VJ Chino : Oh your video Automatic is currently at #3 here in MYX chart.. Any message for your fans voting for your video?
Bill : That sounds really really great. so we wanna say "Thank You". We're really excited about that and we have to see our fans very soon.. читать дальше
VJ Chino: Who came up with the concept of the video of automatic where you guys have like a big robot?
Bill : We shot the video in South Africa. We had the idea that we wanna have robots because we're not really good actors.
VJ Chino: Alright. So let's backtrack a bit. So, what was the story behind the name "Tokio Hotel"?
Bill : We travel the world and sleep in hotels. We play concerts everywhere so that's why we chose "Hotel".
tom : And "Tokio" just because of the town. We wanted a town that we don't know.
VJ Chino : Did you guys expect to be this big internationally, not just in Germany?
Bill : we never expected that we'll have the chance to get successful in Germany. And then we became successful in some other countries. It was really unexpected.
VJ Chino : Alright, so which bands or artist do you guys look up to? Like your favorite band?
Bill : I think there's not one band because we are all really different when it comes to our music taste. My favorite bands at the moment are the Stereophonics and Kings of Leon.
VJ Chino : And for bill, how does it feel like a lot of people are copying your style?
Bill : It's also kind of a compliment when other people try to copy your style. It has to be good so thank you for that.
VJ Chino : And lastly what's your message for your Filipino fans especially the members of the Tokio Hotel Official Philippine Fan Club?
Bill: We wanna say "Thank You" for your support so far. It's really unexpected that we have fans over there. It's really cool to hear that and we're so grateful. We wanna come out there definitely. Maybe in the beginning of the next year. We'll come out there and have the chance to meet our fans.
Джонни Депп лидировал в голосовании на звание "Самого сексусального мужчины 2009". Но вчера результаты неожиданно изменились. Участники голосования единогласно признали Билла Каулитца - певца Tokio Hotel самым привлекательным мужчиной мира.
Вначале многие считали, что Билл Каулитц - девочка. Огромная грива волос - совсем не обязательно признак мужчины, но отличительная черта солиста. Тем временем, однако, всем стало известно, что он является мужчиной. Девушки и женщины бегают за ним толпами. Это и показывает последний опрос.
Best Of... All right, just so I don’t have to kill myself finding awesome new stuff for you guys: here is a clip that has all the great moments combined! Well, almost all of them... *итак, стало понятно, откуда былм взяты все видео для блога Тома*
Tom: But it never happens to me. [Looks to Bill]. To you?
Bill: I think it can happen to you when you find your real love. So- [Tom: Yeah] I... didn't find my real love so far. So... [Tom: Yeah]-- No.
Tom: No.
Bill: And I'm happy about it. That, that I'm... Never been heartbroken.
Cut to Next Question
Tom: Annzeta... Ann... yeah.
Bill: Annzeta.
Twins: Heh!
Bill: You have an awesome fashion sense. Will you ever start a fashion label to share your style with people?
Tom: I think that question was for Gustav.
Bill: Heh!
Georg: [Laughs]
Tamar: [Laughs]
Gustav: Definitely!
Bill: No, I think, uhm... Yeah! That would be something, uhm, something cool. I think I'm interested in the whole fashion thing and and-- Tom as well! [Points to Tom]
Tom: Yeah.
Bill: You can't see it [motions toward Tom's clothes], but...
Twins: Yeah.
Bill: So, maybe we do something together. Would be cool.
Tom: Would be great.
Bill: Yeah.
Tom: Bill-- (I think Tom was going to say something to him, but the clip ended XDDD)