could have totally been part of this ad
! Love the clip, so hilarious...
could have totally been part of this ad

Audi TV Ad, Friendly Competition from GTspirit on Vimeo.
среда, 03 марта 2010
- Tom's got the blue tape again. (@wampykitty)
- Standing 'O' from Gustav to the Oslo crowd during the 'band thanks' section of phantomrider. (@wampykitty)
- Fans singing a long every word from every amazing song!! (@MissKirstenL)
- English concert!
- Lights out here we go!
- This is the youngest crowd we've seen BY FAR. Lots of 10 and unders. (@wampykitty)
-Spotlight array coming down so the crew can get on. Checking drums and guitar. (@wampykitty)
-We have the pre-show WBMW dance re-mix!(@wampykitty)
-We passed ten huge TH road crew trucks on the way in. Are there two stages? So 20 trucks altogether?(@wampykitty)
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- The venue in Oslo is gonna be completely packed with Tokio Hotel fans, only a couple of tickets left!! (@MissKirstenL)
-Fans did see Tom in his car some minutes ago.
- Soundcheck!
- Buses are already there. There have been fans who have been to pick out in front of the bus. There are lights inside.
- In today's Arena capacity is 12,800 people. According to a fan only about 500 tickets are free.
- The weather could help fans get to be in front of the stage. The fans can't camp because of this cold weather.
- The doors will be open at 18.00h and the show starts at 19.30h
- Today concert in Oslo (Norway). Weather: -10ºC !
Tokio Hotel is the only band from the German-speaking countries on the album "Almost Alice" which appears at the same time as the new movie hit "Alice in Wonderland" by master director Tim Burton. In addition to the song "Strange," which is performed by Tokio Hotel and Kerli, "Almost Alice" includes fifteen other pieces of work inspired by Lewis Carroll. We had the guys for an interview.
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читать дальше How did you come up with the idea to include Kerli in the song "Strange" and how the project is to contribute a song for the film "Alice in Wonderland" is to ever come to pass?
Bill: The song is called, is 'Strange' and the main line, 'Strange in your perfect world'. This already fits very well with the whole movie and it was actually relatively quickly clear that we want to do it. It was then worked out everything. We need above all a female voice. We felt it isn't so important as that is successful. We just wanted to have a special voice. We wanted it to suits the song. This is the very first time that we ever let someone else sing along with us. This has worked reasonably well and it has also worked in the studio all relatively quickly. How did you get inspired to your song?
Bill: It is above all a bit out of our lives. Our life is of course very strange. To that extent, that you simply never been properly related, and that it somehow feels a little different. That would be like if a girl would agree with me, then she will have exactly feeling like me. That is, when you have set one foot true the door and when Tokio Hotel also enters the room. than the stay there for al long time. That was a little bit the idea behind it, and that fits in the case, of course, perfect for Wonderland. Have you read the book Alice in Wonderland '? If so, when was that?
Bill: We, Tom and I have seen the film!
Tom: Yes, exactly! We have seen the cartoon at the time. And I think we also had the books. I must say I found it quite scary at the time somehow. I think that is also in this film remained so. You can find single figures indeed totally sweet - and then there are so a few other things that are already really creepy. What did you like the film the most? What is your favorite character?
Tom: My favorite characters are the bloodhound and the March hare - the one with the floppy ears. I think is so cool!
Bill: Yes, I have to agree with Tom. And of course I think the Red Queen is really great. She is super busy. This is a really great actress. Better if you wouldn't have to play. This is truly incredible. I was totally fun to watch her. And of course Johnny Depp is great. So the Hatter is a totally horny role.
Tom: How did you find the Red Queen?
George: I found the sweetest dog.
Tom: Me too. And you?
Gustav: The rabbit. What did you think is the worth in the film?
Bill: Watching it, because it is maked by so great actors and actresses. It is filmed very great. I think the mix of this fantasy world and the real is super. This is a film that anyone can find any good. Then you can sit inside in any case, since it is well maintained properly and that's a cute story anyway, everyone knows that yet. Tim Burton is an absolute dream anyway. I think it's a terrific movie and the soundtrack is also very good. The soundtrack that one must have in any case.
Tom: In 3D, it is of course a great experience. Are you fans of Tim Burton?
Bill: He's definitely a really great guy. All his films have such a definite aura. And of course, Johnny Depp, who plays for thousands of his films, is here in this. Yes, I think, in any case, once one notices that there is a Tim Burton's film. Johnny Depp belongs to the regular cast of Tim Burton, do you think he pleases in the role of mad hatter?
Bill: Well, I think this is the coolest role. He is something of a psychopath, but the one who is really fond and that one also loves in the course of the film. In any case, a lovable psychopath then. That is a role that I would have gladly accepted. "