(It all started with “Scream”! Are you ready to scream again? Then catch your “Scream” upgrade on the 31th of Oct! This package includes our charming Treehouse Concierge Service, an exclusive VIP-pass and preferred entry. You will attend the soundcheck from Tokio Hotel and be part of a group shot with the band. This photo will also be posted on the bands Twitter account. On top you can shop merchandise with 10% off - crowd free. Stay tuned for the other upgrades... #screamupgrade #dreammachinetour2017 #tokiohotel
* цена этого апргейда пока неизвестна
** Билл лайкнул это фото:

*** Интересный факт: На фото -7-летняя Дрю Бэрримор - героиня фильма Стивена Спилберга "Инопланетянин" (1982)
кадр из фильма