A freak of nature Stuck in reality I don't fit the picture I'm not what you want me to be - sorry читать дальше
Under the radar Out of the system Caught in the spotlight That's my existance
You want me to change But all I feel is
Strange, strange In your perfect world So strange, strange I feel so absurd in this life Don't come closer In my arms forever you'll be Strange, strange
If you want to fix me Push me into your fantasy If you try to get me Sell me your personality
You try to left me I don't get better What's making you happy Is making me sadder
In your golden cage All I feel is
Strange, strange In your perfect world So strange, strange I feel so absurd in this life Don't come closer In my arms forever you'll be Strange, strange Like me!
Strange - When you touch me Strange - When you kill me All I feel is strange
In my dreams together we'll be Strange, strange In your perfect world
Strange - I am so afraid Strange - I am so afraid
Strange, strange In your perfect world So strange, strange I feel so absurd in this life Don't come closer It turns slowly In my arms forever you'll be Strange, strange Like me
Билл Каулитц по-прежнему свободен Dennis K. und Pinky rudern zurück. Die angebliche Freundin von Bill Kaulitz gab gegenüber RTL zu Protokoll, dass ihr Ex ihr mit der Geschichte nur eins auswischen wollte.
Sie selbst habe Bill Kaulitz noch nie real gesehen, geschweige denn eine Liaison mit dem Tokio Hotel-Sänger gehabt.
Auch der rachelüstige Ex Dennis K. bestätigte in einem Fernsehtelefonat, dass das Gerücht erstunken und erlogen sei.
Schade, eigentlich. Wir hatten uns schon im Geheimen ausgemalt, wie die Kindern von Bill Kaulitz und der Friedhofsgärtnerin ausgesehen hätten... http://www.viva.tv/Stars/NewsDetail/id/2212583
Утверждает, что все, что он говорил про Билла, правда.
Hi, I don't think I have to say who I am, because if you click on this video u have to know it. Today I've seen the interview with Wencke and I can say only, that it's all lies. читать дальше I did not lie, everything she said was wrong. I know I can't prove it, I know 100%ly that she is with Bill. I know it, her best friend knows it and some of her other friends know it. I can not prove she's with him, I know it and if I wouldn't be sure, I wouldn't go to Bild back then. Never. Because what would it bring me, if I would not know it 100%ly? Okay, in the time I talked to Bild I wasn't in a relationship. To the next thing, she said that I couldn't take it because of the breakup - that I was stressed, it's stupid. I had in this time a new girlfriend. Because she broke my trust with Bill. It was in Leipzig. Another thing - no, I have to say something more to this. Yes, I didn't even cry. Because I didn't have to. I didn't believe her at all and the situation broke me. And she didn't really care. Because Bill tried to set her against me. When we broke up and I had a new girlfriend already, she wrote me a text (SMS) on Monday after Silvester, that she wants to get back with me, that she thought about our relationship. I have the text here, I can show it to you, it can be fake, but this is not fake. I told her "No". How could I get back with her after all that? I couldn't get back with her. After that I tried to help her, he didn't know what to do to get her. Yes, right, Bill didn't steal her from me, it was a wrong headline, he destroyed our relationship, but her didn't steal her. I tried to help Bill too, even tho I hated him so much! On the same day, my girlfriend was on chat with Pinky and later also with Bill. I was sitting there, and we came to the topic that I wanted to go to Bild. And both of them were mad at me, even tho I wanted to help them. And that's actualy the reason, why I went to the medias. It was never about attention. I didn't know at first that they were even gonna mention my name! Okay, they did, but whatever. When I heard from my friends, I made interview with Punkt 12. It wasn't about the attention. I know many of you think that. I don't care. It wasn't like that. I can say only, that I did not lie, not in any case, now I'm not feeling well, because my name is thrown in such dirt. It's not like that, I did not lie. I really did not lie, it's some kind of mistake. I didn't lie, I didn't lie ..