понедельник, 27 августа 2012

Какую песню Tokio Hotel мы должны включить в специальный выпуск к 23-летию близнецов?
Katie Theofilos и Alex Claster - владельцы T-Squad

II. Билл и Алекс в парикмахерской:

локация: Old Glory Barbershop and Tattoo • Venice, 1716 Main St Ste A, Лос-Анджелес, CA 90291
III. Близнецы, Андреас, Алекс и Кэти на вечеринке NativeLA Summer Roof Party & Flea Market (15.07.12):

читать дальше
локация: 8031 Beverly Blvd., LA

Breakfast with Tokio Hotel...the twins 23rd birthday special - you help us pick the songs!
We're doing a special 23 song Breakfast With Tokio Hotel to celebrate the Kaulitz twins 23rd birthday. If there's something in particular you want to hear during the show, drop us a reply in this thread and Scott (your host!) will pick out 23 songs for this Special Edition of Breakfast With Tokio Hotel!
The special will air on Saturday, September 1st at 8am PDT and will be rebroadcast later that night at 11pm PDT.
Breakfast with Tokio Hotel, heard only on Cherrytree Radio at www.cherrytreeradio.com or by clicking the oval Cherrytree Radio icon.
Thanks for listening and thanks for participating!
суббота, 25 августа 2012
пятница, 24 августа 2012