1. How do you feel about your music being huge in Latin America, being German 2. Tom tries to play the guitar. 3. They grew up and changed a little. It's more electronic. Tom produced. They stepped outside their comfort zone. читать дальше4. It was nice to live in LA, nice to get away from the craziness in Germany. To be able to have private, normal lives. 5. Telling the story about how Bill and Tom had their first kiss with the same girl when they were 10. 6. For Bill you can't say you like someone based on physical characteristics, you either have a connection or you don't. 7. Celebrity crush; Bill- Rachel McAdams Tom: jennifer Lawrence Georg; Jess a alba Gustav: his gf 8. Movie Guilty pleasure ; Bill- the Notebook - he's not ashamed though, amazing movie. 9. Favorite twitter account; Tokio Hotel 10. Fast food they can't live without; Bill/ pasta Tom/ pizza Georg/ French fries 11. They love guacemole and tacos. Just had some before the interview. 12. Georg is thinking about a tattoo 13. Yes, VIP passes for the next tour 14. Concert in Mexico. Maybe next summer 15. Georg will miss the good weather in Mexico. Bill, margaritas. Tom, the girls. 16. They're excited to go to Argentina. Bill wants to stay for a little vacation. Very excited 17. It was hard to pick songs for KOS. Since they wrote so much . 18. What's the difficult about being a band with 2 brothers and 2 friends. bill says its like family. Georg said they don't look at it like that. They're four friends 19. 2yrs ago, they spent New Years in Mexico. They won't tell you were because they want to return 20. They're being taught some naughty things in Spanish.
1. Tokio Hotel is live on 93.1! The host likes the Heart Get No Sleep best. 2. What's your favorite song off of KOS? Bill: so hard to say. We worked so long on it, every song has a story, it's so personal. LWLYB 3. What were their influences for LWLYB? Bill says LA nightlife (and all the same things). Djs, festivals, like coachella 4. Tom: The music scene sucks everywhere. The only good band is Tokio Hotel. 5. Bill like Robyn, Ellie Goulding and the Arctic Monkeys. They loved Aerosmith, David Bowie. 6. They didn't have a plan to change or sound different, it just happened. They didn't specifically try to be electronic. читать дальше7. They hadn't a plan to produce the album. They produced what they like. 8. Gustav is being told he needs to use his IG. He says maybe tomorrow. 9. Fans are so supportive everywhere but South American fans are particularly intense. They are super grateful for what fans have done for them but of course they love every single fan. 10. Next year. Huge tour, start in Europe, South America for sure. No dates yet. Announcing dates soon /they hope by Xmas начнут весной, там будет Мексика. 11. They collaborated with some people but they can't tell with whom yet. 12. They didn't do anything with the Berlin Wall celebration. Bill and Tom had just been born right when the wall came down so they don't remember what life was like before.
1. The guys were asked about what they did during all these years. They said (joking) sleeping, sex and making music. 2. They were asked about spanish words they know. They said "te quiero, puta" 3. They talked about the album, same things.. more electronic, different. And their dream is to go to places they've never been before. читать дальше4. They were asked about partying and so on and the host suggested some places to go, they said they have to make promo. 5. Making music is what they love. Being in front of fans<3 6. Tom: Georg is very good at Angry Birds. 7. They have Instagram and Facebook, everything. Tom doesn't have any pictures yet but you should still follow him. 8. They are the best at instagram. Follow Tom, no photos but if he gets double as Bill, he'll post a nude photo, Georg says , he's seen it and it's not worth it so don't listen to him lol 9. They like going to the Maldives and Majorca. 10. David Bowie is Bill's hero. David Hasselfhoff is Tom's. Tom is Georg's. 11. They talked about places they love, Tom said last year they came to Mexico. They mentioned Malaysia and Georg some German city. 12. Georg says Mexico has good food. 13. They were also asked about dancing before or smth like that, they said they're not very good at it xD 14. They're planning the tour for 2015. NOT that they're planning on going to Venezuela specifically. Maybe that they're considering it. 15. They talked about love at first sight. They were asked what they look at for first and Tom said boobs lol 16. Tom also said he likes girls in Mexico. 17. They talk about look and Bill's hair. The host is joking about it lol 18. They talk about languages. Bill knows English and German but is bad at everything else. Georg and Tom know swear words in different languages. 19. Bill and Tom's chldhood in this small town was very boring and that's why they started making music. Gustav remembers when they all met in the club for the first time. BIll and Tom looked like homeless people on stage. 20. Tom says no, the G's loved it so much they paid them to be in the band. 21. They were so young, they weren't able to play any instrument but they had passion. 22. Bill and Tom like Aerosmith. Somebody (missed it) loved AC/DC so they listened to them too.
Примечание:«Хорошо быть тихоней» (англ. The Perks of Being a Wallflower) — американский кинофильм, экранизация одноимённого эпистолярного романа Стивена Чбоски, который выступил также в качестве режиссёра ленты. Премьера состоялась на кинофестивале в Торонто 8 сентября 2012 года. Премьера в России — 20 сентября. Картина получила премию «Независимый дух» за лучший дебютный фильм и попала в десятку лучших фильмов года по версии Национального совета кинокритиков США.
"The Heart Wants What It Wants" - песня американской певицы Селены Гомез (Selena Gomez) с ее нового альбома For You (2014). Трек вышел 6-го ноября 2014, как ведущий сингл альбома, записанный в студии Hollywood Records. Он был написан и спродюсирован Antonina Armato и Tim James, которые вместе формируют продюсерский дуэт Rock Mafia; дополнительно в процессе написания песни участвовал Дэвид Йост и сама певица. Поп-трек "The Heart Wants What It Wants" рассказывает о трудностях в постоянно освещаемых СМИ отношениях между Селеной и канадским певцом Джастином Бибером. Сопровождающий видео-клип на этот трек вышел также 6-го ноября.