Earlier today, from noon to 1PM, DJ Denise Chan sat down to chat with the Kaulitz twins over the phone! Don’t worry if you’ve missed the interview or our live-tweeting during the show: we will be posting up our own recording of the call on SoundCloud, and there will be a podcast released by Hitz.fm tomorrow.
We will attempt to summarize the conversation (our hands are still shaking from excitement), so here goes!
The twins chatted briefly about Kings of Suburbia, noting that it was “the first album we released in a while” and mentioning that they were on a long break. In conjunction with Hitz.fm’s Rocktober campaign, they cited Aerosmith’s “Dude (Looks Like a Lady)” as a favorite rock song, among other offerings from Arctic Monkeys and Shout. As for an artist that they’d love working with, they mentioned Aerosmith as their prime choice! Denise proceeded to play a game with them, called the Hashtag Hitz Game, where she gives them certain situations and they would have to choose hashtags to represent said situations.
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