пятница, 12 февраля 2010
четверг, 11 февраля 2010

Билл Каулитц по-прежнему свободен
Dennis K. und Pinky rudern zurück. Die angebliche Freundin von Bill Kaulitz gab gegenüber RTL zu Protokoll, dass ihr Ex ihr mit der Geschichte nur eins auswischen wollte.
Sie selbst habe Bill Kaulitz noch nie real gesehen, geschweige denn eine Liaison mit dem Tokio Hotel-Sänger gehabt.
Auch der rachelüstige Ex Dennis K. bestätigte in einem Fernsehtelefonat, dass das Gerücht erstunken und erlogen sei.
Schade, eigentlich. Wir hatten uns schon im Geheimen ausgemalt, wie die Kindern von Bill Kaulitz und der Friedhofsgärtnerin ausgesehen hätten...
Утверждает, что все, что он говорил про Билла, правда.
Hi, I don't think I have to say who I am, because if you click on this video u have to know it. Today I've seen the interview with Wencke and I can say only, that it's all lies.
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Hi, I don't think I have to say who I am, because if you click on this video u have to know it. Today I've seen the interview with Wencke and I can say only, that it's all lies.
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Sometimes we get reports from fans that there are people out there who pretend to be Bill, Tom, Gustav or Georg in chat rooms or on social networking sites like MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Please keep in mind that anyone who pretneds to be Bill, Tom, Gustav or Georg is always an imposter! None of the guys have personal profiles on social networking sites and they also do not visit any chat rooms...
среда, 10 февраля 2010
Bravo (Германия) - 5 место
Французский чарт - 24 место
Французский чарт - 24 место

Густав Шэфер недавно посетил Roland Meinl Musikinstrumente GmbH & Co (производство музыкальных инструментов)
Bravo 7/2010 (Германия)

Bill & Tom - Here they rock the sea!
Sun, Fun and a lot of Action! - The Tokio Hotel Twins are currently relaxing on the Maledives...
Wintertime means Vacation-Time for Bill and Tom Kaulitz (20): And like every year the twins flew 8000 km to the Maledives. There they rented a room in a luxury resort on the Noth-Male-Atoll - for 2500 ? per night! The Twins are sleeping in a water Villa directly on the sea. Equipment: 4 Flatscreen Tv's, an own Pool and an own Butler!
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Bill & Tom - Here they rock the sea!
Sun, Fun and a lot of Action! - The Tokio Hotel Twins are currently relaxing on the Maledives...
Wintertime means Vacation-Time for Bill and Tom Kaulitz (20): And like every year the twins flew 8000 km to the Maledives. There they rented a room in a luxury resort on the Noth-Male-Atoll - for 2500 ? per night! The Twins are sleeping in a water Villa directly on the sea. Equipment: 4 Flatscreen Tv's, an own Pool and an own Butler!
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Wir sind Eins wie Yin und Yang