В пятницу 19 февраля Universal Music Италии устраивает официальный вечер для и с участием гостей фестиваля. Присутствие Tokio Hotel пока не подтверждено, но все-таки ожидается. http://www.universalmusic.it/pop/
В субботу (20.2.2010) Tokio Hotel примут участие в радио-шоу "Band-Scheiben-Vorfall" на NRJ Гамбурге (18.00 - 19.00). Они представят свои любимые песни. Шоу, вероятно, снято во время декабрьского визита на радио NRJ.
Многие поклонники Tokio Hotel спрашивают, можно ли пользоваться фотоаппаратами на концертах группы в России. Да, фотокамерами пользоваться можно, но только любительского уровня.
Вся полупрофессиональная и профессиональная фототехника, а также любые видеокамеры к использованию на концерте не допускаются, поэтому просим вас не пытаться проносить их на концерт, т.к. в противном случае вам необходимо будет сдать всю неразрешенную аппаратуру в камеры хранения.
При использовании любительских фотокамер, убедительно просим всех зрителей выключать вспышки.
Very mild punishment for the man, who hit Tokio Hotel's drummer Gustav (21) with two beer bottles!
The public prosecutor shall terminate the proceedings against Nexhat T. (30): The perpetrator must only pay $ 500 and write a letter of apology.In mid-July the kitchen helper in one nightclub in Magdeburg hit Gustav, because the musician had talked with a girl.
What was you favorite thing about working with Tokio Hotel on Strange? Kerli: They showed me a clip of the 5th element because they thought I sounded like the alien singer from that movie. So I finally saw the movie. That was good. They are really nice people. It was great doing something together. We had planned it for a long time.
Kerli who wrote the lyrics for the song Strange? Was it TH's producers or you? Kerli: TH's producers and Desmond Child. читать дальше
Hi Kerli your truly amazing you have such a wonderful voice.The song strange came out epic your voice and Bill's voice just have such a nice combination. I would love to how was it like working with Bill from Tokio Hotel? Kerli: Very cool. Bill is really shy, he's very sensitive. They're all sweet people.
Kerli, when watching videos of Tokio Hotel, Bill doesn't seem shy. Do you think he was just nervous that day, or he really in reality is a shy person?? Kerli: I think with artists there's always that duality. When you're in front of people, you just kinda have to get over yourself and never have a bad day. When you're just at home, u're like every other person. I was thinking that about Obama some time ago. For us, he's the president of America. For his wife he's just this dude in his boxers who farts and stuff. Weird, right? Fame or power is totally strange. It's just peoples perception. It's not real. http://www.formspring.me/bubblegoth
Bill’s crazy tour look! Exclusively Bravo shows, how Tokio Hotel’s frontman will look on the stage soon! In a few days and finally begins: Tokio Hotel live on stage! On 22nd, February will start the huge „Humanoid”-Europe Tour in Luxemburg. On 26th February, Bill, Tom (both 20), Gustav (21) and Georg (22) will play in Oberhausen, and on 28th February in Hamburg. And what’s that BRAVO have already known: Bill will go the stage in an amazing, spacey outfit – desinged by the fashion label, DSquared2. In addition, the guys will bring to the stage their crazy elekto sound from their latest album „Humanoid” – it will be the first time when you hear synthetisator in a TH-Show. Mega-Surprise: Tom will not play only guitar, but he will perform with piano with his twin brother! Altogether the Band will have 32 concerts in 19 countries. Madness: 11 truck will transport the stage and the equipments. The crew (50 employees including 4 chef! ) and Tokio Hotel travel by 6 buses – 17.000 miles over Europe!