom and Bill were cramped around one Gustav said “Hello” when it was my turn and helped me sort out one of my shirts cause Mike was busy with another one. I put my last shirt on the table for Gustav and then Steffen was like “whose is this?!” And I said it was mine and went to take it from him Then he put out his arm to cut me off from the boys, but I said it was my shirt as well that G, B and T were signing. He was like “Oh okay!” And put his arm down Bill handed me my shirt, looked me directly in the eyes and said “Thank you sweetie” and istfg I died One of the roadies handed us the MDLA fanny pack and the signed poster and that was it For once, I think everyone except one (a woman whose name I can’t remember, but looked so pissed and like she’d rather be anywhere else than there) were so super nice, Mike, the roadies, the security - everyone were so helpful and sweet! Oh and Tom said that Capper was okay - he had a little accident. But that was all he said The twins also said their dogs were at Grandma’s house cause Stitch isn’t allowed to go to Russia. Bill said it was kind of a relief sometimes cause Stitch is so much work, but that he loves him They were asked if they had ever vacationed in Denmark and they said yes. T&B mentioned smth about having a house here when they were 6-7, but then went on to say they had friends here they went to visit. Tom mentioned he had a gf from Denmark when he was 6 But that she was really weird. She licked his fingers and stuff They said they had a cabin here that looked like it had been used for shooting porn. Bill was sure there was cum everywhere Tom also mentioned that we didn’t have a lot of stop signs, but we corrected him and said we do. He said he had driven his R8 and didn’t know there was a speed limit, so he went “like 250 m/h - I was just flying” a girl said maybe that’s why he didn’t see the signs Tom also said he had found out you could be arrested for speeding here “luckily nothing happened - maybe I was too fast” Oh and Bill mentioned with Stitch that sometimes he wanted to call Super Nanny for help with the training Bill said that the venue was so beautiful and said jokingly “We should have the rest of the shows here!” And we agreed, but then he laughed and said “okay, but you guys tell the other fans we relocated” Oh and Bill was upset that there were no presents for him when they arrived at the M&G “What, no presents?!”
At the Post Chill Q&A, they came in, and started talking about the venue again, how much they loved it, and how much they loved Copenhagen. Ya know, the usual stuff haha. They asked for questions, and at first I didn't wanna put my hands up right away, as we had just seen them A girl asked them what their favorite disney movie was, and they all agreed it was Lion King, and how sad it was, and how they cried as children. They really wanted to see Dumbo! I then raised my hand, and Bill chose me. I told him "So, my question is Bill, how hard for you is it to raise and train Stitch? I have a puppy myself around the same age, and she is such a devil!" I then showed them the wound on my leg, where my pup scratched me. Bill then began a 5 minute conversation basically with me alone, on puppy training, and how hard it is with Stitch compared to Pumbi. Tom and Bill were both SO into this conversation. While me and Bill were talking about the struggles of puppies, Tom kept asking me "What breed?" .. "What breed?" "What breed is it?". @JeanetteJewel replied "A frenchie", but he just looked at her, and back to me and said "What breed is it?" as if her reply wasn't good enough lol. I finally had to break eyecontact with Bill to reply to Tom, and said "A french bulldog". He then slapped his knees and went "AAAAH YES, YOU KNOW STITCH IS JUST LIKE A FRENCH BULLDOG!!" haha. The twins was legit so into this conversation. Felt like we were in our own little bubble forever, talking puppies, and training. Gustav had spent an hour in Warsaw, trying to teach Stitch to sit but he had forgotten it the day after already hahaha. Bill said with Stitch, it was very hard, cause he has SO much energy compared to Pumba. And he didn't understand no yet. He wanted to call Super Nanny some days lol. Then they said he still wasn't clean, and poops everywhere INCLUDING on the tourbus. Infact, last week he had diarrea, and had taken a shit in his sleep in Bill's bed. So when they woke up, Stitch was covered in poop lol. The dogs are now in Germany with their grandma (Simone), which probably was why Tom was late to arrive in Copenhagen A girl then asked "you have had many dogs Bill, but what was so special about Pumba, that made you get a tattoo of him, and not the other dogs?". Bill then explained, that the releationship he had