воскресенье, 05 февраля 2012

Decided to re-upload this picture. John and Edward loved this picture so much and I know they'll be checking out all our pics when they get up. So I wanted to put this on the front, to let Bill and Tom know that the boys are huge fans of theirs, they were even asking me if I knew their address cuz they wanted to go by and say hi. haha. BTW, I heard that Bill and Tom put their house up for sale, because of some crazy fans finding their address. From what I understand, they moved originally because of similar circumstances...
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World Behind My Wall в Eurochannel Top 10 (февраль)
суббота, 04 февраля 2012
mp3 - 1.8 Mb - http://depositfiles.com/files/856i1wfsx
Bill: Hey you! It’s Tokio Hotel and we are calling you, ‘cause we wanna answer another fan question today. And the first one is, uhm: What’s your favorite song, eh, of the moment? Uhm, that’s a hard question again, but, uhm, I definitely like ‘Bush’ at the moment. Uhm, ‘Sound of Winter’ is a great song. I think they – I think the whole record is – is pretty nice.
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пятница, 03 февраля 2012
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