Фронтмен группы Tokio Hоtel тоже праздновал день рождения, но только не свое, а бульдога Пумбы, которому исполнилось один год. Такой милый повод пообниматься!
В этот четверг 4-го декабря Moxi Suicide и Nicole Powers, ведущие на радио SuicideGirls Radio, будут с любовью встречать у себя Билла и Тома Каулитцев из немецкой поп-группы Тokio Hotel – в надежде, что они также ответят с любовью на этот радушный прием.
Вы можете слушать – смотреть – известное во всем мире радио-шоу BYOB по четвергам с 19 по 20 часов (время по Калифорнии или 5-го декабря в 6 часов утра по Москве) на сайте: TradioV.com.
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Tokio Hotel: Мировой тур 2015 года #FeelItAllWorldTour2015, часть 1 - эксклюзивный и очень задушевный клубный опыт, которым мы хотим поделиться с вами. Ночь, которую невозможно забыть. www.twitter.com/tokiohotel
‘Tokio Hotel’ только что объявили даты концертов в туре "Feel It All". Группа проедет по Европе с 6 по 27 марта 2015 года. Билл и Том Каулитцы, Георг Листинг и Густав Шефер будут выступать на сцене в Великобритании, Испании, Франции, Бельгии, Италии, Швейцарии, Австрии, Польше, Нидерландах и родной Германии.
читать дальшеНемецкие фанаты смогут услышать выступления группы вживую, начиная с 18 марта в городах: Мюнхен, Кёльн, Берлин и Гамбург. Для бывших покорителей сердец подростков - это первый тур в течение четырех лет к большой радости фанатов. Тем не менее, после сообщения более подробных деталей касательно тура музыкантам пришлось почитать на своих страничках в социальных медиа немало комментариев от недовольных фанатов. Причина - высокие цены на билеты. Обычный билет будет стоить 86 евро, кроме того, также за 150-1850 евро предлагаются VIP-пакеты. В 2010 году фанатам из Магдебурга пришлось выложить только половину стоимости билета - а именно 49 евро за концерт.
Разочарованные фанаты "Tokio Hotel", например, пишут: "Я всегда была фанаткой, и я обожаю их альбом. Но вы дороже, чем Lady Gaga и Бейонсе!" Другие фанаты соглашаются с этим комментарием: "Что с вами случилось? Мы не так уж и богаты!"
Тут необходимо все разъяснить! "Feel It All" является как бы промо-туром в поддержку нового альбома "Kings Of Suburbia". Таким образом, концерты пройдут в небольших помещениях и с гораздо меньшим количеством зрителей, если сравнивать выступления на больших стадионах с огромными толпами фанатов. Летом, похоже, должна начаться вторая часть тура, в которой цены будут значительно снижены.
Моему маленькому Пумби исполняется годик на этой неделе. Он очень радуется своему первому дню рождения. #Пумба #воспоминания #день рождения #один #малыш-мальчик #LWLYB
Вы сможете увидеть наши живые выступления такими, каких раньше не было! Пойдите в клуб с нами, чтобы ПОЧУВСТВОВАТЬ ВСЕ. Приобретайте билет на этот особенный клубный опыт в нашем мировом туре 2015 года. Готовы? Все даты: www.tokiohotel.com/tour/ #мировой тур Feel it All #часть 1 #эксклюзивно #ограниченно #очень близко и душевно
Мы отправляемся в тур по Европе с живыми выступлениями за более близким эксклюзивным клубным опытом, которым мы хотим поделиться с вами. Ночь в клубе. Вы и мы. Ночь, которую не забудешь. Вы готовы ПОЧУВСТВОВАТЬ ВСЕ? #2015 #мировой тур Feel it all #часть 1 #клубный опыт #ограничено
De-Code LTD @decodeltd: У кого-то день рождения на этой неделе! А у вас есть кто-нибудь особенный, у кого скоро будет день рождения? #Пумба #LWLYB #...
Tokio Hotel’s Bill And Tom Kaulitz Talk New Album ‘Kings of Suburbia,’ And The Sexy Music Video ‘Love Who Loves You Back’ [EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW]
Tokio Hotel is back!
Founded in 2001, the German pop rock band became huge in the 2000s, selling over 7 million albums worldwide. Though they were biggest in Europe and South America, they also made their mark in the US, becoming the first German band to win a VMA (for Best New Artist). In 2011, the band took a much-needed break and founding members Bill and Tom Kaulitz moved to Los Angeles to enjoy a little anonymity. The result - their first album in five years, “Kings of Suburbia.”
We called up Bill and Tom to talk about Tokio Hotel’s new album, the super sexy music video for their lead single “Love Who Loves You Back” and their "Mariah Carey tour rider."
читать дальшеMoving from Germany to Los Angeles was a huge change for you. What was that experience like?
Bill: It was a massive change. You can’t even compare how we were living then and how we’re living now. We were on the road for such a long time. We’ve been performing since we were 15, we were been putting out one album after another and traveling all the time. So we never really had a private life aside from the career. It was just a lot of work and traveling all the time. We got burned out. We needed a change. We didn’t want to make another album that just sounded like the one before it. So we really needed that change, and Tom and I were finally able to go outside without any security, without having people in front of your house, and just be like normal people.
Do you think you’ll ever move back to Germany?
Tom: I don’t know, I don’t think so.
Bill: We go back for Christmas and for vacation. We like Europe! I think if we could live there, then we probably would have never moved away. But it’s just impossible for us to have privacy and the balance with a career. LA is way more comfortable for us. But then we want to live everywhere. I want to live in New York for a while because I love the city so much. So you never know if we’ll stay in LA. But it’s certainly been a good city.
