Tokio Hotel: Aliens из Великобритании! Песня #LWLYB уже поднялась на 15 место в официальных британских клубных чартах "UK Upfront Club Charts" на @MusicWeek! 🙌🙌🙌🙌 НАСТРАИВАЙТЕСЬ НА ВОЛНУ!! ➔
Tokio Hotel сажают первого попавшегося человека в свой тур-автобус (Tokio Hotel neemt random persoon mee in tourbus)
De tour van Tokio Hotel is een tijdje geleden tot zijn einde gekomen. Tijdens deze tour hebben de bandleden veel tijd met elkaar doorgebracht en dan komt daar nog wel eens echt jongensgedrag uit voort. Tokio Hotel post elke week een aflevering van Tokio Hotel TV, in de aflevering van deze week haalt de band een streek uit.
читать дальшеDe band laat in deze aflevering zijn humoristische kant goed zien. Het is een droom van elke fan van Tokio Hotel: mee mogen in de tourbus. Deze random vreemdeling mocht dit ervaren.
Bekijk hieronder vooral even de video. Vanaf 5:38 begint de prank. Wat vind je van de grap die de band heeft uitgehaald? Laat het ons weten via Facebook en Twitte
1 Hey azula! you were one of the girls who went to the FIA Tour. how was the feeling about meeting your favorite band for the first time? I didn’t really meet them, you know. I meet Bill a month before but that’s another story... but i was so happy that until now, 5 weeks later, i still can not put into words how happy i was. I’ve already told you it was my biggest dream to be in a concert of them and i feel realised ajaja
2 when you arrived at the venue,what did you think? is the venue really that small? The first think i though (when i see it from the outside) was OMG ARE THEY REALLY THAT POOR? The place was HORRIBLE! But i was in Munic and i don’t know if you know, Kesselhaus was real a Fabric but it doesn’t work anymore and it’s used for concerts... and yes, it was THAT small... But i find it awesome because you feel that there’s more chances to get the attention of the guys (? AJAJAJ
читать дальше3 were you alone? Yes and no. At first yes, i dint knew anybody there. I saw a cupple girls i meet the day i meet Bill and we talked a little but i was so nervious that i didn’t wanted to talk to anybody... Before the soundcheck i started to talk with two girls from Czech Republic and they were soooooo nice that we stayed together before the soundcheck until the show J that was nice, so i didn’t feelt so alone
4 when Tokio Hotel said they would play in your city,what was your reaction? did you talk with your parents about this show? if so,what they said? My first reaction was to became pale... i was white like paper i swear. Then i cryied. I don’t live with my parent’s here, i came alone and i live with a “host-family”. My Host mother knew i wanted to go to this show so bad that he told me “when the tickets come, you tell me and we buy it with my card” (because she wanted to gift me the ticket). And two days before my computer broke so i read it on my phone and totally white i came to her (we had visit at home too ajaja) and tell “can i use your pc now” and she was like “yes, what happen?” “I think the tickets are ready to get buyed” and she said “TAKE THAT COMPUTER I’LL TAKE MY CARD AND BUY IT NOW” ajajaja and that’s what we did... But i couldn’t find the regular tickets so i asked if i could buy the Dancing in the dark package that i’d pay the difference and she said yes. For Christmas she told me she would pay the whole ticket <3 br="">Of course i talked to my parents about it, after i buyed it, they think i’m crazy but that’s ok because that’s good ajaja... They support it and i told them everything about the concert... The last days my mom did the countdown in my facebook ajajaja
5. what are your thoughts about all the efects of the FIA Tour? were you impressed? To be honest, i couldn’t close my mouth AJAJAJ... It’s insane, really! I’ve never NEVER expected something like that in such a little place
6.did you give something to them? some gift? Yes i did. I’ve made a fanbook with things that the argentinians fans wrote to them, just to tell them how much we love them. It was a spontaneous thing, i did it in like 3 days and a coupple girls from the fans club helped me to translate it... It was so nice to see us all together working for it and how happy everyone was to have a chance to be in this book
7. did you see some of them closely? No, because when i arrived at the venue they were in the busses. I saw Georg playing with Pumba and Tom’s dog, Bill, who went direct inside and Gus who said hello to us (he’s so cuuuute)
8. tell to the aliens the whole history about your trip to Germany,the reason why you are there. Ok, so. I’m in Germany since may 2013 just because i really really wanted to be in a concert of the guys and i was like “if i wait until they come to Argentina i can wait a whole life” and i didn’t wanted that, so, i had a chance to come here and i came. The idea was to stay for a year but without a word from the guys or cd or tour i was like “oh no, i don’t want to go home” so i stayed a little bit longer. I’m studying now here too
