суббота, 20 февраля 2010

Кто больше: певец, модель, но больше не лидер подростков? Если верить продажам, то лучшие времена для фронтмена Tokio Hotel Билла Каулитца уже позади. Фаны смотрят на вещи по-другому.
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пятница, 19 февраля 2010
About your upcoming Humanoid City tour, didi you prepared something special?Can you tell us something?
Bill: We've been in London to prepare our new tour which will take us here for four concerts: the look will be different and inspired to the sci-fi world?
Are you David Bowie fans? Did he have any influence on your music?
Bill: He's not our favourite musician. Sure he's a talented musician but every kind of music is different from one another
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Bill: We've been in London to prepare our new tour which will take us here for four concerts: the look will be different and inspired to the sci-fi world?
Are you David Bowie fans? Did he have any influence on your music?
Bill: He's not our favourite musician. Sure he's a talented musician but every kind of music is different from one another
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