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Was ist denn das für ein krasses Video?
Deutschlands berühmteste Rock-Zwillinge Bill (20) und Tom Kaulitz (20) sitzen im Fond einer Limousine, lästern so richtig fies und schmerzfrei über eine Band ab. Aber hören Sie mal genau hin. Die beiden meinen nämlich ihre eigene Band „Tokio Hotel“!
Ganz schön heftig, wie sie da über sich selbst herziehen. Aber das Ganze ist natürlich nur ein Witz, wie man spätestens an Bills und Toms Lachanfall zum Ende des Videos merkt.
Ein Freund hat diesen privaten Moment der Jungs während einer Autofahrt mitgefilmt. Dass die Jungs so viel Humor haben, hätte man ihnen wohl nicht zugetraut. Übrigens:
Die neue Tokio-Hotel-Single auf Deutsch und Englisch, „Automatisch / Automatic“, mit dem Bonus-Track „Humanoid“, ist jetzt veröffentlicht.
What is that blatant a video?
Germany's most famous rock twins Bill (20) and Tom Kaulitz (20) sit in the back of a limousine, to blaspheme really nasty and pain from a tape. But listen closely. The two think that is her own band "Tokio Hotel"!
Pretty hard, as they are dragging there about yourself. But the whole thing is obviously just a joke, as we noted at the latest on Bill and Tom's laughter at the end of the video.
A friend filmed this private moment of the guys during a car ride. That the guys have so much humor, had they not thought well. By the way:
Tokio Hotel's new single on German and English, "Auto / Automatic", with the bonus track "Humanoid", is now published.
Разговор Тома и Билла
T. On top of that I saw a picture of them. And there was that singer. The singer...
B: The singer is a complete no-go.
T: SO gay!
B: Like a girl!
T: I mean he had strands in his face with his last hair style. And make up and everything.
B: And then his palm tree hair!
T: He already looked like a girl. Completely like a woman. And now you need
to invent a new word for that, I think.
B: Fag.
T: Fag. Embarrassing. Woman. Something in between. Can’t even define it, anymore. Pathetic.
B: And that weird little nut.
T: Yeah, he's just the greatest! Definitely never fucked anyone! And if he has, maybe one or two 16 year olds. Tops. And he keeps talking about women, about being a womanizer.
B: And the other two, who never get to say anything anyway...
T: Gregor and Günther or something. They look like idiots on that picture.
B: If I'd have had the bottle, I'd have had a few more.
T: Self-overestimating morons.
T: I never liked that girl band. But they get worse every day. They outdo themselves.
B: Ugly.
T: Totally ugly. And they are so overestimated. They can't do a singe thing and got millions for it!
B: They're really filling up their wallets. And they're not doing anything for it! They're just driving around with their big ass cars! Two bg fat red Ferraris.
B: And the other idiot. What's his name? Tom and his fag of a brother. They are so antisocial.
T: And now they have a "cool" new look.
B: Cool. They look even cooler than before. And he just looks like a fag.
T: Damn fag. You really need it...
B: It used to be somewhat okay. Now he just sucks.
T: And in other countries.
B: Yeah. In other countries. You're sooo cool. All "international", just shut the fuck up, already. Suckers.
T: And there you have it, again. Money changes people. The moment you have some cash, you change.
B: And the way they make themselves out!
T: And what tops is that they don't have a stylist. They should get one, stat. The way they're running around, that's just...
B: Embarrassing.
T: Just imagine people waling around like that on the streets.
B: Bill. Now him I'd like to wipe him off the face of the planet, for real!
T: I'd like to spit at him. For his ugly mutt face.
B: Yeah.
T: And with make-up. As a guy. Completely painted over. Ridiculous.
@темы: video, видео, Tom Kaulitz, Том Каулитц, Bill Kaulitz, Билл Каулитц, Tokio Hotel, Токио Отель, Токио Хотель, TH-video, ТХ-видео, СМИ, пресса, press