EXCUSE ME? why would i ever be happy for Bill if you were in love with him? i doesn't make ANY sense... maybe i could be happy for him if he was in love with you, it changes things... can you see what i mean?
Kerli: Isn't being loved for what u really are, something that most people never find, no matter how rich and famous they are?

Kerli can you clear up rumors please and tell people the truth. do you want to date bill kaulitz? we ask you this because of some of your answers we see. its better to be truthful than to leave people guessing right?
Kerli: I don't wanna date Bill. He doesn't wanna date me. We did a song together, that's it.

@темы: Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель



Oberhausen – König Pilsener Arena – 26.02.2010

1. Intro / Komm
2. Menschen suchen Menschen
3. Ich Brech Aus
4. Kampf Der Liebe
5. Lass Uns Laufen
6. Hey You
7. Alien – German Version
8. Übers Ende Der Welt
9. Humanoid – Acoustic German Version
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@темы: Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель

Wir sind Eins wie Yin und Yang


Optimus Secret Show
Press Conference with Tokio Hotel in Luxembourg

How do you feel like been Portuguese girls that are seeing you for the first time in your new tour?

Bill: It was cool... It was a totally different thing. It was the first time people could watch... it was not a whole show, just a rehearsal because we are still rehearsing for the tour, it was just an extract. But in all case, it was very good. Very intimate, even though it was big. It was a bit strange and something new. The fans were very lovely and were very pleased, which is already very good.
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@темы: interview, интервью, Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель



Tokio Hotel mit Halbpension in Oberhausen
Про ошеломляющий концерт ТН, фантастический реквизит, сцену и 13 000 рыдающих от счастья фанатов.
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@темы: Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель
