- Bill: "And for this sing I need all your energy" (Monsoon) - Tom's piano on fire with Zoom - Bill: "a few of the most important people in my life are with me in this stage... I hope you all find the same love" - Bill is hardly wearing any make-up! (Dogs Unleashed) - Guys stopped playing to clap for the fans - Bill to the fans: "We get to do this in so many cities and so many countries - but you are always there" - Bill: "I love this venue so much!" + Phantomrider, - Bill pointed at Tom at "I promise you right now, I never let you down" (Ready,Set, Go). So cute! читать дальше - Bill: "Are there aliens in here?!" - Now Human Connect to human. Same setlist than in Rotterdam. - Bill is wearing a glittery diamond jacket, he's like a discoball. - Show started with Noise. So loud here! - Tokio Hotel always too late - Really good crowd and atmosphere. - There's a dutch flag hanging on Tom's side! - Ok. There look to be A LOT of people at the Brussels concert. Biggest audience so far from what I can tell. - Stage will be changed now. - Support act started. Its a DJ, playing Gotta feeling from BEP. - The standing area is almost full, the seats of the first ring downstairs, too. - The support act will be a DJ or something.. since there's a table with a laptop and stuff on it. - Fans are screming Tokio Hotel. - I think is the biggest venue so far.
Oh wow, Tokio Hotel puts on an amazing show! Well mostly its Bill Kaulitz we can't stop staring at when he is on stage! The band played live in concert at the Ahoy stadium in Rotterdam last night and Bill was all decked out in the most amazing costume! We can't get over how amazing that leather jacket is! We also really love the new hairdo Bill! Here is a little clip - enjoy! читать дальше