What were some of your influences for “Kings of Convenience”?
Bill: The biggest influence and the biggest inspiration for the album was the new freedom Tom and me found living in Los Angeles. We moved from Germany to LA before we started recording the album, just to find some privacy and live life. It worked great for us. I think the biggest inspiration was life in general, to do normal things, to be with people and be out.
We’ve been out a lot, so I feel like the nightlife was a big inspiration. That might be why the album is so electronic, it’s inspired by the club scene and the electronic scene. In the studio, we started to step out of our comfort zone and try different things and different sounds. That’s why this album sounds different from what we’ve done before.
I wanted to ask about the music video for “Love Who Loves You Back.” It’s very provocative! Did you come up with the idea for the video?
Bill: Yeah, it was. We are super hands on, creative-wise, and I love to come up with all the videos and photoshoots and album art and everything. I always wanted to make a video like that. I’ve always had this idea inspired by the movie “Perfume.” I was always inspired by that because it’s one of my favorite movies. The guy keeps creating the perfume and at the end he pulls it out and everyone starts to make out and it turns into this huge orgy. I always thought that we could do that with our song and our music instead of perfume.
I wanted to do it with the last album but we never had the right song or the right director. It was just the perfect song and the perfect time to do it. We came up with the concept and talked about it with the director and he was loving it, he said, “Yeah, let’s do it.” And everything came together. It was definitely an interesting shoot, it was a lot of fun.
What was the filming process like?
Bill: We shot in a super old hotel in downtown Los Angeles. We shot in the basement. It was all grimy and old and it was very cool. We had so many people there. We kind of freestyled the whole thing. We had a rough idea of what we wanted and then we just saw, with all the people, where everything goes. If people were comfortable, we would take it further and further. We started very slow but went further. Then we saw tongue!
I wanted to ask about your fanbase. Even though it’s been five years since you released new music, your fanbase seems to be as strong as ever. Were you surprised?
Tom: We were definitely surprised. The label and everyone who knows things told us that it would be career suicide to stop putting out music, that the industry changes so much and people are always putting out new music. They said, “You guys are insane, you’re going to kill your career.” And we said, “If that’s the case, then that’s the case, but we don’t want to put out a shitty record and this is what we need.” So we kind of just did it even though everyone told us it was not a good idea.
We never expected that the fans would wait for the music to come out, so we were definitely surprised by how they reacted and how many people waited all these years for us. Even during the hiatus we were still winning awards so our fans are so incredible. They’re so amazing and so supportive and we’re really lucky to have them, these days it’s hard to have fans who are so supportive.
When I googled “Tokio Hotel,” “fanfiction” was an autocomplete and I also found a lot of trivia quizzes and fan art.
Tom: They are creative. We get a lot of presents, a lot of creative stuff that the fans are doing. It’s insane, some of them spend so much time on things. Last week, we were in Mexico and it was crazy how many people showed up, and how long they waited to give us something. Some of them would give us their personal Bibles or a personal piece of jewelry from their family, it was so much personal stuff. It’s amazing how much love they have.
What has it been like touring again?
Bill: We’ve done a few shows and now getting ready for our world tour. We’ll be in London and Europe and South America, we’re going to play all over the world. It’s very exciting. Playing together again and touring together again is just great. It’s like there’s been no time lost. The energy is just amazing.
What are your touring must-haves?
Bill: We actually have a big rider. Being on tour for a couple months in Europe is super hard because you’re on the bus every day. It’s like a circus. We always have separate buses for each person, like a room, so everyone has their own space. We love waffles so we always have waffles on tour. And there’s a lot of alcohol - even though we don’t drink much anymore, we’ll drink to relax.
Tom: We kind of have a Mariah Carey rider. We have couches and candles! Everyone thinks it’s like a rock star thing but we want to make it very cozy.
Is there anything else you want to mention about the album?
Tom: If you could say that “Kings of Suburbia” is the greatest album ever made by man, that would be fine.
Die Jungs von Tokio Hotel gehen wieder auf Tour und sind im kommenden Jahr in viele europäischen Städten live zu sehen. So richtig große Freude will bei den Fans aber nicht aufkommen.
Seit dem Release von „Kings of Suburbia“ hatten Tom und Bill Kaulitz versprochen, dass es bald so weit sein würde. Nun haben sie ihr Versprechen eingelöst und die Tourtermine bekannt gegeben. In Deutschland sind insgesamt fünf Konzerte geplant, wie sie auf ihrer Homepage ankündigten.
Doch obwohl die Fans lange darauf gewartet haben, sind die Reaktionen darauf verhalten. Denn die Preise für die „Feel It All“-Tour sind nicht unbedingt der Zielgruppe angemessen, die hauptsächlich aus Teenager-Mädchen besteht: „2010 war der Preis noch 49 Euro, was ist mit euch passiert? Wir sind nicht reich!“, beschwert sich ein Fan.
„84 Euro, sind diese Tickets etwa aus Gold oder so was? Ich war immer ein Fan und ich liebe euer Album. Aber ihr seid teurer als Lady Gaga oder Beyonce! Come on Guys!“, so ein weiterer Kommentar.
Andere Fans versuchen halbherzig eine Ehrenrettung: „Das ist nur eine Promo-Tour und in kleinen Räumen. Dieser erste Teil ist ‚exklusiv‘ und im Sommer gibt es einen zweiten Teil, der eine ‚traditionelle‘ Tour sein wird.“
Ein Großteil der Fans wird sich also noch weiter gedulden müssen oder auf einen spendierfreudigen Weihnachtsmann hoffen.