Wer hasst es so wie ich alles in absoluter Ungewissheit vor der roten Ampel zu stehen? Wie wäre es mit einem Countdown: Кто, так же, как и я, ненавидит стоять в неопределенности перед красным светом? Как насчет обратного отсчета:
JBK: World behind my wall – Tokio Hotel! Nice to see you! Hi… And great that you have time to jaw a bit and don’t flee.. yeah, come closer a bit. Everybody grabs his mic. We wanna try to come about a talk, I guess it won’t be easy, because of the fans. I’ve just said: Germany’s musical export nr. 1! How often were you actually in Germany, when you travel all around the world the whole year?
Bill: Well, I have to say, here and there we come from time to time to Germany and of course we all live in Germany and our families and friends are also here. Actually if we have time in the meanwhile, we’re here. читать дальше
JBK: So you can still enjoy your home country?
Bill: Yeah, totally! Absolutely! For us it’s clear, Germany is the absolute nr. 1 for us, it’s our home in any case.
JBK: I imagine that organizationally it’s very difficult to be underway in the whole world, but although keeping contacts going and living this sense of home. If you’re in North America, in South America, in France, everywhere where Tokio Hotel is present in the vanguard, then concurrently keep this feeling for Germany, is not easy?
Tom: Well, I think it’s not that difficult, to be honest. You have this feeling of being home automatically. It’s not that we have to customize again when we’re in Germany. It’s really that everytime when you’re in Germany, you’re at home. That’s clear, I think, that’s completely automatic, to be honest.
JBK: Yeah.. Could you describe what the year 2009 was like, for you? It went higher and higher, you got international prizes…
Georg: A very stressful year, in any case. Eeeeh… a wicked year, a year full of fun, full of joy.. Bill: In any case, it really happened a lot of things. After every year it was that we thought ‘Okay, what’s next? What are we doing? How does it go on?’ And the new album came out and that it’s so well received and that it goes on so great for us, that isn’t normal in any case. You don’t expect that it will stay like this. This feeling is everytime like… new and a really great feeling.
JBK: But it’s crazy that if you made formerly planning for your tour, you said somewhere between Flensburg and Kempten, and with Cologne and Berlin, and Hamburg and Munich, by this time, you’ll play 2 concerts in Germany and you play international the whole time. That’s just crazy.
Bill: Yeah well, there’s a lot to do, in any case. We totally enjoy it. I mean, we just can do that because we have such great fans here in the beginning. If we wouldn’t have had this support from Germany , then it wouldn’t be possible. It was good, absolutely.
JBK: And is it actually possible to organize also a life beside the band life? Are you able to go through the streets with a hat and a wig and stay incognito? Is this your blessedness?
Georg: Well, I would say, we can do this definitely easier than Bill and Tom, they really get recognized by their tip of the nose.
Tom: I have to say that our personal life organizationally is simply a disaster, to be honest. You just don’t get to anything. You’re just a few days at home and I also let my bags packed.
JBK: That means living out of the suitcase also at home?
Bill: Yeah, totally! We just put down our 10 bags and… (don‘t understand, sorry :/ )
Tom: Well, Bill always forgets to wash them and then it always smells very unpleasant.
JBK: Please no more stories! Tom, when you say ‘You don’t get to anything’, what would you love to accomplish when you’re home?
Tom: Eh, I don’t know, I actually don’t intend to do something special. Actually I just want to relax, watch TV and yeah, to be together with my family and my dogs of course! We’re absolutely dog-fanatic and I enjoy the time with… (?)
JBK: Just to have a relaxed time..?
Bill: Well, actually we have a whole dog-kindergarten at home and 4 dogs, who are jumping all over the place the whole time, and every free time we spend with our dogs.
JBK: Anytime in the life of young men it is, that the dogs get replaced by young women.
Tom: It’s already the case here.
Bill: Well, Georg is the only one of us who is in a relationship and ehm…
Tom: It’s very sad for everyone now, but …
Bill: For Tom it was also really hard…
Tom: Yeah, it was a really hard time, because normally I ever played the first fiddle in Georg’s life before then…
Georg: But you still are very important to me…
JBK: A very very important part… Bill, when I look at you, I think everytime ‘Well, girlfriend, dogs, journeys…’ Maybe once a Pizza Margherita, you’re so thin! (I haven’t found the one-to-one-translation for “Da ist ja gar nichts mehr dran!” :/ )
Bill: Unfortunately I just get water here by you.
JBK: Yeah, here is just water, right! Coki-Brause (Coke-sherbet powder) I’m very happy that you’re here and the whole evening I have been watching at a banner. Could you please make me a favor and write some autographs…? I’m looking the whole evening onto a banner of two girls where is written “Need a TH Autograph as Christmas present for my friend!”. Then I said ‘Okay, there I have to act as an ambassador and have to make it possible.’ Live signed in the TV. Now I act honestly… Here’s the autograph. They have been sitting here since 3,5 hours and have been waiting for it… No no no, without telephone number, just the autograph! That’ll have to do. No, no, NO! I’m very strict such cases! Then I become suddenly very grown up! But really, the whole evening I have been looking on this banner… It was a great pleasure that we have such a great band, who is such an awesome export product and who provides a german business card in the music world and who has stayed still so cool and has such a relaxed performance here. Tokio Hotel – Ladies and Gentlemen!
Первая тема в рождественский сезон - "певец Tokio Hotel" Билл Каулитц: "Я не могу даже отметить наши успехи или насладиться. Потому что я всегда делаю что-то новое", говорит 20-летний певец для "Браво". По-прежнему у него нет любви, потому что из-за напряжения в шоу-бизнесе просто нет времени, чтобы встретить красивых девушек в обычном жизни.