среда, 17 марта 2010
вторник, 16 марта 2010
Wir sind Eins wie Yin und Yang
«We are dogs unleashed
Out of control
Full of dreams
Nobody knows
Unleashed» (c)
Как знают наши друзья и посетители блога, сегодня в 12.00 по Москве мы предприняли атакующий бросок на противника. На подступах к офису ТопКонцерта (ул. Тверская, 20/1) лицом к Пушкинской площади как издевательство над фанатами продолжает висеть огромный плакат "Tokio Hotel" с феерической подписью: "Праздничный концерт к 8 марта". Не мне вам напоминать, что праздник "удался", и какого именно мы получили ХУманоида!Out of control
Full of dreams
Nobody knows
Unleashed» (c)

Разведка донесла: утром по телефону организаторы отвечали, что сегодня всё вернут. Эта же дата была озвучена билетным агентом "Концерт.ру" на их сайте.
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15:09 16/03/2010
МОСКВА, 16 мар - РИА Новости. Организаторы российских концертов немецкой рок-группы Tokio Hotel, которые были отменены в марте, вернулись к переговорам с коллективом и рассчитывают на проведение выступления в Москве в апреле, сообщила РИА Новости представительница промоутерской компании TOP Concert.
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МОСКВА, 16 мар - РИА Новости. Организаторы российских концертов немецкой рок-группы Tokio Hotel, которые были отменены в марте, вернулись к переговорам с коллективом и рассчитывают на проведение выступления в Москве в апреле, сообщила РИА Новости представительница промоутерской компании TOP Concert.
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Exclusive! Tokio Hotel Presents
Three ... two ... one! the countdown to see
Humanoid City has already begun. The meeting point is the Atlantic
Pavilion on April 7. Ready to rock?
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Humanoid City has already begun. The meeting point is the Atlantic
Pavilion on April 7. Ready to rock?
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They are about to
reach Portuguese territory and promise amazing, different and better
than they gave us nearly two years ago at the Atlantic Pavilion in
Lisbon. They return to the larger national arena, Tokio Hotel presents
Welcome to Humanoid City, the tour that will showcase the latest album
from the German band, Humanoid. Before the big date, April 7, talked
with Bill Kaulitz, singer of TH on the last album and highly anticipated
concert. The boys are nervous, but very happy to give everything they
have to give the Portuguese fans. The band wants to show why they were
the best at the MTV Music Awards in past years ... TH fans are already
preparing to receive them. Are we going to do much "Noise" in the Parque
das Nações?
reach Portuguese territory and promise amazing, different and better
than they gave us nearly two years ago at the Atlantic Pavilion in
Lisbon. They return to the larger national arena, Tokio Hotel presents
Welcome to Humanoid City, the tour that will showcase the latest album
from the German band, Humanoid. Before the big date, April 7, talked
with Bill Kaulitz, singer of TH on the last album and highly anticipated
concert. The boys are nervous, but very happy to give everything they
have to give the Portuguese fans. The band wants to show why they were
the best at the MTV Music Awards in past years ... TH fans are already
preparing to receive them. Are we going to do much "Noise" in the Parque
das Nações?
Humanoid Are your expectations were
We're really happy
with the final results. We work to promote the album. But at this
moment, our priority is the tour Welcome to Humanoid City. We rehearsed a
lot and helped produce the entire show - the stage will look like a
with the final results. We work to promote the album. But at this
moment, our priority is the tour Welcome to Humanoid City. We rehearsed a
lot and helped produce the entire show - the stage will look like a
With this work, chose the English
language in their songs again. "The next album will also be in English?
language in their songs again. "The next album will also be in English?
We can not choose between English and
German. So keep working this way, making bilingual albums.
German. So keep working this way, making bilingual albums.
Why chose as the album title?
Why chose as the album title?
It was a late option. Humanoid not occur to us when we started
it all, but passed on through the process. Even when the word came to
our minds, there was unanimous - this is not common and this has much to
do with our private lives and issues that make the album.
it all, but passed on through the process. Even when the word came to
our minds, there was unanimous - this is not common and this has much to
do with our private lives and issues that make the album.
Humanoid sounds a bit different from what
we are accustomed. It's a little more pop.
we are accustomed. It's a little more pop.
Funny how opinions differ. Some people say that humanity is
more pop, and others think it is more rock. Although the study we were
not thinking of a specific music style. The composition and production
of this work lasted a whole year. During that time, we do not care about
the style of songs we did. We worry about other stuff. The end result
is the result of hard work and dedication. Furthermore, the amount of
items that ended in the trash was enormous. The latter can be heard on
the album and is, in my opinion, very good.
more pop, and others think it is more rock. Although the study we were
not thinking of a specific music style. The composition and production
of this work lasted a whole year. During that time, we do not care about
the style of songs we did. We worry about other stuff. The end result
is the result of hard work and dedication. Furthermore, the amount of
items that ended in the trash was enormous. The latter can be heard on
the album and is, in my opinion, very good.
Of all the
songs on the album, with which they enjoy playing live more?
songs on the album, with which they enjoy playing live more?
There are songs that we like to play on
stage and others who have better effect on CD format. There is no
favorite but, for example, Noise is one of the songs which I enjoy
playing in concert.
stage and others who have better effect on CD format. There is no
favorite but, for example, Noise is one of the songs which I enjoy
playing in concert.
They won the
award for Best Band 2009 at the MTV Europe Music Awards.
award for Best Band 2009 at the MTV Europe Music Awards.
That day, we feel tremendous happiness. The
moment they announced the winner immediately feel nervous. We were
already a little earlier because we present our second single live,
World Behind My Wall. This was unforgettable.
moment they announced the winner immediately feel nervous. We were
already a little earlier because we present our second single live,
World Behind My Wall. This was unforgettable.
April, will return to Portugal for a concert. Can you open the game and
some special things will reveal what the show?
April, will return to Portugal for a concert. Can you open the game and
some special things will reveal what the show?
The production is huge and completely
different from what we did before. We have fun as much as we do, that
they feel happy and that their expectations can be overcome. We want to
be better than the concert he gave in 2008. See you soon!
different from what we did before. We have fun as much as we do, that
they feel happy and that their expectations can be overcome. We want to
be better than the concert he gave in 2008. See you soon!
Translation by THHouston