with stitch was incredible and unique. Tom said it was Bill's first "own" dog Bill said he had rescued him from a shelter, and he knew he was sick when he got him. And that he was on borrowed time. When he said the next part, I can swear he got glossy eyed. "I think Pumba knew he was only with me for a short time as well" Bill explained how Pumba would follow him everywhere, and just sit and look up on Bill, as if he was his entire world. Losing him was the hardest day in his life. And that's why he got the tattoo, to remember him forever oh, I asked him if Capper is okay. Tom said Capper is fine, he had a small accident, but he is okay. They are with grandma, cause Stitch isn't allowed in Russia Someone asked what the themesong to their lives would be. Bill didn't know, he thought a lot about it. But said his favorite song was "Little Bird". But if it had to be about his life, probably "Stronger" by Britney, or "Overprotected", then he laughed and looked at Steffen Then I blurted out "For Tom, it should be the Sex... something song by Tom Jones!" (I forgot its name) and Bill sang it "Sex bomb sex bomb!.. That's not by Tom Jones!" And Gustav said "I think she is right..." Tom said "No I don't think it's him" and they had a small discussion Then Gustav told Bill to google it. And so he did, and after a while, Gustav said "So who was it?" & Bill casually said "Tom Jones", as if he really didn't like being wrong. Gustav then put his fist out to me, and we fucking fistbumped. Gustav actually fistbumped me
OH backstage as well, was the girl who won the talent show at last years summercamp. She could go free to all their shows in 2019. Georg then said "We have to come up with something for that as well soon!" to which Tom said "what do you mean, free tickets to all our shows is the best prize ever? I mean, the next best thing, since sleeping with me would be the best prize!" Then Gustav jokingly said "yeah, let them sleep on the tourbus for one night" After our signing (we were last with them), Gustav "captured" Bill in a hug, and didn't wanna let him go, this was filmed for THTV, Bill said something in German to the camera. It was so fun and cute, and incredible to see them be so relaxed around us, even though we were still 4-5 fans left in the room. God Copenhagen was everything. Worth 9 years of waiting for SURE!!!!
Bill told us that in Warsaw, the backstage and toilets were SO disgusting. Bill had to take a shower after the concert, and it was filled with hundreds of mosquitoes. Georg said that Bill had been screaming in the shower the whole time, trying to spray them all with the showerhead, while the other guys had been laughing at him.
- Это отрывок с мита в Будапеште (2 июня). Том рассказал историю о том, как в Краснодаре девушка с длинными черными волосами пробралась в его номер в отеле и, наверное, с час наблюдала за спящим Томом. Номер стоял из двух смежных комнат. Том мог видеть вторую комнату в зеркале. Том плохо спал в ту ночь, и когда он заметил девушку в зеркале, он встал, взял бутылку из-под воды (как он сказал, она была тяжелой, и ей можно было убить человека). Девушка подбежала к балкону и исчезла. Том: Не знаю, что ей было надо. Если бы она попросила сфотографироваться, это бы было странно, но понятно, хотя время было 4 утра. Но она просто тихо наблюдала за ним.
Tokio Hotel IG #536: Новый эпизод #tokiohoteltv уже в сети ❣️Заходите на наш YouTube и смотрите - видео: www.instagram.com/p/ByancxCB35h/ + Георг сделал репост в своих историях
инстаграм Билла #1941: Сегодня я думаю о тебе, мой самый лучший друг. Скучаю по тебе каждый день, и буду любить тебя вечно 🖤 #Пумби | I‘m thinking of my best friend today. I miss you every day and will love you forever 🖤 #pumbi www.instagram.com/p/ByaSHDfBNCl/
(1) инстаграм Билла #1940: все эти ванные с их зеркалами | all these bathrooms with their mirrors www.instagram.com/p/ByaCutRBe6p/ * Георг лайкнул это фото
- Группа остановилась в CPH Studio Hotel. Адрес: Krimsvej 29, 2300 København, Дания ====================================
* Этого щенка зовут Лиза. Она появилась в феврале этого года на концертной площадке Vega, и теперь живёт за кулисами, радуя артистов и работников сцены.
Сегодня концерт пройдёт в региональном развлекательном центре на Вестербро Vega в городе Копенгагене (Дания). Был полностью перестроен в 1996 году. Есть два зала: большой и малый (Store Vega и Lille Vega: вместимость 1150 и 500 человек соответственно). Есть другие разные помещения для выставок, пресс-зал, стильный бар.
Treehouse Ticketing TW: #MelancholicParadiseTour2019 Время регистрации ВИПов для Копенгагена: PRE HANG - 15:00, SOUND - 16:30, I WANT MORE - 16:30, POST CHILL - 18:00 в Vega twitter.com/treehouseticket/status/113677370839...