вторник, 23 февраля 2010
понедельник, 22 февраля 2010
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Sometimes, when you want something, you really have to work for it. That’s just life. But when it comes to Tokio Hotel, hard work has a whole new level of meaning. For the UK fans, blood out of a stone would be a reasonable analogy, but when we heard that rehearsals for the new European Tour were being held in London, we thought our luck might be in for a change and we might be able to get an exclusive on the coming tour—so we asked design extrordinaire, Misty Buckley, if she would consent to an interview.
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Kenza вместе с MTV отправляется в короткий тур с Tokio Hotel. Она посетит 4 города и будет вести Tokio Hotel - блог.
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