пятница, 02 апреля 2010
Exclusive-Interview with Tokio Hotel!
Bill: Well, for me a live concert is not only about, having a guitar, an amplifier, staying on a stage and to play for one and half hour...i have another demand...for me it is really a show and we really want to make a show, which fits to the album...some kind of Humanoid city and so on. From this point i was thrilled that Dsquared was ready to make it...the outfits for the tour...and that is truely awesome, that two designer create this...that is so awesome. For me it is a dream come true...more than for the others. For me it is like...yes...i am living this...it belongs to me..i signify to wear such kind of outfits and to perform and sing. In my eyes it is a perfect show.
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Bill: Well, for me a live concert is not only about, having a guitar, an amplifier, staying on a stage and to play for one and half hour...i have another demand...for me it is really a show and we really want to make a show, which fits to the album...some kind of Humanoid city and so on. From this point i was thrilled that Dsquared was ready to make it...the outfits for the tour...and that is truely awesome, that two designer create this...that is so awesome. For me it is a dream come true...more than for the others. For me it is like...yes...i am living this...it belongs to me..i signify to wear such kind of outfits and to perform and sing. In my eyes it is a perfect show.
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Everything that kills me makes me feel alive
Не знаю, первоапрельская ли это шутка, али нет, только вот получила сейчас письмо с официального сайта про то, что Лайф-ДВД с концертом быть, и снимать его будут (еще только) в Милане. Опаньки. Оберхаузену не свезло в этом году, простите за выражение, по-русски. В том смысле, что Бог троицу любит, а третий раз его прокатили со съемками.
Письмо, собственно, вот (под море не убираю, не длинное оно) --
It’s official: Tokio Hotel’s upcoming LIVE DVD will be shot in Milan!!!
[]Do you want to become a part of Tokio Hotel history? Well, here is an absolutely unique chance for YOU since Tokio Hotel will be recording the concert in Milan on April 12th for their upcoming LIVE DVD. You as the audience are the fifth band member and and we want you to make the walls shake at Mediolanum Forum...turn this night in the craziest one Milan has EVER seen. Are you ready to rock? Okay, then get your tickets now and be part of this really special event. This concert will definitely be a highlight for Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg during their huge "Welcome to HUMANOID City" tour through Europe.
> Order your tickets online
Take care & see you in Milan!
Your TokioHotel Team
Письмо, собственно, вот (под море не убираю, не длинное оно) --
It’s official: Tokio Hotel’s upcoming LIVE DVD will be shot in Milan!!!
[]Do you want to become a part of Tokio Hotel history? Well, here is an absolutely unique chance for YOU since Tokio Hotel will be recording the concert in Milan on April 12th for their upcoming LIVE DVD. You as the audience are the fifth band member and and we want you to make the walls shake at Mediolanum Forum...turn this night in the craziest one Milan has EVER seen. Are you ready to rock? Okay, then get your tickets now and be part of this really special event. This concert will definitely be a highlight for Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg during their huge "Welcome to HUMANOID City" tour through Europe.
> Order your tickets online
Take care & see you in Milan!
Your TokioHotel Team
Big News!!!! Except the visit in Malaysia in May,
Tokio Hotel will go to another Asian country to promote their album. Universal Music Taiwan is trying very hard to invite Tokio Hotel to come to Taiwan for the promotion.
However, at the same time, Hong Kong and China also contact with TH to go to their countries to promote.
Universal Music Taiwan put all the effort on inviting them to Taiwan. Also, show them how much passion that Taiwan fans have.
Therefore, we need all the Taiwan fans to keep your fingers crossed, hope Tokio Hotel will come to Taiwan soon!!!!
P.S. Taiwan fans are planning a series of Fanaction and set up a Street Team.
The Shirt of the Street Team and Banners are also in process.
Moreover, From Northern Taiwan to Middle Taiwan and even to Southern Taiwan, Taiwan fans have at least held more than 5 fans meeting to discuss all the Fanaction video details.
Translation by Delta
Tokio Hotel will go to another Asian country to promote their album. Universal Music Taiwan is trying very hard to invite Tokio Hotel to come to Taiwan for the promotion.
However, at the same time, Hong Kong and China also contact with TH to go to their countries to promote.
Universal Music Taiwan put all the effort on inviting them to Taiwan. Also, show them how much passion that Taiwan fans have.
Therefore, we need all the Taiwan fans to keep your fingers crossed, hope Tokio Hotel will come to Taiwan soon!!!!
P.S. Taiwan fans are planning a series of Fanaction and set up a Street Team.
The Shirt of the Street Team and Banners are also in process.
Moreover, From Northern Taiwan to Middle Taiwan and even to Southern Taiwan, Taiwan fans have at least held more than 5 fans meeting to discuss all the Fanaction video details.
Translation by Delta
Is the Princess wedding in danger?

With only months left until the Swedish princess Madeleine’s (27) wedding with Jonas Bergström (31) are the couple once again surrounded of infidelity rumours.
A close friend of the princess reveals the name of her new lover; the 21-year-old Tokio Hotel-drummer Gustav Schafer from Magdeburg!
Choosing career over family.
According to our sources have Schafer already separated from the Dutch ex-model Anna (31), This may be the reason to why Schafer prioritized aconcert in Belgrade, Serbia, over the celebrating of his and Anna’s daughter’s , Leonie (1), birthday on 28th of march.
No part have been available for a comment.

With only months left until the Swedish princess Madeleine’s (27) wedding with Jonas Bergström (31) are the couple once again surrounded of infidelity rumours.
A close friend of the princess reveals the name of her new lover; the 21-year-old Tokio Hotel-drummer Gustav Schafer from Magdeburg!
Choosing career over family.
According to our sources have Schafer already separated from the Dutch ex-model Anna (31), This may be the reason to why Schafer prioritized aconcert in Belgrade, Serbia, over the celebrating of his and Anna’s daughter’s , Leonie (1), birthday on 28th of march.
No part have been available for a comment.