( 1) что за день #Милан 🙏🏼 (what a day #Milan 🙏🏼 ) www.instagram.com/p/BFNAMxMlz0Q/ (2) Вчера в 10 Corso Comо. Спасибо, #Милан! А теперь обратно в Лос-Анджелес. Спасибо, Дэвис Фактор и Широ Гутци! Мы это сделали это! 🙏 #презентация_книги #дорога_домой #Лос_Анджелес #Берлин #Париж #Милан #Лос_Анджелес
(yesterday @10corsocomo thanks #milan! back to LA now. thank you @davisfactor and @shirogutzie ! we did it! 🙏🏼 #booklaunch #homewardbound #LA #Berlin #Paris #Milan #LA) www.instagram.com/p/BFN81ClFz7U/
Эксклюзивное предпрослушивание мини-альбома проходило в клубе 11 Club Room, который находится по адресу: Via Alessio di Tocqueville 11, 20154, Милан, Италия
- Регистрация началась в 20:00, а предпрослушивание - в 21:00 (время по Москве). - В этом клубе было примерно 200 фанаток. Может даже немного больше. Половина фанатов стоят, остальные сидят на диванчиках. Все надеются, что их переведут в другую комнату. Билл приехал с опозданием, потому что задержался на автограф-сессии, пытаясь подписать как можно больше книг и карточек и сделать селфи с фанатами. Видео LDBM показывали на большом экране. В клубе была дюжина парней-фанатов. Остальные - девушки самых разных возрастов. Фанаты не могли сначала сходить в туалет или даже пройти мимо туалетов, потому что туда пошёл справить свою малую нужду Билл. Он был с фанатами, когда проигрывали мини-альбом, подпевал сам себе и наблюдал за реакцией фанатов. Каждый раз, когда заканчивалась очередная песня с мини-альбома, фанаты аплодировали, а Билл посылал им воздушные поцелуи. Это было мило! От Билла пахло розовой туалетной водой.
Concert Manager был в Милане и вот что он ответил Насте Котовой: Настя, Поговорил. Передал всем привет. Тур будет. 6 городов кроме столиц. Больше ничего не скажу. Когда бумаги подпишем, тогда и всё узнаете первыми. Потом добавил: Тур конечно TH. Год 2017. Первая половина. Всё пока хватит. vk.com/wall-91462379_17924?reply=17987
Замечательный подарок от в качестве рисунков, сделанный своими руками и оформленный как арт-книга, от nobodys_art - instagram.com/p/BFJzIy7lHYb/
Вопросы и ответы:
читать дальше- 1st Q was abt how Bill can firgive sb who hurt him. He said w/ friends hurt him he forgive easy bc being "angry makes you ugly" Bill then said forgiving the person who caused the heartbreak has been much harder and he is still working on it
- Gus baby is coming any day. Сначала он не понял, что речь идет о малыше Густава, и выглядел очень озадаченным. Bill said he's excited abt it but that in general he can stand being around kids max 1 day at a time
- Bill's fav pic in the book is the 1 where the girl smokes.wasnt supposed to be in the book, taken during a break, but he liked it so much
- His other fav pic is the 1 where he & the girl almost kiss. It was taken w/ they just met, BEFORE the shoot. They said hi & Davis Factor said " get closer, ger closer" and then took the photo
- Bill said the girl was so good and so into the shoot bc she had just been through asimilar heartbreak just weeks ago
- B's fav part of LDBM is the 1st line bc it sets the tone of the whole song aid it's that one and 'you really messed me up' because this is his worst break up ever
- Bill says the whole EP is soooo personal, every line, every word and is adiary of his relationship
- Bill said this week has been fun but very,very exhausting for him. He said Berlin event was sooo fun
- Q: when Bill creates a song, how does he know when its for TH or for Billy? When did he start the solo project? LDBM was 1st When Tom & he did it in the studio,he felt it was so different fr TH. he cant have 5 songs abt HIS heartbreak on a TH CD he said he is way more into pop music than the rest of the bandmembers so this songs fit him betyer than TH
- Bill said he loves Robyn. He said he is also currently super into Rationale & that we should look it up. He's been listening to him all day
- Bill writes all his lyrics in his phone (on the note pad or recording his voice). He said he hopes nobody ever will get hold of his phone. Bill said he smt have a melody but no lyrics.then he just sings the melody with mumbo jumbo made-up. He calls it swedish
- A fan asked Bill if he still believes in the magic of love, he sipped his wine and jokingly said"no"
- Bill said he believes some ppl have premoniton dreams but he doesnt. he dreams a lot EVERY night & he has aLOT of nightmares smt he has long periods where he only dreams nightmares & that he hopes it is not truth dreams bc that "would suck so much"
- Sb asked what advice B has about how to heal heartbreak. Bill became speechless and was quiet for a long time and then said "I don"t know". He said he is still trying to heal. Only time will help. Talking to friends & family gossiping & trash talking, being angry, get drunk and smoke, watch sad movies, write. But sometimes nothing helps, only time will.
- Bill believes that aliens live at the bottom of the ocean.
- Bill said you have to be lucky enough to find your soulmate. He wished all of us that luck and we said we wish it back. After fans said we wish him luck in love he said "thank you it's so cute how you guys care about me. Fans were cheering Bill on to sing & Shiro put the mic near his mouth and he was like "no no no 🙊" and told the fans to sing.
- Bill was asked if he'd ever pay tribute to Bowie or Prince by recording a cover. He said he ❤ them but he feel he can never do them justice, that whatever he would do, would never be better or equally good. U can never do it better, only differentю Bill said that he covered a George Michael song but wouldn't tell us which one. He said its nearly finished & he may or may not release it.
- Bill said that his soulmate could be anywhere, in India, in the restaurant in front of the venue, "fucking anywhere."
- A 🇩🇪 fan asked Bill how long does she have to take off work for the next tour & he said the tour will be longer than 3 weeks. New tour is going to be into parts again!
- I asked Bill whether we'll ever get the lyrics of the other songs too and he said probably after they'd release them
- I gave Bill a gift for Pumba: A jar with heartshaped cookies (especially made for dogs) by an italian Dog Bakery
- Bill burped twice (almost a third one haha) after sipping his glass of white wine. The latter was kinda coarse.
- A guy asked Bill how come they made the cassette of Devilish demo for the KOS ltd deluxe edition Bill desribed how they dug up the old demo& listened to it in his kitchen and "were crying!! We laughed so much when we heard it" Bill: "The (devilish) songs are soooo bad but cute at the same time. We were crying with laughter"
- He's so down to Earth, it's unbelievable.
- He also talkedabout how many different kinds of love there is, not just romantic. "I love my dog so much"
- A guy asked a Q +he asked 2 followups. Couldnt hear it. On the 2nd follow up Bill started laughing "OK, you are way more drunk than I am"
- After the listening session ended Bill came back and answered a handful more Qs. He pointed out. "I want really good question"
- Bill said he was tired now that the events are over and that it was a crazy week, now time to rest and move on with other things
- Подъехали почти к самым дверям, зашли внутрь за 2 сек. Билл улыбался и махал. Волосы не зализаны. Тома почти не видела. - 100 людей за час. Меньше минуты на каждого. Было 120 книг на подпись. Когда книги закончились, Билл стал расписываться на карточках. Он хотел встретиться со всеми, кто пришел. - Фанатка забыла подписанную книгу, Билл побежал догонять ее, чтобы отдать ей книгу. - От Билла пахло розами. - Были Том, Широ, Шей. Рии не было.