9. how do you felt when the show started? were you nervous? I WAS THE MOST NERVOUS PERSON IN THE WORLD. But it was worse for the soundcheck... it was like the REAL first time... I was so nervous that i couldn’t even talk and my whole body was shacking. As i came inside the venue and i first saw the microphone, guitars, drums and bass i started to cry like a baby. Yes, just because of the instruments ajajaj... and i couldn’t stop crying. There was a girl in front of me who saw me and she was so worried and i was like trying to tell her that i cryied because how happy i was (and she laught ajaja). I had a lag i made by myself and when the guys came to the stage i wanted to show it to them but i was like... i think i’ve never cryied like that, i couldn’t even breath i swear. Gus was inside that “box”, Geo and Tom had the “in ears” so my only chance to make them see me was to get Bill’s attention so i wanted to rise my flag, move it and scream “Bill” what i couldn’t because of my tears and because i was shaking so the girl who talked to me before saw that awfull scene and said “give my the flag, i’ll shake it. You have to call him and he will see you” and that’s what we did. At first he (just) saw me moving my arms and calling him and say “Hey, hi!” and i was like “No, look at this flag” ajaja and he was like “OMG ¿Argentina?” and he smiled so so hard that i cryied harder :P During the soundcheck i couldn’t even sing a song because of the tears, really... and when it was over i was like “they need to see me” so everyone started going outside and i saw Georg right in front of me and i called his name while i had my flag in my hands and he saw it and so was it Geo: ¿Argentina? Me: Yes! Geo: OMG THAT’S AMAZING Me: Yes! Do you like the flag? Geo: Yes, it’s awesome!! (he was smiling omg) Me: I’m so happy, i did it by myself Geo: You did a great job (the, i died) After that Gus went out of that thing and i called him too, he saw the flag and screamed “Hey, Argentina!” :’) i was soooo happy... I went out crying and everybody was smiling and then it was like “omg, what happen with you? Is everything ok?” and i, again “i’m just so happy i can’t stop crying.” At the concert i was “relaxed”, just to say something... i was still really nervous but not THAT nervous... I’ve practicly scream every song (wich didn’t liked to the another fans in there, they were so silenced and quiet and ajjjjjj i was so angry ajaj) and i just cryied with invaded (if you don’t cry with the live version of invaded you have no heart and no soul) I can say it was one of the best days of my life
10. i saw your picture with Bill. where did you meet him? how was this meet? tell us! So, my picture with Bill... You know i live near Munic and he was at a Gala because he presented the “Best mode brand”. It was the Best Brans Gala and it was in a Hotel in Munic so i went there (i was so nervous omg ajaj). When i came to the hotel i was at the door waiting for another girl just walking from here to there and in a moment i saw him and i stayed in my place, i couldn’t move because of the shock. There was a woman asking from autographs (like a thousand ajaj) and i was like “Azula, you have to walk, please!” and i walked, i saw Natalie too When i was in front of Bill i saw him (while he gave autographs to this women) and asked if i could take a photo with him and he said “Of course you can” so i wanted to take my camera from my bag and i couldn’t find it, it was awfull because he was in front of me, he waited for me to find the camera and i was like “i know it’s here, somewhere”. In a moment i looked up to see him and he was looking at me with a smile in his face and laughing at me because i couldn’t find it and i was desperate! So i said “Amm... My name is Micaela and... and i came from Argentina to meet you” and he looked so surprised and said “Oh my god, Argentina? That’s amazing” (we talked in German) and i found the camera and gave it to Dunja (i didn’t recognize her ajajaj) and he made a photo of us. When she gave it back i was in a shock that i looked at the camera and i couldn’t stop looking at this and they went because i was like a rock there JAJAJ. Then i went inside because the girl i waited for was there and i remembered i had a letter for Bill so, we tryied to get another picture but Markus came and said “No, you had one already” so he took Bill to the elevator but then i said “Bill... i’ve a letter” and he stopped and came to me (yes, he came to me oh my god), looked at my with a smile on his face and asked “for me?” and i said “yes” so he gave me his hand and i put it there, he smiled again and said Thank you and went with it <3 br="">Later i was inside the gala and with another girls saw him after it. He took more photos with us and he saw our tattos... He was really nice with us all (and really professional at the gala)
11. How is Bill in person? he is really tall? how did he treated you? He’s so tall as i though... I knew already people who is 1.80 meters or more so it wasn’t a surprise for me because i’ve already though we could be so tall... (and i’m 163 aprox aaja). It was a surprise after the gala when he came with his shoes AJAJA THAT WAS ANOTHER THING AJAJA He was really nice with me, i can’t say anything about it. He had a smile on his face. As i said before, he was amazing with me and the other fans. I’m really glad because i’ve never though he could be that cute with the fans.
12. what was the best moment of the show? Oh my god, until now nobody asked me that... i can’t tell... it was amazing, the whole show you know... there where things like.. how he singed “Covered in Gold” or how quiet we all singed at “Invaded” or the end with the fake snow in “Great day”, or hearing “Durch den Monsun” i don’t know... the whole show was perfect. If you want to see the photos i took, i have it here: From the concert: