EXCUSE ME? why would i ever be happy for Bill if you were in love with him? i doesn't make ANY sense... maybe i could be happy for him if he was in love with you, it changes things... can you see what i mean? Kerli: Isn't being loved for what u really are, something that most people never find, no matter how rich and famous they are?
Kerli can you clear up rumors please and tell people the truth. do you want to date bill kaulitz? we ask you this because of some of your answers we see. its better to be truthful than to leave people guessing right? Kerli: I don't wanna date Bill. He doesn't wanna date me. We did a song together, that's it.
1. Intro / Komm 2. Menschen suchen Menschen 3. Ich Brech Aus 4. Kampf Der Liebe 5. Lass Uns Laufen 6. Hey You 7. Alien – German Version 8. Übers Ende Der Welt 9. Humanoid – Acoustic German Version читать дальше
Optimus Secret Show Press Conference with Tokio Hotel in Luxembourg
How do you feel like been Portuguese girls that are seeing you for the first time in your new tour?
Bill: It was cool... It was a totally different thing. It was the first time people could watch... it was not a whole show, just a rehearsal because we are still rehearsing for the tour, it was just an extract. But in all case, it was very good. Very intimate, even though it was big. It was a bit strange and something new. The fans were very lovely and were very pleased, which is already very good. читать дальше
Are you excited for coming back to Portugal in April?
Bill: Absolutely! We already await the tour anxiously. We have many stuff to do and we planned and worked really hard on it during a long time. We await the begining of the tour with many joy and we are happy for being able to be back to Portugal!
Is your relation with the portuguese fans different from the fans from other countries?
Bill: You can't say that, in general, it's different. It is hard to say if we have a different relation with the portuguese fans or the italian fans. I think it all always depends on the night, the concert or the meeting. Above all it always depends on the situation. But in general, we receive an exceptional support from Portugal. We hope for a great joy and energy and the girls that attended today already had a lot of energy. It was almost as it was a big event, even though it was few people.
You've been famous for about 5 years. How do you deal with the hysteria, you have fans in here parked in front of this stadium for I think several days, how do you deal with this? The good part, the bad part.
Bill: *laughs* Well, I think that is the good part. When we travel and are in tour and the people already wait for us at the venues... it's a very good feeling. And we look forward for the concert.
Tom: When we travel we have more positive experiences. As more fan are there, the biggest is the excitment, the best is to travel there. We have more negative experiences when we try to be in private. But it doesn't happen often. *laughs* So all good.
Can you explain the private part?
Bill: Private life is almost non existant. Only rarely and only when we are at home and we don't travel with the band. But most of the year we are Tokio Hotel and when we return home for a week and spend time with our family, then that's private.
Tom: *interrupts* But, speaking honestly, we travel 320 days a year.
Bill: Right.
What is the feature of this new live show that are more excited about?
Bill: It's the biggest Tokio Hotel production so far. For the first time we take our own stage. Though we have shown you a little extract, you can already see that it is done in a pompous way. And, as I said before, it's the first time we take our own stage with a big team. It is really a huge production.
Tom: We are not on tour just for 2 months, we already work in this for half a year.
Bill: Exactly.
Are you changing, are you more mature in this album? Your fans complain from this evolution? How different is this from your previous albums? Where do you want to go?
Bill: We try to always like what we do. When we go in studio we don't think of what people demand of us, what they want to hear. We could do it that way, theorically, but we don't. For us the most important is to be happy with what we do. And so, our new album is a bit different, because for us is right this way. We wanted to try new things and do this album now. And it seems like fans like it. We are very happy with the reactions. Many fans grew up with us and there is some people we meet and that are 5 years more now.
Is it the first time you do an intimate show like this?
Bill: *big smile* Yes! Yes, it's the first time. We never did such thing and were very curious.
Tom: We already did some small Showcases, we did an acoustic concert in a club. But now it was the first time in such a big stage with such a few people, in an intimate atmosphere.
Did you notice that they kept runing from one side of the stage to the other, following you Bill or you Tom?
Bill: Yes, we notice that, and it was funny because...
Tom: *interrupts* - because Georg complained backstage that there were few people in his side...
Georg: ohh, Stupid...
Tom: *continues* ...as he always complains in backstage.
What is your favourite new song to play live?
Bill: *thinks*
Tom: I must say all are great. But I personally prefer the openings of the concert. It's the most exciting moment, the curtain drops, you are on stage and you are seeing the venue and the fans for the first time. The song is also excellent. I am fan of "Noise".
Georg: I vote for "Shadow".
You have conquered all Central Europe even Portugal. You are still missing the UK and the US. Are you going to conquer them all? Conquer the world with your music?
Bill: Of course. We have released in more countries than we expected. And our plan is to be all over the world. We still haven't been in Tokyo and we want to go there. And this year we want to travel through Asia, in fact. We received the first reactions from fans and they show our videos there.
How many songs are you gong to play acoustic?
Bill: I don't know if I want to reveal. But in two days the whole world knows - two. The two songs we played today, we will also play them acoustic in concert and we will have also another surprise, not acoustic, but... very intimate.
Tom: Also very intimate.
What is going to be your next single?
Bill: It is hard to tell at this time. We have two songs to decide on. We have already done two video treatments for those two possible songs.
Tom: we will probably decide that during the tour, we will see which is the song that has the best reaction live and then we will take that decision.
I read in a French newspaper that you guys were thinking in going into the movies industry.
Band: *total wtf face*
Is that true? I read it was like an erotic movie?
Band: *everyone points at Tom*
Tom: Yes, I am planing a movie, but I still haven't discuss it with anyone. But the idea is in my head...
Only you Tom?
Tom: Yes, just me. The others are too shy...
Georg: Yes.
Tom: And we don't find actresses that want to make an erotic movie with them, that is another problem.