среда, 08 февраля 2012
Bill: „Hey this is Bill. I just wanna let you know that I´m just coming out of the studio. We were all together ... writing songs and it´s been a really really good night. So I just can´t wait for you guys to hear it. We´re super excited and yeah I just wanted to told you that. Have a great day.”
stay gold
It's madness! - Madness? What sort of madness?
...Bill will show a picture of his brand new tattoo on the BTK App! So exciting!!!
вторник, 07 февраля 2012
"Сложно быть красивее, чем Билл!" (с)Том
Tokio Hotel, Хайди Клум и куклы Барби, как кумиры?
О "ролевых моделях" для молодежи с точки зрения церкви. В качестве кумиров сегодняшней молодежи называют Tokio Hotel и куклу Барби.