воскресенье, 22 ноября 2009
Trailer (HD) [136.54MB]
Teaser (HD) [89.09MB]
Making of video [190.73MB]
Teaser (HD) [89.09MB]
Making of video [190.73MB]
суббота, 21 ноября 2009
Best Of...
All right, just so I don’t have to kill myself finding awesome new stuff for you guys: here is a clip that has all the great moments combined! Well, almost all of them...
*итак, стало понятно, откуда былм взяты все видео для блога Тома*
All right, just so I don’t have to kill myself finding awesome new stuff for you guys: here is a clip that has all the great moments combined! Well, almost all of them...
*итак, стало понятно, откуда былм взяты все видео для блога Тома*
Bill: Victoria Rose, Have any of you ever had heart-- have ever been heartbroken? How did you deal with it?
Bill: No.
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"Hello Philippines! We are Tokio Hotel! You are watching the Number 1 Music Channel in the Philippines. M-Y-X. Your Choice, Your Music."
This is the clip of Tokio Hotel's greeting to their fans in the Philippines on Myx. Provided to the Tokio Hotel Official Philippine Fan Club by MCA Music Inc. (Universal Music Philippines). Bill spelled out MYX instead of just saying Myx. Oh well, this is definitely better than nothing, yeah?

пятница, 20 ноября 2009