(1) BTK-app: Билл: Сквозь стекло! ... зацените это фото, которое я нашёл! Его сделали во время нашей поездки в Японию! | Bill: Through the glass! …check out this pic that I found someone took during our trip to Japan! (3) Том: @herstmaedchen Я обязательно сделаю снимок руки Билла! Просто нужно время на выздоровление! Билл: @Vikki Да, я очень скучаю по выступлениям! Не могу дождаться, когда вернусь на сцену…
I'm taking this approach. Momma, please send it to the band's management for me if you will. Once the lawyers get involved they don't stop until anyone with money has been served. I sent this out a few minutes ago:
To the CEO of De-Code LTD,
I am writing to inform you of the potential liability created for your company by the unprofessional remarks made by the Administrator of the BTK Twins app in recent days. The family of the person whose location was publicly exposed in a juvenile post has already reported people coming to their home and making threats. It may surprise you to learn that not all fans of Tokio Hotel are young, inexperienced, and without legal and financial resources. For example, I am over fifty and I have considerable resources and not enough to do with my time. I have to fly to attend a family funeral this week but when I get back I will have my legal team start considering how to move forward against your company if you have not taken remedial actions to protect your company against them. I may offer to pay for the legal fees of the family who have had to endure such fear, pain, and suffering due to the actions of your employee.
The most important thing your company needs to do is to publicly apologize for all of his unprofessionalism by releasing a statement to the worldwide fandom of this band. I won't demand his dismissal, of course, since I ran businesses myself and know that you may just have to announce that he has been replaced as the Administrator of that particular app. I must warn you, however, that the younger fans of this incredibly organized worldwide force will be screaming for his head. Take what actions you need to do to protect yourself. I believe in protecting copyrighted material online. That debate is raging everywhere. If you are smart you will distance yourself from that and focus on the issue that will cost your company dearly if you do not and that can be boiled down to the public statements of a single employee.
You should expect many fans to take to the social media and slam your company without end until you deal with them. They are a tenacious, highly motivated bunch who operate 24 hours/day without ceasing due to the incredibly international makeup of this band's fans. They aren't that popular in the USA but you are finding out that they have fans in jurisdictions that will be difficult for you to take any effective legal measures in to stop them.
Of course, it is in all of our interests to remember that Anonymous took down the website of Universal Music Group this past week over this same issue. UMG has billions of dollars at its disposal to battle denial of service attacks. What's your budget look like? Personally, I hope you won't have to bust it over this issue. That's why I am taking the time to write this message. I prefer conciliation and compromise to expensive, extended legal battles but I have hundreds of thousands of allies and I know I will receive donations to the cause if I have to put the word out through the network. We've done it before for charitable causes and people are a lot more worked up about the insulting tone your very tone deaf employee has made. We care about our sisters and brothers in countries where smart phone ownership is still only for the privileged few. That is what this firestorm is really about. Your employee has started a Class Warfare action against people in countries where Class Warfare are simply not the dirty words they are seen as in the USA. You must take immediate actions to stop it before it will be too late for you.
I hope you do.
Respectfully, Vintage59
I sent a letter to management flaming out this morning over that Admin post and included a screencap.
I have no idea if the REAL twins are seeing anything at all. Lets not assume its Andreas or anyone they know running things, and lets not assume its really them wandering around looking at things. I think they log on twice a day for five minutes and skim and answer whatever their eyes land on.
I need people to screencap every post of rage on the App when they see it and sent it to me so I can collect them and send them up in a pile to make sure they are seen by people who don't bother to look themselves or who are clueless "because it's not their job."
I don't think contacting the record company is going to do anything for anyone. Anyone we contact is just going to shrug and not know what to do about it, or worse will talk to the person and say "whats up? People seem pissed," and completely blow off telling them ANYTHING we are trying to say.
The only person we can find connected to the twins without a shield is Gordon through his youtube account. That's kind of going for the throat though. I'd like to think we don't need to resort to that to make a point.